发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:

摘要:采用裂区试验,比较不同种植密度和有机肥用量对生态烟产量、质量的影响。结果表明,增大行距和有机肥用量能促进叶片的生长及单叶重的提高;在行距100~110 cm、株距50 cm、有机肥用量500~600 kg/667 m2的条件下,生态烟叶片大小、单叶重和外观质量差异均不显著;增大行距与有机肥用量的互作处理(行株距110 cm×50 cm,施有机肥600 kg/667 m2)其烟叶化学成分协调性与评吸质量最差。从产量、化学成分协调性和评吸质量综合考虑,生态烟以行株距100 cm×50 cm、施有机肥500 kg/667 m2较为适宜。
中图分类号:S572.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2017)08-1499-06
Effect of Different Planting Density and Organic Fertilizer Application Amount on Yield and Quality of Ecological Tobacco
GENG Fu-qing1,HE Kai2,LIU Jiu-yu1,LIU Ming-jing2,ZHANG Li-xian3,ZHANG JI-li1,DENG Yong1,LI Zhang-hai4
(1. China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co., Ltd., Nanning 530001, China; 2. Zunyi Branch Company of Guizhou Tobacco Company, Zunyi 563000, Guizhou, China; 3. Hongta Tobacco Group Co., Ltd., Dali 671000, Yunnan, China; 4. Research Centre of Tobacco and Health, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230052, China)
Abstract: The effect of different planting density and organic fertilizer application amount on yield and quality of ecological tobacco was studied using split plot experiment. The results showed that increasing the spacing and organic fertilizer application amount can promote the growth of leaves and increase the weight of single leaf. The difference of leaf size, leaf weight and appearance quality was not significant under the condition of 100~110 cm distance,50 cm spacing and 500~600 kg/667 m2 organic fertilizer application amount. The coordination of chemical composition and smoking quality of increasing spacing and decreasing organic fertilizer application amount treatment combinations (110 cm×50 cm, organic fertilizer application amount 600 kg/667 m2) was the worst. The ecological tobacco planting with 100 cm×50 cm, organic fertilizer application amount 500 kg/667 m2 was appropriate for comprehensive consideration of yield, chemical composition and quality evaluation.
Key words: ecological tobacco; planting density; organic fertilizer application amount; yield; quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验概况
试验于2014年在正安县班竹镇高原村西山梁子生态烟基地实施,当地烟农科技意识强,土壤具有代表性;试验区域地势较平坦,土壤pH 5.09,有机质含量21.61 g/kg,碱解氮110.04 mg/kg,有效磷29.98 mg/kg,速效钾89.58 mg/kg。有机肥(风干样,含水率约10%)的有机质含量508.8 g/kg,全氮13.4 g/kg,全磷20.0 g/kg,全钾24.1 g/kg,pH 8.13,腐殖酸总量21.71%,游离腐殖酸14.89%,水溶性腐殖酸3.82%,速效氮925.3 mg/kg,铵态氮918.2 mg/kg。品种为云烟87;在移栽时和栽后20 d左右,分别用20 g/L有机肥稀释液浇施,每株浇施量0.5 kg。硫酸钾用量15 kg/667 m2,栽后30 d施用。留葉数18~19片。