发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
摘 要:采用历史与逻辑相统一的视角对竞技本质技艺论的理论体系提出质疑。提出了4个疑点:“游戏”概念的混乱使用;经验归纳的研究方法论割裂了客观事实的整体性和连续性;对竞技本质游戏论的批判未能把握静态和动态两个层面的经验质料;竞技本质技艺论的立论混淆了技艺和游戏在竞技活动中的层次。研究认为:应当剔除竞技本质技艺论的本质属性,以竞技技艺论重新给技艺在竞技活动中定位;研究竞技本质问题还需依托游戏论作为基础,而技艺论则应着重关注竞技活动中的技术现象。
关 键 词:体育哲学;竞技;本质;游戏;技艺
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2018)02-0009-08
The questioning of the theory that the nature of competition is skill and
the establishing of the theory that competition is skill
ZHANG Qi1,XIA Chun2,GONG Zheng-wei1
(1.School of Leisure Sports and Art,Shanghai Sports University,Shanghai 200438,China;
2.School of Physical Education and Sport Training,Shanghai Sports University,Shanghai 200438,China)
Abstract: From the perspective of history and logic unification, the authors questioned the theoretical system of the theory that the nature of competition is skill, and put forward 4 questioning points: the conception of “game” was used chaotically; the research methodology concluded based on experience separated the wholeness and continuity of objective facts; the criticism on the theory that the nature of competition is skill failed to grasp the static and dynamic essence of experience; the establishment of the theory that the nature of competition is skill mixed up the levels of skill and game in competitive activities. The authors drew the following conclusions: the nature attribute of the theory that the nature of competition is skill should be removed, while the orientation of skill in competitive activities should be reestablished based on the theory that competition is skill; studying the issue about the nature of competition still need to be carried out based on the game theory, while the skill theory should focus more on technical phenomena in competitive activities.
Key words: sports philosophy;competition;nature;game;skill