发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:

摘要 采用田间随机区组试验,研究了有机肥对烤烟生长以及品质的影响,结果表明:生物有机肥和饼肥配合施用对烤烟的生长发育具有一定的促进作用,其烟株有效叶数以及最大叶面积具有一定的优势,烤后烟叶经济性状表现较好,其中单施饼肥烤后烟叶等级结构比例较高。生物有机肥和饼肥施用提高了烟叶总糖和还原糖的含量,同时有助于降低烟叶中氮和烟碱含量。单施生物有机肥或者饼肥对烟叶香气质和香气量的提升效果均较好,其中施用饼肥能够改善上部B1F等级烟叶的感官评吸质量。综合分析,施用有机肥促进了烟叶化学成分的协调,改善了烟叶品质,本研究中所选取的生物有机肥以及饼肥是适宜烤烟生产的优质有机肥料。
关键词 生物有机肥;饼肥;烤烟;生长;品质
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2016)02-0025-02
Abstract The test used single factor randomized block design methods to study the effects of organic fertilizer on the growth and quality of flue-cured tobacco. The results were as follows:the application of cake fertilizer combined with bio-organic fertilizer could promote growth and development of flue-cured tobacco,and the effective leaf number and maximum leaf area of tobacco plant were the best. The economic characteristics of flue-cured tobacco leaves by the application of organic fertilizer were better and the hierarchical structure of flue-cured tobacco leaves by the application of cake fertilizer were higher. The application of cake fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer could increase the content of total sugar and reduce sugar in tobacco leaves and reduce nitrogen and nicotine content in tobacco leaves. The application of cake fertilizer or bio-organic fertilizer could improve the quality and volume of aroma in tobacco leaves. The application of cake fertilizer could improve the sensory quality of B1F tobacco leaves. Applying organic fertilizer promoted the coordination of chemical composition of tobacco leaves and improved the quality of tobacco leaves. The cake fertilizer and bio-organic fertilizer selected in the study was suitable for tobacco production.
Key words bio-organic fertilizer;cake fertilizer;flue-cured tobacco;growth;quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验田位于湖北省恩施市盛家坝乡桅杆堡村,种植烤烟品种为云烟87。试验田地势平整,土壤类型为黄棕壤,土壤基本理化性质如下:碱解氮92.17 mg/kg,速效磷7.85 mg/kg,速效钾164.54 mg/kg,全氮1.78%,有机质20.03 g/kg,pH值5.65~7.54。
1.2 试验设计
选择生物有机肥和饼肥,根据不同肥料用量,共设计3个处理,分别为施饼肥750 kg/hm2(T1),生物有机肥750 kg/hm2(T2),生物有机肥750 kg/hm2+饼肥750 kg/hm2(T3)。3次重复,随机区组设计,每小区种植烤烟80株,行距120 cm,株距55 cm,试验田四周设保护行。按照每个小区的实际面积计算饼肥和生物有机肥用量,以底肥的形式一次性施入土壤,试验田其余化学肥料施用以及田间管理技术措施按照当地烤烟生产技术规范执行。