发布时间:2018-06-26 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:
BDO was associated with Money Today FPCIL Awards 2012 as the knowledge partner. Its role was to conduct end-to-end activities starting from defining award eligibility and criteria to reviewing and presenting nomination applications to the jury for selecting the winners.
BDO was appointed for this job for its core competency and experience in award-related events. It used a well-developed CAPA (Contests & Process Assurance) Methodology. CAPA is a unique solution to provide assurance to company managements and other stakeholders on the processes followed for selection of award winners. CAPA involves an integrated review of underlying technology and functional processes for the overall objective of:
Fair Selection Criteria
Fair Selection Validation
Fair Selection Result

Value addition
A candid and fair selection criteria, methodology and result-oriented process
Finance vertical experts defined customised criteria and weights for respective finance verticals, keeping in mind customer satisfaction as the main criteria. Inputs from the jury were also considered for allotting weights to the parameters
Independent data verification via search engines, regulatory sites and annual reports along with the data provided by the nominees
Data analytics for providing explicit insights into nominees’ performance, growth, credibility, etc
Holistic and qualitative assessment along with quantitative assessment to select the final winners by considering their governance, risk management practice, etc.
Customer focus with high weight (30%) to parameters to evaluate customer perception
Involvement of senior officials like the partner and national leader of risk & advisory services to ensure confidentiality
Challenges faced
Defining unique parameters and criteria for different awards categories
Analysing and verifying the data
Holistic and qualitative assessment in order to ensure that the deserving nominees win
相关热词搜索:Fair Evaluation