
发布时间:2017-01-22 来源: 历史回眸 点击:











本课程学生最终成绩由两部分构成:1)期末学术论文(70%); 2)课堂主题陈述与讨论(30%)

主题一 英国现代思想资源及其对美国文化的辐射作用






4) 《美国自由主义的历史变迁》,钱满素,2008年,三联书店。

5) Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. (Harvard University Press, 1967). ISBN 0-674-44301-2

6) 7) Bannister, Robert C. Social Darwinism: Science and Myth in Anglo-American Social Thought (1989)






3) 《文化外交——一种传播学的解读》,李智著,北京大学出版社,2005年。









1) Roderick Floud ed., The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, vol. 1: Industrialization, 1700-1860; vol. 2: Economic Maturity, 1860-1939; vol. 3: Structural Change and Growth, 1939-2000, Cambridge University Press, 2004-2005;

2) David Cobham, The Making of Monetary Policy in the UK, 1975-2000, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002;

3) Mike Buckle & John Thompson eds., The UK Financial System: Theory and Practice, Manchester University Press, 2004;

4) Douglas Wass, Decline to Fall: the Making of British Macro-Economic Policy and the 1976 IMF Crisis, Oxford University Press, 2008;

5) Mark E. Duckenfield, Business and the Euro: Business Groups and the Politics of EMU in Germany and the United Kingdom, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

6) Marc Flandreau ed., International Financial History in the Twentieth Century: System and Anarchy, Cambridge University Press, 2003

7) Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World, the Penguin Press, 2008

8) Charles P. Kindleberger, A Financial History of Western Europe, George Allan & Unwin, 1984





1) Paul Webb, The Modern British Party System, SAGE Publications, 2000;

2) Eric J. Evans, Political Parties in Britain, 1783-1867, Methuen, 1985;

3) Stephen Ingle, The British Party System: an Introduction, Routledge, 2008;

4) A. M. Gamble, The British Party System and Economic Policy: 1945-1983, Clarendon Press, 1984;

5) K. D. Ewing, The Cost of Democracy: Party Funding in Modern British Politics, Hart Publishing, 2007;

6) David Seawright, The British Conservative Party and One Nation Politics, The Continuum International Publishing Group Inc., 2010;

7) Simon Lee ed., The Conservatives under David Cameron: Built to Last? Palgrave Macmillan, 2009;

8) Noel Thompson, Political Economy and the Labour Party: the Economics of Democratic Socialism, 1884-2005, 2nd edition, Routledge, 2003;

9) Philip Norton, Parliament in British Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005;

10) Moyra Grant, The UK Parliament, Edinburgh University Press, 2009;

11) Stephen Buckley, The Prime Minister and Cabinet, Edinburgh University Press, 2006

12) Mark Garnett and Philip Lynch, Exploring British Politics, Pearson Longman, 2007;

13) Gillian Peele, Governing the UK: British Politics in the 21st Century, 4th Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2004

14) Ian Marsh, Policy Making in a Three Party System: Committees, Coalitions, and Parliament, Methuen, 1986




1) Erik Goldstein, Power and Stability: British Foreign Policy, 1865-1965, Frank Cass, 2003;

2) John Darwin, The Empire Project: the Rise and Fall of the British World System, 1830-1970, Cambridge University Press, 2009;

3) 【美】马士(Hosea Ballou Morse)著,《远东国际关系)史》(上、下册),姚曾广等译,北京:商务印书馆1979年版;

4) Wang Gungwu, Anglo-Chinese Encounters since 1800: War, Trade, Science, and Governance, Cambridge University Press, 2003

5) 【美】费正清等编,【中】陈绛译,《赫德与中国早期现代化:赫德日记:1863-1866》,北京:中国海关出版社2005年版;





1)Douglans Kerr, Julia Kuehn, A Century of Travels in China?: ?Critical Essays on Travel Writing from the 1840s to the 1940s?, Hong Kong University Press, 2007.

2)Hana Grbec, Igor Maver, East Meets West: China Through British Eyes with Justin Hill's Work and Three of His Novels, H. Grbec, 2012.










代用苏格兰语写诗的彭斯,到20世纪20年代发起“苏格兰文艺复兴”的休?麦克迪尔米德(Hugh Macdiarmid),一直到当代女桂冠诗人达菲(Carol Ann Duffy),都可以看到苏格兰诗人的一种文化自觉性,可以感受到苏格兰根深蒂固的民族性。七八十年代以后,随着女权运动、后殖民文化等思潮的发展,苏格兰、爱尔兰等不同地域诗人、女性诗人以及移民诗人大量涌现,他们日渐显在的诗歌话语逐渐融合到了英国的整体文化之中,从边缘走向中心,与英格兰本土诗歌一同构成了当代英国诗歌的整体。在当代英国,达菲与杰基﹒凯(Jackie Kay)、赫伯特(W. N. Herbert)等苏格兰诗人的创作各有风格,但却异曲同工地体现出对苏格兰民族性的传承与发展。

当代苏格兰诗人一方面通过民族性写作,在文化层面推动了苏格兰争取权利下放与苏格兰议会的建立(1997),对当代语境下苏格兰性的塑造起到了推波助澜的作用;另一方面达菲等苏格兰诗人也与北爱尔兰的谢莫斯?希尼(Seamus Heaney)以及威尔士的格雷厄姆?戴维斯(Grahame Davies)等不同民族诗人一道,为当代英国多元文化的发展及“英国性”的重新诠释做出了贡献。


1. Acheson, James and Romana Huk (eds), Contemporary British Poetry: Essays in Theory and Criticism, State University of New York (Albany) Press, 1996.

2. Aydin, Ozlem. Speaking from the Margin: The Voice of the Other in the Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy and Jackie

Kay. Dublin: Academica Press,2010.

3. Dosa, Attila. Beyond Identity: New Horizons in Modern Scottish Poetry.Amsterdam: Rodopi,2009.

4. Kennedy, David, New Relations: The Refashioning of British Poetry, 1980-1994, Seren, 1996.

5. Mackay, P., Edna Longley & Fran Brearton. Modern Irish and Scottish poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.

6. McGuire, Matt & Colin Nicholson. Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature: Contemporary Scottish Poetry. Edinburgh, GBR: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.

7. Robinson, Alan. Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry. London: The Macmillan Press LTD, 1988.

8. Smith, Stan. Poetry and displacement. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007.

9. Wheatley, David, The Cambridge Introduction to Contemporary British Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

10. Whyte, Christopher. Modern Scottish Poetry.Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP,2004.




1) 《简明英国教育史》(英)奥尔德里奇 著,1987年

2) 《英国的高等教育历史?现状》张泰金 著,上海外语教育出版社,1995年

3) 《高等教育理念》罗纳德?巴尼特 著,北京大学出版社,2012年

4) 《英国教育的文化阐释》 易红郡 著,华东师范大学出版社,2009年

5) 《跨国教育的国际比较研究》冯国平 著,上海人民出版社,2010年

6) 一些关于英国跨国高等教育的学术文章及最新数据,以邮件的形式发给学生




英国文化媒体体育部《创意产业经济评估报告》1998. Creative Industries Mapping Document, Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

Cox, Geoff, Joasia Krysa, Anya Lewin, etc, eds. Economising Culture. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 2004.

Dur?o, Fabio Akcelrud ed. Culture Industry Today. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.


《英国社会与文化》Content 目录

I.A General Survey 一、概览

II.The Constitutional Monarchy 二、君主立宪制

III.The Monarchy 三、王室掠影

IV.Historical events 四、历史事件

V.Economics and Education 五.经济与教育

VI.Literature and Arts六、文学艺术

VII.The Mass Media 七、大众传媒

VIII.Famous British Figures八、英国名人

IX.Major Cities九、主要城市

X. London Scenic Sports十、伦敦揽胜

XI.Sports and Entertainment十一、体育与娱乐

XII.People and Society十二、人民与社会

I. A General Survey 概览

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1 .大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国

Britain is not just one country and one people, even if some of its inhabitants think so. Britain is, in fact, a nation which can be divided into several separate parts, each part being an individual country. Thus, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales (and even Cornwall perhaps) do not claim to belong to "England", because their inhabitants are not strictly "English". They are Scottish, Irish, Welsh and many of them prefer to speak their own native tongue which is in turn incomprehensible to the others.

不列颠不只是一个国家或一个民族,即使它的一些居民也这样认为。事实上,不列颠是一个可以划分为几个独立部分的王国,因而苏格兰、北爱尔兰(甚至可能还有康沃尔郡)都不 宣称隶属于―英格兰‖,因为它们的居民在严格意义上讲并不是―英格兰人‖.它们是苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、威尔士人,大多数都喜欢说自己的方言,而这些方言又无法被其他地方的人们所理解。

These cultural minorities have been Britain's original inhabitants. In varying degrees they have managed to preserve their national identity, their particular customs and way of life. This is probably even more true of the remote areas where traditional life has not been so affected by the growth of industrialism as the border areas have been. The Celtic races are said to be more emotional by nature than the English. An Irish temper is legendary. The Scots would rather forget about their reputation for excessive thrift and prefer to be remembered for their ballads and dances, while the Welsh are famous for their singing. The Celtic temperament as a whole produces numerous writers and artists, such as the Irish Bernard Shaw, the Scottish Robert Burns, and the Welsh Dylan Thomas, to mention but a few.


That's why its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 这就是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国全称的来由。

National Anthem


God Save the Queen天佑我王

(I)God save our gracious Queen,

Long live our noble Queen,

God save the Queen:

Send her victorious,

Happy and glorious,

Long to reign over us:

God save the Queen .








(II)0 Lord our God arise,

Scatter her enemies,

And make them fall:

Confound their politics,

Frustrate their knavish tricks,

On thee our hopes we fix:

God save us all .








(II)Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour,

Long may she reign:

May she defend our laws,

And ever give us cause,

To sing with heart and voice:

God save the Queen








The Union Jack英国国旗

Britain's Union Flag records in its name and fusion of three different emblems the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns. The original English flag was white and bore the plain red cross of St. George, the country's patron saint. He was a 3rd century Christian soldier who had preferred death by beheading to denouncing his faith. The red cross recalled his martyrdom by Roman hands at Lydda, in Palestine. When the English Knights joined in the Crusades, they identified themselves by the saint's symbol. On their return, the religious emblem eventually became the national flag.


The choice of St. George as a patron has been linked with the tradition that during the Crusades the saint's apparition rescued the English from the fury of their Moslem foes. His sudden appearance on the battlefield threw the Mohammedans into confusion and fight. Thus the English recognized and acknowledged him as their patron. King Edward Ill adopted his name as a battle cry, and his emblem became the English flag.


St. Andrew was one of the 12 apostles. A simple fisherman, He, too, suffered martyrdom. The story is told that because he had converted a Roman Concul's wife to Christianity, her husband had him flogged and afterwards crucified. The cross used for the execution was shaped like the letter X, which explains how this became the saint's symbol and is still called St. Andrew's cross.

圣.安德鲁是耶稣十二位教徒之一。他是一个普通的渔夫,同样以身殉教。这个故事讲述了这样一个故事:渔夫使一位罗马执政官的妻子改信基督教,她的丈夫对他实施鞭刑并将他钉死在十字架上。用作行刑的十字架的形状像字母―X‖,这就解释了―X‖型十字架如何成为圣人的标志并被称为―圣.安德鲁十字架‖的原因。 His association with Scotland dates back to the tradition that in 368 A.D. a monk transferred some of his relics from Constantiople to Scotland, to be buried there on the east coast, on the very spot where the city and cathedral of St. Andrew's now stand.


The story is further told that when the Picts and Scots were attacked by the Saxons , they called on St. Andrew for help. Looking upward, they noticed a strange formation of clouds. It seemed as if their white vapour had formed itself into the shape of a cross, backed by the blue sky. This appeared to the anxious watchers as an assurance of Victory and a manifestation of the saint. Spurred on, they joined in battle and defeated the foe. After their victory, they adopted St. Andrew's cross as their emblem, with the specific colors of cloud and sky. It was the birth of the Scottish flag.



When James Stuart came from Scotland in 1603 to ascend the English throne as James I, the two kingdoms were united. The immediate problem was which flag to hoist on the king's ships. English sailors resented the Scottish colors and the Scots scorned the cross of St. George. 1603年,詹姆士·斯图亚特从苏格兰来到英格兰继承王位,成为詹姆士一世,适时两个王国合并。迫在眉睫的问题是在国王的船上挂哪一面旗帜。英格兰水手憎恨苏格兰国旗的颜色,苏格兰人则对圣·乔治十字架不屑一顾。

A compromise was the answer and it led to the creation of the first Union Flag. In 1606, a royal decree declared that the ships of the Kingdom of Great Britain "shall bear on their maintops the red cross, commonly called St. George's cross, and the white cross, commonly called St. Andrew's cross". In 1707, after the Act of Union of England and Scotland, Queen Anne sanctioned this combination.


The white border which surrounds St. George' s cross is due not to aesthetic or decorative reasons. It expresses deference to both original flags. Even in their union, they were meant to remain distinct. The rules of heraldry demanded that two colors must never be placed on top of each other, or even touch each other. They must be separated by a strip, no matter how narrow .


Neither the year nor place of St. Patrick's birth is known. It was toward the end of the 4th century somewhere in Britain or Gaul. At 16, pirates captured him and sold him as a slave to Ireland. After serving there for six years, he managed to escape to France. However, a vision, so it is said, made him return to the Ireland to rid it from snakes and convert its pagan people to the Christian faith. In pursuit of his task he miraculously overcame the magic and cunning opposition of the Druids.


Because he died an old man from natural cause, no cross was linked with his name at first. The red saltire on a white ground, which eventually became his emblem, dates only from the 12th century and was adopted from the heraldic device of an Irish family.


When the Parliament of Ireland was joined with that of Great Britain in 1801, what was then recognized as the cross of St. Patrick was duly incorporated in the Union Flag. Thus the Union Flag recollects in its distinctive markings and colors the inspiring story of three great saints and the traditions of three ancient races which, step by step, grew into one United Kingdom. 1801年,爱尔兰议会加入大不列颠议会,被作为圣.帕特立克的十字架理所当然被并入英国国旗。于是,联合王国国旗上的特殊标志和颜色从此讲述着三位圣人激动人心的故事,寓意着三个古老民族一步一步合


James I was the first common ruler of Scotland and England. He signed his name the French way, Jacques, which spelled phonetically in its English pronunciation, was Jack. Colloquially, people nicknamed his new flag the "Union Jack". The term therefore perpetuates the name of a specific king and one of the great moments of British history.

詹姆士一世是苏格兰和英格兰第一位共同的统治者。他签名时采用法语方式―Jacques‖,按英语发音拼写出来便是―Jack‖。因此人们口头上给新国旗取了一个昵称―Union Jack‖。―Union Jack ‖ 与这位特殊国王的大名和英国历史上的一个伟大时刻从此与世长存。

2. The Geography and the Weather2 .地貌与气候


England occupies the largest, southern part of Great Britain with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. It has an area of more than 130,000 square kilometers which takes up nearly 60 % of the whole island. The southwest and west except for the Severn Valley and the Cheshire-Lancashire Plain (round Liverpool) are largely a plateau, with rolling plains, downs and occasional moors. The Pennines, a range of hills running from North Midlands to the Scottish border, are the principal mountain chain. But the highest peak of England, Scafell (978 m), is in the Lake District in northwest England. The east of England is mainly an open cultivated plain, narrowing in North Yorkshire to a passage (Vale of York) between coastal moors and the Pennines, and in Northumberland to a coastal strip.

英格兰面积覆盖英国南部的绝大部分,西部与威尔士接壤,北部与苏格兰搭界,其总面积超过130 000平方公里,几乎占英国领土总面积的60%。英格兰西南部及西部除塞文河谷和柴郡一兰开夏群平原(利物浦周边)外,大部分是高原,有连绵起伏的平原、丘陵,偶尔还有沼泽地。奔宁山脉从中北部内陆地蜿蜒而至苏格兰边境,形成主要的山脉群。但英格兰的最高峰——斯可斐峰(978米),却位于苏格兰西北部的湖区。英格兰东部主要是开阔的种植平原,逐渐变窄后至北约克镇成为了连接海岸沼泽与奔宁山脉的通道(约克谷)在偌森伯兰构成海岸狭窄地带。

Within England the eight administrative regions do not have strong cultural identities of their own. The styles of architecture do not vary, though there are parts of the southwest and north where stone houses were more common until recently than the red brick houses which oredominate in most other regions. There is a clear difference between the northern way of speaking English and the southern way, though each has local variants and each is different from what has been called ' standard English' or ' received pronunciation, which has no regional basis and is spoken by about 3 percent of the people, scattered around the country. 英格兰内部的八个行政区域几乎没有浓郁的本民族文化特征。尽管其他大部分地区以红砖房为主,西南部和北部的部分地区至今仍然是清一色的石头房子,但房屋建筑风格大同小异。北方人讲英语的方式与南方人明显不同,各自带有地方变音,而且不同于所谓的―标准英语 ‖或―标准发音‖。标准英语在英格兰地区缺乏基础,仅约3 %的人会讲,布于全国各地。

Half of England's people live north of a line drawn from the south edge of Birmingham to the Wash. Four-fifths of them are in big towns or their suburbs.


With its lack of heavy industry and its slightly sunnier and milder climate England is more agreeable to some people than the north, though it has less good scenery. In the past fifty years its relative advantages have grown. Being nearer both to London and to the Continent it has had easier connections with the outside world, and nearly all today's visitors from other continents arrive at London airports. The south's economy has adapted itself more easily than




1. 绅士风度 绅士风度是西方国家公众,特别是英国男性公众所崇尚的基本礼仪规范。经要求在公众交往中注意自己的仪容举止,风姿优雅,能给人留下彬彬有礼和富有教养的印象。绅士风度往往可以表现文明社会男士的道德风范,也可以看出一个男士的受教育程度。男士的风度同时也表现在日常生活中对女士的态度上。其基本要素有:礼貌、尊重、尊严、礼仪和骑士精神。英国传统对绅士有以下几点要求1:

①服装穿着上的合适得体:一要符合自己的身份,二要适合所在的场合。 ②性格内向、幽默的社交方式。


④文明用语,礼貌待人,不做任何越礼之事 。文明用语,是绅士风度的一种礼貌表现。“请”、“您”、“谢谢”、“对不起”、“再见”等这些文明用语,它表现一个人的教养和风度。

2. 贵族精神2


①勇敢尚武:贵族的勇武精神对捍卫民族独立,保卫自由的权利等都起着积极的作用,这种风格流传给后世,使整个民族都具有一种勇敢、不畏强暴的特征。 ②光明磊落:不仅体现在贵族处理民众纠纷的问题上,还体现在处理贵族相互矛盾上。决斗在东方人看来是一种野蛮的习俗,既不符合“以和为贵”的原则,又不符合“不择手段”的东方智慧,但在英国人看来,决斗是正大光明、敢作敢为的品质,政界的输赢也力求以一种骑士搬的豁达态度超然处之。


2 《英国绅士风度的形成及其社会影响》 刘译璠 内蒙古电大学刊 No.8,2008 中国论文网



3. 现代英国女性形象3 英国女性多数随和、亲切,信奉简单低调就是美,同时现代英国女性也具有很强的独立性。


3 《现代英国社会中的妇女形象》王萍著 江苏人民出版社2005年1月版

相关热词搜索:英国 文化 历史 英国历史文化简介 英国历史文化遗产

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