[零基础英语口语:Against,the,clock] theclock
发布时间:2018-09-30 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
英语口语网权威发布零基础英语口语:Against the clock,更多零基础英语口语:Against the clock相关信息请访问英语口语网。
零基础学英语口语:Against the clock
Angela: "Mom, will you have time to help me with my homework today?"
Andy: "Sorry, I won"t. I"ll be working against the clock to finish my presentation."
安 迪:不好意思,我要赶时间完成我的报告书。
You are working against the clock when you are trying to finish your work within a limited amount of time.
相关热词搜索:零基础英语口语:Against the clock against the clock 零基础学英语口语