发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
[摘要] 目的 比较剖宫产术后持续硬膜外镇痛对舒芬太尼和吗啡的应用效果。方法 随机选取2014年6月—2017年6月该院收治的120例择期剖宫产患者的临床资料,依据随机数字表法将这些患者分为舒芬太尼组(60例)和吗啡组(60例)两组,给予舒芬太尼组舒芬太尼复合罗哌卡因镇痛,给予吗啡组患者吗啡复合罗哌卡因镇痛,然后对两组患者的VAS评分、术后镇静评分、不良反应发生情况进行统计分析。结果 舒芬太尼组患者术后6、12、24、48 h的VAS评分(2.15±0.81)分、(2.10±0.85)分、(1.45±0.94)分、(1.00±0.73)分均明显比吗啡组(2.45±0.69)分、(2.50±1.05)分、(1.50±1.15)分、(1.25±0.78)分低(P<0.05);舒芬太尼组患者的术后镇静评分0分比例55.0%(33/60)明显比吗啡组80.0%(48/60)低(P<0.05),2分比例15.0%(9/60)明显比吗啡组高(P<0.05);舒芬太尼组患者的术后不良反应发生率0.0%明显比吗啡组30.0%(18/60)低(P<0.05)。结论 剖宫产术后持续硬膜外镇痛对舒芬太尼比吗啡的应用效果好,能够为患者有效镇痛和镇静,且具有较少的术后不良反应。
[关键词] 剖宫产术后;持续硬膜外镇痛;舒芬太尼;吗啡;应用
[中图分类号] R971 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2018)01(c)-0126-03
[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to compare the effect of continuous epidural analgesia on sufentanil and morphine after cesarean section. Methods The clinical data of 120 patients with elective cesarean section admitted from June 2014 to June 2017 in this hospital were random selected. According to the random number table, these patients were divided into sufentanil group (60 cases) and morphine group (60 cases), were given sufentanil combined with ropivacaine analgesia, and given morphine compound ropivacaine analgesia respectively, and then two groups of patients VAS score, postoperative sedation score, adverse reactions were analyzed. Results Postoperative sufentanil group after 6,12,24,48 h the VAS scores were (2.15±0.81)points, (2.10±0.85)points,(1.45±0.94)points,(1.00±0.73)points, were significantly higher than morphine group of (2.45±0.69)points,(2.50±1.05)points,(1.50±1.15)points,(1.25±0.78)points,(P<0.05); sufentanil group of patients with postoperative sedation score of 0 with the proportion of 55.0% (33/60), lower than morphine group 80.0%(48/60) (P<0.05),score of 2 with the proportion of 15.0%(9/60) , higher than morphine group(P<0.05); sufentanil group with the incidence of adverse reactions of 0.0%, significantly lower than morphine group of 30.0%(18/60)(P<0.05). Conclusion Continuous epidural analgesia after cesarean section is better for sufentanil than morphine, and can effectively relieve pain and sedation for patients, and has less postoperative adverse reactions.
[Key words] Cesarean section; Continuous epidural analgesia; Sufentanil; Morphine; Application