发布时间:2017-01-21 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
关键词:中世纪 骑士制度 起源
骑士制度是在西欧封建经济基础上的贵族军事集团内部的相互关系、行为规范、生活习俗、思想观念等方面的综合。[1]骑士制度最先产生于法兰克王国,,而法兰克人是日耳曼人中强大的一支,在法兰克国土上诞生的骑士自然不可避免地带有蛮族风气的遗留。 “日耳曼蛮人骨子里却有一股纯朴的风气和高尚的道德境界:勇敢忠诚、积极进取,这些优秀的道德品质是塑造骑士精英的先天优势。另外, 这个民族的军事组织、社会关系为骑士制度的形成提供了自然的模型, 可以说中世纪西欧的骑士、骑士制度承袭了日耳曼族诸方面的内容。”[2]日耳曼的亲兵制也是中世纪欧洲骑士制度兴起的原因之一,古日耳曼人是天生的马上勇士,他们擅长在马上作战.日耳曼人经常作战,军事首领拥有很多亲兵,结成依从关系。首领供养亲兵,并将掳获的战利品分给他们。日耳曼人原有的亲兵制,也在新的物质条件下有了新的内容。过去,日耳曼部落首领酬赏亲兵的是掠获的战利品。现在国王占有广大地产就以土地赏赐亲兵、部下。亲兵们在分得土地的同时,也得到土地上的劳动者,并沿用现有的土地经营方式。封建制度在这种条件下逐渐发展起来。这为后来的采邑制奠定了一定的基础,也就为骑士制度的兴起奠定了一个经济基础。 在日耳曼的婚姻中,一个日耳曼男子向一个女子订婚,一面盾,一支矛或一把剑,妻子就被娶过来了;妻子也会带来一些盔甲之类送个自己的丈夫。”[2]
骑士大多在马上作战,他们需要有一整套的骑士装备,从头盔、面甲、护腿,到盾牌、短剑、长矛等,马镫——真正的马鞍出现,成为骑士兴起一个重要的条件。马镫把畜力应用在短兵相接之中,让骑兵与马结为一体。马镫为骑兵冲入步兵阵营并与步兵进行近距离拼杀提供了优势条件。牢牢骑在马上的全副武装的骑兵冲入步兵阵营横冲直撞本身,对步兵就会造成极大的威胁。另外,骑兵可居高临下左右进攻,又可快速追击置敌于死地。”[3]配剑和长矛也是骑士必不可少的,骑士军队成为欧洲战场上的主力部队后, 剑与长矛一样成为骑士必备的武器。随之, 一系列改进出现了: 具有前桥和后弓的马鞍进一步增强了骑者的稳定性, 战马的头和四蹄安上了防护装甲。骑手置身于皮制或金属的甲胄之中, 而象征性的轻型长矛逐渐也被更具威力的重型长矛所取代。正如斯塔夫里阿诺斯所说: “马镫使中世纪欧洲穿戴沉重的铠甲的封建骑士得以产生。”[4]技术上的革新增加了重装兵的战斗力和实用性, 但更重要的是, 革新的结果使该社会中的大多数人与此项军人职业无缘, 本来已经高昂的骑兵装备费用持续攀升, 一个垄断军人职业、主导战争艺术的中小贵族阶层——骑士以及与其相适应的制度、观念的出现将不可避免。
On the Development and Decline of Chivalry
Chivalry, also known as Knighthood, can be defined as the general collection of organizations, regulations, morals and norms owned particularly by the knight class in west Europe in the Middle Ages. This system, with its nature of the dictatorship of mid-and-smallish feudal nobles, is based on the vassalage of land, bonded with knight enlistment, directed by Christian thought. Narrowly speaking, it is a kind of military system. Generally speaking, it serves as a system as well as a moral concept. Since Chivalry has a long-lasting impact on the developing history of west Europe, I fancy, it is quite necessary to talk about the development and decline of Chivalry.
The knighthood, originated with the joint efforts of several elements, including ancient history recollections and various social facts at that time. All of these elements together gave birth to military fief which served as the economic isotopic carrier for the endowment of political rights on knight class. Under the spiritual shaping of Christian thought, Chivalry was established firmly. Chivalry, as a military regime built on the fief system, primitively originated in Frankish Kingdom in the 8th century. Then it was passed to the north, to the west of Reich across Flender, Burgundy and so on. It is safe to say that Chivalry is a kind of mechanism on the whole European continent. To be frank, its development can be divided into three stages.
Three stages of development:
The first stage was approximately from the Military Reform of Charles Martel, to the end of 11th century. During this period, Chivalry was still on the primary level. Here follows its several features.
To begin with, knights were professional soldiers and the primitive soldiers were considered as the most faithful and the bravest people. They shouldered the mission of protecting national people. Their major task was to fight in various battles and to serve their suzerains. It was estimated that they were at war for 40—60 days per year. Therefore, its military feature can be plainly seen. Knights were an open class before 11th century. Any person who could afford to buy
weapons and horses and had ever participated officially in the ceremony could deserve the name of a knight. A freeman, who was born in a poor family, could also be named a knight as long as he could behave bravely in a battle. What’s more, every knight had the right to nominate a knight out of a common person. But it is worth nothing along the way that the equipment cost was fairly high. At that time, a very healthy and strong bull cost about 2 sorida, while it would cost 22 times more than that money to equip a knight. Well-equipped weapons and excellent skills, together with the strict measurement of military strength suggest that not everyone could become a knight. Every knight must be outstanding in the Middle Ages. In addition to the conditions above, competitiveness also played a big role during that period. If a knight could beat his rival or an aggressive person, his reputation would be lifted immediately and he would become the respected hero in peoples’ mind.
Secondly, all the knights were feudal lords. However big or small, as a condition, every knight could gain some feuds from his superior. There were some typical words written in the Code of Germanic saying “Feif is the reward of every knight.” As the suzerain of the fief, the knights could enjoy the total income of the land and invest the money for their equipment. In addition, some administrative rights were given together with the fief, such as the rights to tackle civilian lawsuits, part of robberies and homicide cases, the rights to nominate jury members and to investigate some cases.
The last feature should be that knights were experiencing the process of Christianism. Those knights in the Middle Ages were almost brutal and ruthless warriors. They could tease weak people, plunder peasants, rape women or murder innocent people without being seriously punished. What’s worse, all of these behaviors did not violate the Knight Behavior Norms. However, they betrayed the Christian greatly. As Christian became increasingly important in west Europe, the church began to perform some control over those rough knights. In 10th century, the church launched a campaign called the Peace of God where “Brutal knights should deserve spiritual punishment” was declared. Furthermore, the Truce of God prohibited any kind of battle on Sundays or during other divine festivals. Violence was strictly banned in or near churches, otherwise all the violate participants, knights included, would be exiled from Christian church.
The second stage was about from 12th century to the beginning of 13th century. This period was the most successful as it was basically about the Crusades. Some features were quite obvious about this stage.
Firstly, with the combination of religious discipline and military discipline, the knights’ aggressiveness, spirit of adventure and religious fanaticism constituted the highest peak in the evolution of Chivalry until the start of the crusades. Under the appeal of the Pope, the crusades became a fair war and the hatred between knights became serious hatred against pagans. Under the protection of religion, the knights’ bloody and fleshy appetites became legitimate religious fanaticism. They sold all their properties and King Charles even pledged the whole region and country. Along with the crusades, knight groups turned up as the central part of Christian knights. The most popular knight groups were the Teuton Knight Group, the God-temple Knight Group and the Hospital Knight Group. These three groups were basically composed of monks and priests who were directly governed by the Pope. They can be mainly divided into four classes—Knights, Sergeants, Farmers and Chaplains. Every knight group had its own strict regulations. Particularly, they held fast to three beliefs—security and poverty, faithfulness, adherence to the fate. They fought against pagans in the name of God, which embodied an obvious feature of combination of religion and military affairs.
Secondly, the hereditary of knight privilege and the separation between farmers and knights could not be ignored. On the one hand, after 12th century, it had become a descendent privilege. In fact, if an emperor bestowed a peasant with the name “knight”, he would create a family of knights. On the other hand, the gap between peasants and knights became wider and wider. In 1152, a peace decree stipulated that legitimate knights were those whose ancestors were real knights. In 1187, another order clearly prohibited the descendents of peasants from becoming knights. Due to the harsh discrimination, social classes were firmly established.
The third stage was from the end of 13th century to the Religious Reform period. During this period, chivalry began to decline and finally disappeared in the history. This could be proved by the following aspects.
First things first, knights began to transform to be common noblemen. Since the end of
12th century, a well-trained army force became a necessity for the defense of the nation owing to several factors such as the dramatic changes of land system, the inner deterioration of the hereditary fief, the awakening of national awareness, the eager need of war and so on. However, the past Knight System had no certain time and discipline restrictions thus could not be applied to the very situation. Therefore, it must be thrown away. Thereafter, most European countries, Britain, France and Germany in particular, accepted the Scutage System, which separated knights from their basic military discipline. Those knights either chose to become profane noblemen living on their large amount of land or decided to do business and then became the predecessor of the new bourgeoisie.
Another aspect was that knights served only as a symbol of reputation. After 14th century, the ceremony of gaining the fame of “knight” became more and more casual. Particularly in the war between Britain and France, James Ⅰ often named a lot of soldiers “knights” in order to cheer them up to win the war. What’s worse, some wealthy bureaucrats could make money by means of selling the fame and position of knight. It was said that the price of a knight and its unique equipment had become so high that many common noblemen could not afford to keep the fame. To sum up, the knight had already lost its original connotation and become just a symbol of reputation.
In general conclusion, although Chivalry has already died out, its influence still remains long-lasting.
Standing on the point of history, chivalry, as a European mechanism, also made the Middle Ages known as the Knight Times. Knights became the backbone of the whole society, and the knight spirit influenced the culture of the whole times. Furthermore, after the Religious Reform, Chivalry was still the powerful moral concept which dominated people’s mind and spirit. It surely deserves the reputation of “the crown of the whole social system”.
Looking forward to the future, the knight is blessed with many virtues: as warriors, they are loyal; as believers, they are courteous; as men, they are pure; as the aristocracy, they are passionate. So Knights become the embodiment of justice and power, also the symbol of glory and
romance. Chivalry has shaped the Western ethical standard—courtesy, respect for others, modesty and prudence. It has a profound impact on people's attitudes and behavior. Today, Britain still has a title named knight. The Queen has the right to bestow all the outstanding figures who have made significant contributions to the state and society with this honorable title.
Further more, from the spirit of knights, we can acquire much life philosophies. For example, we should learn to maintain humility. However low his identity is, however much you hate him, if he did not commit heinous sins, we must learn to forgive him. Virtues are like precious stones which are always shining and gleaming. We must be honest, cheating will only lead to more deceits, and at last, the liar will pay a high price for his sins. We should not abandon or ignore principles and virtues. Remember them and keep them in your mind, the door to success and happiness will be open to you. I bet that these beliefs can also be applied to our daily life. Particularly, they are quite useful for us to tackle problems arisen from our relationship. Judging from this, we can clearly see that knight spirit and culture is an inexhaustible treasure-trove which deserves our further studying.
乌瑟尔是白银之手的创始人,白银之手骑士团的首领。他有一名王储弟子,阿尔萨斯。 在斯坦索姆前,乌瑟尔拒绝了阿尔萨斯屠城的要求,而阿尔萨斯以王位继承人的名义,宣布乌瑟尔叛国罪,并宣布解散白银之手骑士团。
阿尔萨斯是人类7国中洛丹沦的王储,白银之手骑士团领袖乌瑟尔的弟子,一名圣骑士。 在WAR3中,阿尔萨斯参与了洛丹伦瘟疫事件的调查-----和吉安娜一起。
“只有死亡,才能让你了解人性的真谛!” ——大领主亚历山德罗斯.莫格莱尼手持堕落的灰烬使者喃喃的低语,这或许是他被亲生儿子偷袭至死的最好注解。