发布时间:2019-08-21 来源: 美文摘抄 点击:
中图分类号:F326.2 文献标志码:A doi:10.16693/j.cnki.1671-9646(X).2019.01.054
Study on the Present Situation of Edible Areca Industry and Development Strategy in Xiangtan
CHAO Yuzhou1,LIU Yi1,CHEN Jie1,ZHAO Zhiyou1,XIA Yanbin2,LI Yaxiang2
(1. Engineering Technology Research Center of Hu"nan Binzhilang Food Science Limited Company,Engineering Technology Research Center of Hu"nan Areca Processing and Safety,Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance Chairman Unit of Hu"nan Areca Industry,Engineering Technology Research Center of Xiangtan Edible Areca,Xiangtan,Hu"nan 411201,China;
2. College of Food Science and Technology,Hu"nan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hu"nan 410128,China)
Abstract:The article introduced the biological characteristics and physiological activity of areca,expounded the current development situation of Xiangtan areca industry,analysed the problems existing in the development of areca industry in Xiangtan. Eight suggestions were put forward for the development of areca industry in Xiangtan,such as reinforce the basic research,strengthen the technological innovation force, establish and perfect standard of areca product,enforce the propaganda,enhance the management of the raw material base,carry out deep processing research,establish and perfect the market information,and build the brand of the leading enterprise.
Key words:Xiangtan;edible areca;industry;development strategy
0 引言
槟榔是一种典型的热带植物,一般生长于高温高湿的热带雨林中,在低海拔、温差变化不大的地区会生长得更好,槟榔的最适生长温度为25~28 ℃,空气湿度80%,降雨量2 500~2 200 mm[1]。
槟榔有很多生理活性作用。例如,槟榔碱可以麻痹虫体的神经系统,将猪肉绦虫、牛肉绦虫和蠕虫等驱至体外,有驱虫作用;槟榔中的鞣质对细菌、真菌和病毒有一定的抑制作用[2];槟榔碱有拟胆碱作用,兴奋胆碱M受体,使得骨骼肌和神经节兴奋,可以提神[3];槟榔碱对胃肠道动力作用,可以增加肠胃蠕动,促进消化[4-8];槟榔碱和槟榔次碱能阻止γ-氨基丁酸对神经传递的抑制作用,嚼食槟榔能使人身体发热、面部发红,全身出汗,心率与血压升高,产生一定的舒快感[9];槟榔碱能延缓动脉粥样硬化,促进学习记忆[10];食用槟榔能降低小肠胰腺胆固醇酯酶及肝和肠的ACAT酶的活性,有降低胆固醇的作 用[11];槟榔还具有抗氧化、抗老化和抗抑郁的功能[12-14]。
1 湘潭食用槟榔产业发展现状
1.1 湘潭槟榔产业的起源