发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:

摘要:目的 观察比较不同治疗措施对肝胃郁热夹瘀型糖尿病干眼症的临床疗效。方法 将65例肝胃郁热夹瘀型糖尿病干眼症患者随机分为熏蒸组与针刺组各33例。观察2组患者治疗前后眼部症状积分、SIT、BUT、FL、角膜知觉的影响的变化。结果 经过2个疗程治疗后,2组患者各指标较治疗前有显著改善(P<0.05)。熏蒸组总有效率较针刺组无明显差异(P>0.05),2组治疗后在眼部症状积分、SIT、BUT、FL、角膜知觉方面无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论 大全宝光散熏蒸疗效与普通针刺相同,在改善眼部症状积分和泪液分泌试验、泪膜破裂时间及角膜荧光染色、角膜知觉方面2者无明显差异,具有无创、便捷的优点。
中图分类号:R255.4 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-2349(2018)02-0059-04
Clinical Study on Treatment of Diabetes Xerophthalmia Patients with Liver-stomach Hot and
Suffocating Stasis by Daquan Baoguang Powder Fumigation
DONG Hui-jie1, YAN Qing1, TIAN Qiang1, SONG Li1, ZHANG Yuan-chen1, DANG Yu-qi2
(1. Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750001, China;
2. Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Yinchuan City, Yinchuan 750001, China)
【Abstract】Objective: To observe and compare the clinical curative effect of different measures on treatment of diabetes xerophthalmia patients with liver-stomach hot and suffocating stasis by Daquanguangbao Powder fumigation. Methods: 65 patients were randomly divided into a fumigation group (33 cases) and an acupuncture group (32 cases). The changes of ocular symptom scores, SIT, BUT, FL and corneal sensation of the two groups before and after treatment were observed. Results: After two courses of treatment, the indexes in the two groups improved significantly (P<0.05). The total effective rate of the fumigation group was not significantly different from that of the acupuncture group (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in the eye symptom score, SIT, BUT, FL and corneal perception between the two groups after the treatment (P>0.05). Conclusion: The effect of Daquan Baoguang Powder fumigation is the same as that of ordinary acupuncture. There is no significant difference between the two groups in the improvement of eye symptom scores and tear secretion test, tear film rupture time as well as corneal fluorescence staining and corneal sensation, but it has the advantages of non-invasiveness and conveniency.
【Key words】diabetes xerophthalmia, Daquan Baoguang Powder, fumigation, acupuncture
糖尿病干眼癥是糖尿病眼疾常见并发症之一,有研究表明,糖尿病高糖状态可引起瞬目减少、泪膜稳定性下降,另外糖尿病周围神经病变使角膜知觉减退,可引起泪腺分泌减低,进一步加剧了糖尿病干眼症的发生[1]。据不完全统计,我国2型糖尿病合并干眼症的患病率在50 %以上[2]。其主要症状有眼部的干涩感、烧灼感、痒感、异物感、眼红、畏光、视力波动、视物不清等,轻者影响工作和生活,严重者可致眼表尤其是角膜组织干燥和穿孔而影响视力。
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 65例患者来源于2016年9月—2017年9月在宁夏医科大学附属银川市中医医院糖尿病科住院部或门诊就诊的肝胃郁热夹瘀型糖尿病干眼症患者,均符合本研究的纳入标准及排除标准。采用随机数字表法从《医学统计学》(人民卫生出版社出版 孙振球 徐勇勇主编 第四版)附录二随机数字表随机行列开始,选取70个小于70的随机数字,从小到大排序,以前35个较小数为A组,后35个较大数为B组,规定A组为熏蒸组,B组为针刺组。将70个随机数字放入信封,根据患者就诊顺序打开信封,按获得数字随机将患者分为2组。剔除5例后,熏蒸组33例66只眼,针刺组32例64只眼,2组患者性别、年龄、病程、眼部症状积分、泪液分泌实验、泪膜破裂时间、角膜荧光素染色、角膜知觉部分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。见表1。