发布时间:2017-02-09 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:
I've heard the saying, "The best gift parents can ever give to their children is to love each other."
I've had the pleasure of witnessing the truth of this statement for over 40 years. From as far back as I can remember my Mom and Dad were a team. A great partnership. They were more than just a partnership. It was as if they were one person.
Sure, they argued, but there was never any doubt in our minds that any disagreements would be worked through and resolved. Mom and Dad began their married life poor, but they worked hard and, over the years, built a very successful business. They each had their strengths and weak
nesses, but the way they worked together, you never saw the weaknesses, just the strengths.Dad was the outgoing, more public person with whom people met and fell in love with right away. Everyone knew Dad! Then, when they got to meet Mom, they felt the exact same way about her as well. Mom, although not at all shy, was more comfortable being the person behind the scenes. More detail oriented, she ran the books and, according to Dad, was the one who really made the business work.The biggest lesson about love and marriage that my mom and dad taught us kids was how to talk "about" your spouse. Have you ever heard husbands and wives, when speaking to others, make unkind remarks about their spouses? It's one of those things people just seem to do. Sure, they're "only kidding," or maybe they are not. But words matter. And words teach, whether positively or negatively.You would never hear such a thing from my mom and dad. Dad always speaks of Mom in the most complimentary, glowing terms. As does she of him.
This lesson made such an impression on me. I still remember when I was age 12 and we were getting carpet installed in our home. The crew boss was one of those stereotypical beer guzzling, hard-living guys, who would have probably belonged to Ralph Kramden's Raccoon Lodge from the old Honeymooner's TV show. For lunch, my folks bought pizza for the crew. Dad went to talk with the boss about the job. I was around the corner listening.
The boss said, "This is an expensive job. Women will really spend your money,
won't they?" Dad responded, "Well, I'll tell you, when they were right there with you before you had any money, it's a pleasure to do anything for them you possibly can."
This wasn't the answer the carpet installer expected to hear. He was looking for negative banter about wives which, to him, was natural. He tried again: "But, gee, they'll really play off that and spend all they can, won't they?" Dad replied, as I knew he would, "Hey, when they're the reason you're successful, you want them to do the things they enjoy. There's no greater pleasure." Strike two.
The crew boss tried one more time, "And they'll take that as far as they can, huh?" Dad responded, "She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I'd do anything to make her happy."
I was trying not to laugh. I knew he wanted Dad to give in just a little bit and say, "Yeah, I guess that's true." But it wouldn't happen... not in a million years!
Finally, the installer gave up and went back to work, probably shaking his head in bewilderment. Witnessing my dad in that moment taught me more about loving and respecting your wife than anything he could ever have told me about the subject.Mom and Dad are now retired and enjoying their life together, just hanging out, reading, and visiting their children and grandchildren. They recently celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary.
They still hold hands, and they are more in love than ever. Throughout the years, whenever Mom would remind me that I should be looking to get married, I'd say, "Ma, I have plenty of time." She'd jokingly reply that I don't have "that" much time. My Dad would then look at me in that wisdom-filled, city streets bred way of his and say, "Hey, you take all the time you need. If you marry someone just half the woman your mother is, you'll have a great life."
I should only be so lucky.
1. 大学中培养的最重要的是思考力和判断力,你需要做的是踏踏实实学你现在需要学的东西或学校给你的环境,给你的知识,慢慢的接触的人多了,思路开阔了,你就逐渐形成了独立的思考和独立判断的能力,这将让你受益终身。
2. 一定要有独立的人格、独立的思想。一个经过独立思考而坚持错误观点的人比一个不假思索而接受正确观点的人更值得肯定。
3. 视野有多远,世界就有多大。
4. 人一生中可以完成的事情是有限的。只有专注才能让自己变得足够优秀。所以说: “有所不为,才能有所为”。
5. 上帝关上一扇门,一定会打开另一扇窗,每个人都应该去寻找适合自己的东西,做自己喜欢做的事情,做自己擅长做的事情。
6. 选择做自己喜欢做的事情,我们需要从自己真正的心里面去作选择,并不是你认为社会期望你这样做,父母期望你这样做,朋友期望你这样做。只有这样,你才会越工作越开心,在遇到困难遇到挫折的时候,不会被沮丧击败,而全身心的去享受整个过程。
7. 命运是一个人一生所走完的路,是一个人用一辈子所完成的作业。有的人认为,命运是天注定的,是不可改变的。但在我看来,命运不过是人生的方向盘,驶往哪个方向它掌握在每个人自己的手中。
8. 你不必因为外界环境的影响而扭曲本真的自我;你不必操习那些你曾经不屑一顾的所谓技巧来获得他人赏识;你不必让自己的成就与虚与委蛇、见风使舵、患得患失、畏首畏尾相联系;在阳光
南阳市七小 六一班 白子灿
那是去年大年三十的晚上,我们一家三口围坐在电视前期盼着新年的钟声敲响,听着主持人倒数五个数:“5、4、3?? ”我的心里“咚咚”直跳,马上就要进入龙年了,我又长了一岁,你说我能不激动吗?当主持人念到0时,妈妈突然郑重其事地说:“今年我要送你一件特殊的新年礼物!”我先是一愣,紧接着喜出望外,只见妈妈从背后拿出了一件闪闪发光的东西,我定睛一看,原来是一件用水晶做的双龙戏珠。我一把从妈妈的手中夺过这件工艺品,它的样子真是漂亮极了!两只活灵活现的龙盘旋在空中,头顶有一颗大珠子,两只龙正在抢珠子呢,龙做得十分逼真,好像随时都可以腾云驾雾,飞入高空。龙体的下面还有一个水晶台,水晶台的棱角上面还镀了一层金。侧面还有一扇门,我打开一看,呀!里面还可以放东西呢。我左看右摸,真是爱不释手。