
发布时间:2020-08-08 来源: 民主生活会 点击:

 去年年末时 At the end of last year, 有毒隆胸假体的新闻充斥了各大版面头条 news of toxic breast implants hit the headlines." 英国女性使用的硅胶隆胸假体 ...Women in Britain with silicone breast implants 来自于一家法国公♥司♥ made by a French company. 风靡世界的假体填充物 Implants used across the world

 各大报纸对此新闻的报道 忽然间被发现存在着破裂的危险 suddenly were found to be at risk of bursting,

 使得女性们 leaving women terrified

 开始担忧其可能造成的伤害 about what this could mean for their bodies. 我名叫吉玛·加勒特 My name is Gemma Garrett,

 PIP 即法国贝丽公♥司♥ 是英国使用 PIP 假体的 and I"m one of nearly 50,000 women in Britain 近五万名女性中的一位 who was given those PIP implants. 他感受到肿块的存在

  He felt along the lumps

 并告知了我关于 PIP 的事情 and then he said to me about PIPs. 这是我第一次听说这些 That was the first time I"d ever heard of them. 在我的假体两次破裂之后 After my own experience of double rupture 并准备再次做手术之前 and going under the knife again..." 这种假体破裂情况真是前所未见 I"ve never seen implants ruptured in this way. 我踏上了找出 I"m on a mission to find out

 PIP 丑闻根源的道路 how the PIP scandal "was allowed to happen..." 我认为整形诊所要回应很多问题

 These clinics have got a lot to answer to. 而且要为此买♥♥单 They should be footing this bill. 拜访深受其害的女性朋友 To meet the women it"s affected the most..." 你在那儿安了两枚定时炸♥弹♥ You have ticking bombs there. 我原本还想坚强点

 一笑置之的 I"ve tried to be so strong and laugh through it, but... 并将假体产业看做一个整体 ...And investigate the implant industry as a whole." 你升到哪个罩杯了 What size do you go to? 我想弄清楚究竟有何潜在风险 I want to get to grips with what the risks really are..." 天呐 Oh, God. 疼痛

 这儿的伤疤痛得钻心 The pain, you know, the scar is really sore. 弄明白为何女性不惜赌上健康

  ..Understand why women gamble their health

 追求丰乳 for a bigger bust..." 是它给了我实现梦想的自信 It"s given me the confidence to actually live my dream. 对我来说隆胸利大于弊 The benefits for me outweigh the risks. 找寻假体丰胸的替代品 "..Explore the alternatives out there..." 30 天就能让胸部变大 Your boobs get bigger after 30 days. 丰胸产品 并为了成百上千女性的利益问一句 "..And ask on behalf of hundreds of thousands of women, 隆胸

 还是隆凶 "are my fake breasts safe?" "隆胸

 还是隆凶" 丰胸手术绝非 "Boob jobs are by no means only reserved 名人或迷人模特们的专属 for celebrities and glamour models.

 手术不是非为了聚光灯下的风采 "You don"t have to be under the spotlight to go for surgery. 去年仅仅在英国 "Last year in the UK alone, 就有两万五千名女性选择了假体隆胸 25,000 women opted for breast implants. 对女性胸部具有迷恋之情的不单只是男人 "It"s not just men who are fixated by women"s breasts. 潮流报道 作为一名时尚记者和前英国小姐 "As a fashion journalist and former Miss Great Britain,

 我深知年轻女性为追求所谓的完美身材 I know all too well the pressures heaped on young women 而承受的压力 "to look a certain way." 我大概是 B 罩杯

  I was about size B,

 大号♥的 B 罩

 小号♥的 C 罩 a large B, small C, 一边乳♥房♥♥比另一边稍大些 and one was bigger than the other. 我对此十分在意 I was just very self-conscious about it. 因此在 26 岁时

 我决定做丰胸手术 "That"s why, at 26, I decided to get implants." 我绝不希望整形痕迹太明显 I definitely didn"t want a plastic look. 最后的效果却太夸张 I ended up with breasts that just looked ridiculous, 因为相对我的身材

 我的胸部太大了 because they were far too big for my small frame at the time. 更糟糕的是

 它们是 PIP 公♥司♥的 And even worse, they were PIPs. 三年过去了

 2011 年 5 月

  "It was three years later, in May 2011,

 我的噩梦由此开始 that my nightmare began. 那时包括我在内的大多数人 "Long before most people, including me,

 都还不了解 PIP 的真面目 had any idea what PIPs were,

 我开始觉得不适 "I started to feel very ill, 一边乳♥房♥♥开始急剧变形 "and one of my breasts began to dramatically change shape. 那时我还不知道我用的是不合格的假体 "I didn"t know it yet, but my implants were faulty." 这就是左边的假体 This was the left one. 就是感觉到有肿块的那一边 This is the one that I had the lump in, 很明显

 这个肿块就是硅胶 and obviously, the lump was just silicone. 它整个都破裂了 So it"s completely ruptured. 我感觉到不适后 "As soon as I felt ill, 便联♥系♥了植入假体的诊所 "I tried contacting the clinic that had put the implants in. 但没有得到回应

 我便对他们不再信任 "But when I didn"t get a response, I lost faith in them, 另找了一位外科医生 "and found a new surgeon." 他也感受到了肿块的存在 He felt along the lumps as well, 并和我说了关于 PIP 的事情 and then he said to me about PIPs. 这是我第一次听说这些 And that"s the first time I"d ever heard of them. 我习惯收藏它们 I like to keep them 因为我想给大家看看这些富有魅力的硅胶 because I like to show people how glamorous it is 公♥司♥

 法国 PIP 是法国一家公♥司♥的名称 "PIP is the name of the French company

 它制♥造♥的隆胸假体 that made the implants put in me

 为我和全球四十万女性所使用 and 400,000 other women around the world. 去年 12 月 "Last December,

 隆胸假体敲响致癌警钟 新闻报导

  "news broke that

 一名植入 PIP 假体的法国女性死于癌症 a Frenchwoman with PIPs had died from cancer. 有毒假体 癌症后证实并非由假体引起 "The cancer was not found to be caused by the implants, 问题假体

 作假药物和没牙的看门狗 但这件事依旧掀起了轩然大♥波♥ "but this story opened a can of worms 恐惧 成为了一条国际性丑闻 "that became an international scandal. 硅胶假体

 大胸也大凶 劣质硅胶引发恐惧 P PIP 私自使用工业硅胶的事实 "It quickly emerged that PIP had been secretly using 很快浮出水面 "industrial-grade silicone. 一位法国毒理学家甚至发现他们的假体中 "A French toxicologist even found their implants 包含了燃料添加剂 "contained fuel additives

 以及医学界所未知的化学成分 and chemicals "unknown in the medical world. 抗♥议♥书 而他们在制♥作♥外层时偷工减料 "And they had been skipping layers when making the shell, 属于吉玛·加勒特的货单 使得假体更易破裂

 就像我的那个一样 "so they were more likely to rupture, just like mine did, 这些化学成分在我的身体里泄露 "leaking all of those chemicals into my body." 不幸的是

 我的体内仍有假体残留 Unfortunately, the rest of this implant is in my body. 这是医生最苦恼的地方 That was the one that the doctor had all of the problems with, 因为他要用镊子取出我体内的硅胶 because he had to tweeze all of the silicone out of my body.

 这让我有些情难自控 So it makes me really emotional,



 然后想想 actually,even just looking at them and thinking

 这玩意儿曾在我身体里 that this was inside me. 谁知道呢

  Who knows?

 我不知道还会有什么长♥期♥的影响 Like,I don"t know what lasting effects it"s going to have. 早上好

 为您报导今早的主要新闻 A very good morning to you, our main story for you this morning, 英国五万名女性使用的硅胶隆胸假体 silicone breast implants used by 50,000 women in the UK 成为健康恐慌的源头

 法国政♥府♥... are at the centre of a health scare. The French government... PIP 董事长约翰-克劳德·马斯 "The boss of PIP, John-Claude Mas, 已被逮捕

 正在候审中 was arrested, and is awaiting trial. 但忽然发现植入体内的假体 "But that was no consolation

 竟是常用于充填床垫的工业材料 for the 50,000 British women like me, 恐怕这消息对同我一样的五万名英国女性 suddenly finding out that we had had the sort of industrial materials

 并不能起到什么安慰作用 normally used to stuff mattresses put into our bodies 而正是一家公♥司♥瞒骗了 by a company that had managed to trick 所有监管机构

 亲手打造了这一切 "every regulating authority along the way." 没错 PIP 405 立方厘米 Oh, yes, PIP. 405 cc. 我的假体已经破裂并已取出 "My implants had already ruptured and been removed. 而其他女性感到不解的是 "But other women were left wondering 是否她们也装有 PIP 假体 "whether they"d been fitted with PIPs too, 这是否意味着她们也要将其取出

 "and if that meant they"d need to come out." 我记得我的朋友联♥系♥了我 I remember having my friend text me 她说"我用了 PIP 的硅胶" and she said, "Oh, I"ve got these PIPs," 我说"我也用了" And I said, "Oh, so have I." 但我接着说"我觉得我们不会有事的" But I said, "You know, I think we"ll be OK, "因为我们用的是大公♥司♥的产品" "Because we"ve gone with big companies." 请勿打扰 闭上眼睛


  Just close your eyes. Relax.

 我们会把对讲机打开 We"ll put the radio on for you. 萨米


  "Sammy, a single mum of two,

 在 2005 年植入了 PIP 假体 had PIP implants in 2005. 核磁共振成像


 闲人勿进 一次近期的检查显示

  "A recent scan has revealed that

 她的假体不完全破裂 she had a partial rupture 硅胶流入体内 which had been leaking silicone into her body

 并聚集在淋巴结处 and collecting in her lymph nodes." 坐下 Sit down, then. 萨米三年前感觉到胸部疼痛和肿块后 "Sammy had already gone back to her clinic three years earlier, 就回过诊所 "after experiencing pain and lumps in her breast. 但被驳回并告知这不过是正常反应 "But she was dismissed and told that was normal. 即使人人都知道 PIP 出现了问题 "And even when it was common knowledge PIPs were faulty, 她也没有得到更多帮助 "she didn"t get much more help."

 我打电♥话♥过去问"发生了什么" I then rang and said, "Look, what"s going on? "我用了 PIP 硅胶" "I have these PIPs." 并花了大概一个月时间得到一个预约 And it took probably a month to get an appointment. 回到诊所时

 见到那位外科医生 And when I went back, I"d seen the surgeon, 他说"你确实需要做乳♥房♥♥提升" and he said, "You do need an uplift." 我说"我不想做提升" And I said, "I don"t want an uplift, you know, "我只想弄清楚这玩意儿到底怎么回事" "I just want to know what"s going on with these." 萨米的假体刚刚过了六年保质期 "As Sammy"s implants were just out of her six-year warranty, 诊所声称他们无能为力 "the clinic said they wouldn"t help. 尽管事实是


  "Despite the fact that, within that period,


  she had already come back to them

 告知他们假体破裂的各种症状 with all of the symptoms of a rupture. 许多诊所都拒绝提供帮助 "Many clinics out there have refused to help. 因此如果女性想要更换她们的假体 "So if women want their implants replaced, 她们需要为此买♥♥单 they will have to pay." 那些诊所选择了相对低廉的假体 They"ve done this, they chose to go cheaper 将这些劣质假体植入我们体内 and have these implants, and they put them in us. 这一错误需要改正 They need to rectify that.

 这很疯狂 You know, it"s insane 竟然为此向我们收取三千英镑 how they"re asking us for, basically, three grand. 还摆出一副善意的姿态

 And that"s a goodwill gesture. 但对我来说这根本不是善意 That"s not a goodwill gesture to me. 三千对我和很多人来说都是一笔大数目 3,000 is a hell of a lot of money to me and to anyone. 一笔不可预计的巨额开支 "A huge unexpected expense. PIP 假体 在威尔士

  "In Wales,

 英国国民保健署正计划 the NHS are willing to remove 帮助有需求的人 and replace PIP implants

 移除 PIP 隆胸假体 where medically necessary. 但英国国民保健署只帮助取出假体 But generally, in the UK, the NHS have offered to remove 而非替换 but not replace

 也就是只做移除手术 - simply called an explant operation. 我见过这位勇敢的女人 I did actually see this brave woman. 因为我曾经在微博疯狂转发 Because I"ve been going twitter mad on

 P 隆胸假体的信息 PIP implants and everything. 所以看到过这张照片

  And I"ve seen this picture. 一看到它

 我就哭了 And it came up. And I literally cried. 她做了移除手术

 而我 And she had an explant, and that, for me, 我敢肯定自己过不了这关 just confirmed that I just couldn"t go through that. 精神上承受不起 Mentally, I think I couldn"t cope with that. 所以基本上 So basically,


 you"ve just been given an option that"s not an option? 我感觉假体在体内不停地泄露 You know, to actually have this now leaking into my body,

 这实在太可怕了 that is what is just really, really scary. 有种生活在噩梦当中的感觉

  I just feel like I"m living a nightmare.

 我真有这感觉 I really do. 萨米接下来要找新外科医生询问建议 Sammy"s next step is to seek advice from a new surgeon, 弄明白移除假体有多紧迫 to work out how urgently her implants need to come out. -很高兴见到你

 -我是奈杰尔 - Hello, nice to meet you. - Hi,I"m Nigel. 奈杰尔


 Nigel, Come and have a seat. -腋窝感到不舒服

 -对 - Now, your armpits. - Yeah. 扫描结果清楚地显示

 你的右边 The scan shows pretty clearly that, on the right side, 腋下淋巴结出现了问题 you"ve got some signal in the nodes in the armpit. -肿得有一颗豆子那么大

 -对 - They"re probably about the size of a pea. - Yeah. 腋下淋巴结的功能就像过滤器 A lymph node"s natural function is to act as a sieve. 它们会过滤并留下所有的垃圾 They pick up all the rubbish and they keep it, 人体再慢慢将其排出体外 and the body then tries to remove it. 你是什么时候听说 PIP 的 When did you hear about PIPs? 使用过他们的假体吗 And have you used them? 我个人从未使用过 PIP 的假体材料 I personally haven"t used any PIPs. 我始终认为一分钱一分货 I"ve always had that feeling, if something is that cheap, 价格低成那样

 质量好不到哪里去 if it"s too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

 其它厂家都没有降价 The other manufacturers didn"t start to drop their prices. 正当企业不可能把价格降到那么低 So, if the bona-fide manufacturers can"t match that price. 所以我认为那并不合理 Then, in my head, that doesn"t quite add up. 由于不清楚这种违法生产的硅胶 In fear of what this criminally-manufactured silicone 对人体的危害性 will do to their bodies,

 全国乃至全世界的女性 women around the country and the world

 都有同样的疑问 are asking the same question. 你说我体内的 PIP 假体材料 How much time would you say that I have to play with now, 还能撑多久 with having these PIPs in?

 我们确实不清楚 We genuinely don"t know.


 我们知道有些硅胶 From your situation,we know you"ve got some silicone


 这说明 in the auxiliary nodes, so therefore, there is some sort of

 其中的部分物质正在流入你的身体 interchange of what"s inside it to your body going on. 很难说出时限是多少 It"s difficult to put timeframes on things. 但我建议将假体 But I wouldn"t want these to be in 在六至八周的时间内移除 for much more than another six to eight weeks or so. 你在那儿安了两枚定时炸♥弹♥ You have ticking bombs there. 我原本还想坚强点

 一笑置之的 I"ve tried to be so strong and laugh through it, but... 不

 我认为 No, no, I think... 接下来要做的

 仍然是一次赌博 What I"m going to do next, it"s just still a gamble. 很危险

 It"s a minefield. 是一件事关金钱和健康的大事 It"s a money issue. It"s a health issue. 或许我还是有了一点做决定的时间 I kind of feel like I"ve been given a little bit of time. 但即使按国民保健署的方案做 But then even if I do have to go the NHS route, 也就是直接移除假体

 不作更换 which they are literally just removing and not replacing,

 我仍会觉得自己 you know,I just feel like I"m just going to be

 被迫做了一个 forced into a decision which I just

 想都不敢想的决定 cannot even bear to think about. 外科诊所成批买♥♥入的 PIP 产品 The clinics were bulk buying these PIPs 成本仅是同类产品的一小部分 at a fraction of the cost of other implants 但他们既不曾过问产品如此低廉的原因 without asking questions about how they could possibly be so cheap, 也没有给患者任何实惠 and without passing on the saving to patients at all. 很多女士花高价买♥♥下这种便宜货 Many of us paid top prices for these bargain implants, 得到保证

 以为这是目前最好的产品 being promised that they were the best available. 像萨米和我这样的女性有千千万万 With so many women in the same position as Sammy and I, 谁应该为这一切担起责任呢 who"s going to take the blame for this being allowed to happen? 早在 2007 年

 就有医疗杂♥志♥ There were warnings about PIP implants in medical journals 对 PIP 的产品提出了质疑 as far back as 2007. 外科诊所当然有不容推卸的责任 Surely the clinics have to take some responsibility. 哈利街 住在哈利街上的基尔万教授 On Harley Street, Professor Kirwan, 劳伦斯· 基尔万先生

 一位整形美容界的领军人物 a leading aesthetic plastic surgeon, 毫不犹豫地站在了外科诊所这边 leaps to the defence of the clinics. 你认为谁该为 PIP 丑闻负责 Who do you feel is responsible for the whole PIP scandal? 要说谁不需负责比较容易 I think it"s easier in some ways to say who"s not responsible. 我得说整形医生没有责任 I like to say that physicians are not responsible, 因为这是正规产品

 而且据我所知 because this is an approved product, and as far as I know, 它们既不违法

 也不违背伦理道德 they haven"t acted illegally or unethically in any way. 那么你是否赞同 Do you not think, though, 当整形医生发现这类假体材料 that alarm bells should have been ringing 比市面上其他产品便宜很多时 when surgeons saw just how cheap these implants were, 应该提出警告 compared to the other ones on the market? 当然不

  Well, clearly not.


 国民保健署也用过 I mean, the NHS was using them. 我们尽可能地 And we do use our best abilities

 对所有的产品进行分♥析♥ to analyse every product that we use 尽量掌握更多的信息 and to understand it as fully as possible. 但这并不意味着我们有义务 But that responsibility doesn"t extend to

 密切关注产品生产过程的每一分钟 a minute examination of the manufacturing process,

 聚乙烯吡酮碘 术前消毒液

 10%外用溶液 不管是阿司匹林

 假体材料 whether it be an aspirin or implants


 or a hip replacement or anything else. 这也正是我们需要监管部门的原因 And that"s why we depend on regulatory bodies. 也就是说只能靠政♥府♥ So we just have to put our faith in the Government?

 是的 Yes. We do. 假胸有毒 女性在网络和街道上集结 Women have rallied together online and in the streets, 今天就拆除"炸♥弹♥" 提出抗♥议♥

 并要求 protesting,demanding someone helps them, 政♥府♥或是诊所帮助她们 be it the clinics or the Government. 我想找出女士们法律上的立足点 I want to find out where these women stand legally. 无辜的 PIP 受害者 移除 更换 要求赔偿 我要与凯文·蒂姆会面 I"m meeting with Kevin Tims, 他与另外四位律师 who, alongside four other solicitors, 代表受害者组成了诉讼小组 is mounting a group litigation on behalf of PIP victims. 谢谢你

 多少钱 Thank you. How much is that?

 这案子牵涉相当大 This is an exceptionally large case. 里程碑式的大事件

 真的 The scale that this has become is monumental, really. 你们控诉的对象有谁 Who are you actually going after? 通常

 我们会以 Normally, what we would do is we would

 劣质产品生产商为对象 pursue the manufacturer of a defective product,


 PIP 破产了 and unfortunately, PIP is insolvent.

 而且对法国以外发生的投诉 And it doesn"t have suitable insurance 没有保险可以赔偿 to cover claims outside of France. 这些产品是欧盟监管部门批准的 These implants were passed by a European regulator 拥有欧洲合格认证标志 and given a CE mark, 英国承认这种认证 a recognised stamp of approval in the UK. 但就在这之后 But it was after that PIP 悄悄地改变了产品的成分 that PIP secretly changed the ingredients. 整形诊所应该负责吗 Are the clinics really to blame? 很明显

 他们信赖这种产品 Obviously, you know, they took on these implants in good faith. 因为它们通过了政♥府♥的检验 They"ve been passed by our Government. 即使诊所没有发现 Even though the clinics didn"t realise

 这种产品内在的缺陷 that there was an inherent defect in the implants, 他们仍算是出♥售♥不合格产品 they still sold a faulty product. 顾客有权要求赔偿 And those consumers are entitled to make a claim. PIP 假体材料受害者 移除 更换 要求赔偿 走完法定程序要花上数个月 The legal process will take months. 与此同时

 这些女性要对健康 In the meantime, these women need to make decisions

 诊所谋财害命 做出决定 about their health. 这位女士的假体破裂了 This is a lady whose implants have ruptured,

 手术刀刚切下去 and as soon as the surgeon cut into her, 马上有液体渗出来 all this stuff came oozing out of it. 不知道是硅胶还是脓汁

 太恶心了 I don"t know what it is - silicone, pus? It"s nasty. 我前来拜访维姬 I"ve come to meet Vicky, 她明天要做假体移除手术 whose implants are being removed tomorrow, 我将在一旁观看 and I"ll be going along to watch. 她以前去过的整形诊所不愿帮她 Her clinic said they couldn"t help her. 但她再也不能忍♥受 But she couldn"t stand

 让 PIP 继续留在体内 to have the PIPs any longer, 所以决定自行替换假体 so is playing for removal and replacement herself. 我很幸运 I was lucky. 取出假体材料后 When my implants came out,

 我的乳腺组织足以维持乳♥房♥♥的形状 there was enough breast tissue left for my breast to be reshaped

 不用换新的假体 without needing new implants. 但并不是所有人都这么走运 But not everyone is in the same situation. 很多人别无选择

 只能换新的假体 And many feel they have no choice but to have replacements put in. 对我而言

 单是移除是不够的 Removal only for me wasn"t an option. 我这么做是因为我胸很平 I had these done because I had nothing. 不是说胸小

 而是什么都没有 I don"t mean small boobs - I mean no boots. 难以想象移除假体后的样子 I couldn"t imagine what I"d be left with. 不仅是因为虚荣而做的对吗

 Just so much more than vanity? 上帝

 看看现在的我 Oh, God, yeah. I mean, you only have to look at me. 不是平胸

 是 B 罩杯 That is not vain, that is a B cup. -手术前是什么尺寸

 -AA -What size were you beforehand? -AA. 我是平胸 I had nothing.

 甚至 AA 号♥胸罩也太大

 平坦一片 Well, I didn"t even fit in a AA bra. It was nothing. 我们走进手术室

  We went in and, yes,

 动手术是我们自己的选择 we chose to have surgery. 但如果假体泄露的话 But if the implants rupture, 泄露出来的也应该是医用硅胶 the stuff that comes out of them is medical-grade silicone. 我们签合同时全然知道有这种风险 And we all signed up knowing that those were the risks. 我们并不盲目

 并不愚蠢 We did not go in blindfolded, we"re not stupid. 到底应该怪谁

 这问题很复杂 Where to lay the blame is a complicated one. 我认为整形诊所要回应很多问题 I think these clinics have got a lot to answer to. 而且要为此买♥♥单 And I think they should be footing this bill. 全部交给国民保健署 I think it"s disgusting

 这种行径是令人反胃的 they expect the NHS to do it. 但政♥府♥应该意识到自己的责任 But the Government need to realise they"re not without blame. 所有人都应得到治疗或赔偿 Everyone should be fixed. 不能撂下她们不管

 这令人作呕 They shouldn"t be left like this, it"s absolutely disgusting. 很缺德

 简直丧尽天良 It"s immoral, desperately immoral.


 不能心存侥幸 Women are worried. It"s not worth the chance. 无论假体完好无损还是正在泄露 Whether mine are perfect or whether they"re done in, 都得取出来 they need to come out. "维克


 我爱你" "You are literally my rock, Vicks, and I love you." 维克(Vicks)为维姬(Vicky)的简称 我有点感动 Oh, I"m feeling a bit emotional! -明天一切都会好转

 -对 - You"re going to get it all sorted tomorrow. - Yeah, yeah. 一切都会变好的 It will be all sorted. 维姬迫切想进行明天的手术 For Vicky, tomorrow"s op cannot come soon enough. 对二次手术的恐惧感最终还是被 The fear of going into surgery again 摆脱劣质硅胶的紧迫感所抵消 is outweighed by the thought of being free of the PIPs at last. 画出来可以更容易找到硅胶囊的位置 It gives me some idea where the capsule might be. 假体破裂后 Her implants rupturing 不明化学物质在身体里释放的情景 and releasing an unidentified material into her body 她想想就害怕 has been a terrifying prospect. 伤疤已愈合得相当不错 The scars have healed reasonably well... 我很为她担心 I"m so nervous for her. 我将要看到维姬经历我所经历过的事 I"m about to see Vicky go through what I did, 我祈求上帝 and I"m hoping to God 不要让她跟我一样发现假体已裂成碎片 that her implants don"t come out in bits like mine. 可以闻到一点肉烧焦的味道 There"s like a smell of burning flesh.

 他们正准备把假体拿出来 They are going to take the implant out now. 我们先把这个假体拿出来 So, we"ll take this implant out first. 可以看到她的胸真的很小很小 You can see now that she"s very, very tiny. 几乎像小男孩 Almost like a boy. 她必须再次植入假体

 必须的 I mean, she has to have implants go back in. She has to. 第一次观摩手术已经使我头晕目眩 As Vicky is taken through to the recovery room, 当维姬被推入恢复室时 reeling from seeing my first surgery, 我迫切地想知道手术怎么样 I"m desperate to find out how it went. 它可能即将破裂 And it probably was just about to rupture. 切口里面并没有硅胶碎片 I don"t think... there was no free gel in there. 我觉得这有个非常非常小的洞 I think it"s a very, very tiny hole,

 但如果我们挤一挤它的话 but if we squeeze them, 你其实可以看到那是个小裂痕

  you can actually see the tiny tear there.

 是的 Yeah. 所以取出得正是时候 So, just in the nick of time?


 我是这么认为的 I think so, yes. I think so. 你见过许多破损严重的劣质假体吗 Have you seen many PIPs that have been ruptured badly? 见过

 我们手术取出来的假体中 Yes, I"ve seen a surprising number

 就见过不少 of the ones we"ve taken out. 我觉得比例相当的高 My impression is that the rate is quite high, PIP 假体应该全都取出

 but for PIP implants, I believe they should be taken out, 因为他们添加了工业硅胶 because they contain industrial-grade silicone, 而我们现在还不清楚工业硅胶 and we just don"t know what the long-term effect

 对人体的长♥期♥影响 of industrial silicone is. 这就是我觉得最可怕的问题 That"s what I find most frightening. 即使政♥府♥现在对我们说 Because while the government is telling women like me 不用恐慌

 他们还在进行检验 there"s nothing to panic about, they"re still doing tests. 但与此同时

 我见过的专家们都说 And in the mean time, the experts that I"ve met are saying 他们无法预料这种硅胶对人体的伤害 they have no idea what this silicone could do to our bodies. 所以我们只能等待

 祈祷一切平安 So we just have to wait and pray we are OK. PIP 劣质假体帮助组织 更让我震惊的是 It"s made me think how shocking it is 为我植入劣质假体的外科医生 that the surgeon who put my PIPs in 从未尝试联♥系♥过我 has not made any effort to contact me. 当我想取出假体时

 曾致电 I called him when I"d had mine taken out

 索取我的手术记录 to get my notes, 但他从未回复过我 but he never got back to me. 我可以直接跟他说两句吗 Would I be able to speak to him? 我想了解他怎样处理目前的状况 I want to find out how he"s dealing with the situation, 当他们对 PIP 丑闻已有所了解之后 now they"re more aware of the PIP scandal. 诊所是怎样反馈病人的 How is the clinic reacting to patients 是否还有未取出劣质假体的病人

 who they think still have the PIPs in their bodies?" 我想知道我可以 Yes, I was just wanting to know 预约个时间见他吗 if I could make an appointment to see him? 有关于 PIP 的更新吗

 因为我的两个假体都破裂了 他是否有提供些什么 Is he giving out any like advice to people

 选择或意见 of what to do or anything? 他不会提供免费替换手术吗 So he"s not going to replace them for free? 谢谢你的帮助

 再见 OK, thanks for your help. Bye. 是医生吗 Was that him? 不是


 抱歉 No. That was the secretary. Sorry... 都不知道我为什么难过 I don"t even know why I"m upset. 不是为自己难过 I"m not upset for me, 我难过的是 I"m just upset that

 她明显以为我的劣质假体还未取出 she obviously thinks I still have PIPs in, 而显然还有很多女性还未取出 and that"s obviously happening to other women out there,

 这太疯狂了 it"s just crazy. 如果我的劣质假体还在 I can"t believe if I still had my PIPs, 他们竟会这般敷衍

 实在难以置信 they would be fobbing me off like this, 给我一个三个月后的预约时间 offering me an appointment in three months" time. 他们一点也不想帮忙 They"re just not that helpful, you know, 没有紧迫感

 没有歉意 no urgency about it, and no apology. 我想这才是我难过生气的原因

 I think that"s why I got so upset there, 我真的无法相信他从未回复我 I just can"t believe that he hasn"t phoned me. 这个外科医生 You know, that"s how much 在手术完成后就这样冷漠你了 the surgeon wants to be involved with you after surgery. 真好啊[反话] So, nice. 哈利街 这些不幸女性从她们诊所 I am shocked at the response

 所得到的回应使我十分震惊 women are getting from their clinics. 我回到哈利街

 去拜访了帮我 I want to go back and visit the surgeon

 取出劣质假体的马提医生 who did take my PIPs out - Mr Matti on Harley Street. 当我发觉有许多女性跟我一样 Now I realise just how many women

 被植入了劣质假体 had faulty implants like mine, 我想了解我手术过程中到底发生了什么 I want to find out exactly what happened during my op. 我是从你这儿头一次听说 PIP 假体的 So the first time I even heard of PIPs was from yourself. 是的 Yes. 这是你第一次取出假体的案例吗 Was that the first case that you"d ever taken out? 的确是

 这是头一次 Yes, indeed. This was the first time, 我对这个假体的质量感到吃惊 and I was amazed how this implant was not as good. 过去三十年中我做过很多此类的手术 I"ve done, over the last 30 years, a lot of this work, 这种假体破裂情况真是前所未见 I"ve never seen such implant ruptured in this way. 我给你看看假体的一些相片 I will show you some of the pictures of the implant. 你可以看到它已经完全破裂了

 and y ou can see it"s totally ruptured, 都成了零碎块 all bits and pieces coming out. 我花了很多时间清理乳♥房♥♥部位 I have to spend a lot of time to clean it, clear out the breast, 确保所有硅胶碎块都被取出来了 make sure every bits and pieces of this must be removed. 当你为我开刀时

 是不是马上就认出 And when you opened me up, did you know as soon as you seen, 那是 PIP 的劣质假体了 did you know straightaway they were PIPs? 是的

 一眼就看出来了 Yes, straightaway I knew. 你最早听说劣质假体是什么时候 When was the first time you actually heard about them? 在 15 年前法国戛纳的一个会议上 I heard about these in a meeting


 -什么 - in Cannes 15 years ago. - What?! 一名外科医生朋友给我看了三个案例 A friend surgeon presented this material where he shows three cases 假体背后的标签有脱落的迹象 where the badge at the back of the implant was not stuck properly. 我当时就想

 我绝不会用这公♥司♥的东西 I felt, "Oh, this company I"m not going to use. 他们的东西不像听上去那么好 "It is not as good as they sound. Full stop." 看到这些破裂硅胶的照片 Looking at images of my ruptures 想到可能留在我体内的碎块

  leaves me terrified to think

 我真的非常害怕 what has been left in my body. 恐慌可能导致英国国民保健署 损失一亿两千万英磅 PIP 丑闻见诸报端后 When the PIP scandal broke, 劣质隆胸假体 有毒化学物质 政♥府♥马上作出声明让大众放心 the Government was quick to reassure the public.


 劣质隆胸假体含有 "接近刑事犯罪"性质的工业化学品 政♥府♥表示目前暂无证据建议 The Government has said there is no evidence to recommend 紧急移除不合格的隆胸假体 the urgent removal of substandard breast implants. 英国政♥府♥医生建议女性接受移除手术 引起法国担忧 即使劣质假体破裂概率 Despite estimates on how likely the implants are to rupture 硅胶假体

 大胸也大凶 从一开始的 5%极速上升到三分之一 rocketing from an initial one in 20 chance to one in three. 整容诊所称十二分之一女性汇报故障 卫生局长下令检讨 三分之一 PIP 植入物可至破裂 我想搞清楚政♥府♥对这事件的态度 I want to get the Government"s take on all this. 为了查明他们是否能更有作为

 I"ve arranged to meet with public health minister Anne Milton

 卫生局 我拜见了公共卫生局长安·米尔顿 to find out if they could have done more. 安

 感谢你今天抽时间见我 Anne, thank you so much for meeting me today.


 吉玛 It"s a pleasure, Gemma. 我带来了我原先的假体 I have my implant here. 我不想令你反感 I don"t want to disgust you, 但这东西的残余物还在我体内 but the remainder of this is inside me. 你认为我们应该多担心 How worried do you think we should be 这东西的长♥期♥副作用 about the lasting effects of this? 我认为残酷的现实是任何东西 I think, you know, the cold reality of life is that anything, 你吃的任何药物

 你植入的任何假体 any medicine you take, any implants you have,

 只能通过已有的证据证明 is only as good as the evidence that is out there. 它们是在受信任的情况下被植入的 At the time they were put in, they were put in in good faith. 当时市场上还没有任何不利证据 There was no evidence out there to suggest otherwise. 证据一出现后 The moment there is evidence, 我们就传达下去了 then we do communicate that. 政♥府♥和诊所比公众 The Government and the clinics

 知道得早很多 knew well before the public. 你觉得我们应更早得知消息吗 Do you think that we should have been told sooner? 我们现在正在检讨 Well, there"s been a review

 监管部门是否尽责 on whether the regulator did enough. 从他们应做的角度来说 It probably did enough in terms 他们算是尽责了 of what it should have done. 问题在于我们是否需要做更多 The question is, do we need to go further? 答案显然是需要 And we clearly do. 部门之间的沟通不够好 Communication hasn"t been good -- 告诉医生

  telling the surgeons,

 告诉英国国民保健署的人员并不足够 telling the NHS people isn"t necessarily enough. 我们需要确保我们跟公众的沟通 We need to make sure that we can communicate better 能更直接透明 directly with...

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