发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:

摘要:为了对烟叶烘烤过程中排出的烟气余热进行回收利用,提高热能利用率,实现节能减耗、降低成本,在贵州省开阳县宅吉乡潘桐村烤烟烘烤工场对烤房群中的10座烤房进行改进,增设了余热利用装置设施,并与未安装余热回收装置的烤房进行效果对比测试。结果表明,烤房群余热利用可有效地减少燃料用量,平均1 kg干烟叶耗煤1.09 kg,比对照烤房节约0.305 kg,节煤率为21.86%;平均1 kg干烟叶省电0.165 kW·h,省电率为18.44%,节约率达20.94%;每炕次可节约烘烤成本160元。烤后烟叶均价、等级结构较对照烤房略有提高,此外,该余热回收装置有利于烟叶变黄、干燥、回潮,具有较好的推广应用前景。
中图分类号:S572 文献标识码:A
DOI:10.14088/j.cnki.issn0439-8114.2018.22.026 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):
Abstract: In order to recycle and re-used waste heat during curing stage, which could achieve the purpose of energy-saving and reduce the cost of baking, ten barn building were improved at Pantong village, Zhaiji town, Kaiyang county of Guizhou province. The waste heat recycling installation of flue gas in tobacco bulk barn was designed and a contrast experiment was carried out for the baking tobacco leaves between the improved bulk curing barn and the conventional bulk curing barn. The results showed that, the improved bulk curing barn had obvious coal-saving effects of fuel consumption, its average coal consumption for 1 kg dry tobacco leaves was 1.09 kg, being 0.305 kg and 21.86% less than the conventional bulk curing barn. The improved bulk curing barn also could save the cost by 0.4 CNY each kg dry tobacco leaves, average power saving of 0.165 kW·h, the power saving rate of 18.44%, and its cost-saving rate was 20.94%. In total, it could save the cost of 160 CNY in baking every times. The appearance quality, grade structure and average price of flue-cured tobacco leaves of the improved bulk curing barn were slightly improved than those of control-cured barn. In addition,the waste heat recovery device was conducive to yellowing of tobacco leaves dry, resurgence. This recycling installation has a good promoting efficient.
Key words: tobacco; bulk curing barn; surplus heat sharing; reuse
烘烤調制作为烟叶生产最重要的环节,密集烤房更节能增效的研究已然成为烤烟烘烤设备更新改革的主要方向[1-4]。密集烤房烘烤是在炉膛中加入燃煤燃烧以产生高温烟气,高温烟气通过换热器加热装烟室内空气,促使烟叶发生一系列物理化学变化,最终使烟叶脱水、干燥、变黄,以获得外观及品质理想的干烟叶[5,6]。自密集烤房在中国各大烟区兴起普及以来,中国烟草科研人员围绕密集型烤房进行了大量的试验研究[7-12]。兰树斌等[13]、杨世关等[14]提出以生物质能作为能源对烟叶烘烤进行供热;田效园等[15]、潘建斌等[16]以热泵替代煤炭作为能源烘烤烟叶的研究;此外,还尝试了煤油、柴油、太阳能、天然气、醇类等新型供热物质[17-24];但最终都没得到推广普及,煤炭仍是中国目前烘烤烟叶的主要燃料[25]。据相关统计,每1 kg干烟叶的耗煤量在1.5~2.0 kg,按1.5 kg的单位质量干烟叶耗煤量计算,全国烟叶烘烤的总耗煤量可达337.5万t[26],烟叶烘烤耗能巨大,如何实现密集烘烤过程中节能减排,降低成本,成为亟待解决的问题。常乐等[27]采用重力热管换热器,通过多通道数据采集仪和温度传感器进行测定,在云南省宜良县九乡彝族回族乡进行烟叶烘烤试验,结果发现,煤炭燃烧排入大气的烟气均在70~200 ℃,表明密集烘烤过程中从烟囱中所排出的烟气仍蕴含大量热量未被充分利用,存在严重的能源浪费现象,合理利用这部分余热,将从很大程度上降低烤烟的生产成本。