水饺Vs牛排:中澳男人大比拼 学包水饺
发布时间:2020-03-10 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
Belinda Tomlins-Liu has been referring to herself as a Jinan local since February 2004.
As a twenty-something Australian newly-wed living in Jinan the question I get asked most often is inevitably, that are the differences between Chinese husbands and Australian husbands?” So, today I’m going to, once and for all, answer the question that seems to be on everybody’s lips.
Firstly, I want to make it clear that I do not have two husbands.I would like to have two husbands, for who wouldn’t want double the birthday gifts, double the pay checks, and double the love.But, unfortunately, current law in both Australia and China prohibits this kind of relationship.I only have one husband and he is Chinese, so I’m going to have to take my mother’s husband (yes that would be my dad) and my sister’s husbands as examples for the comparison.I did ask my husband if I could have an Australian husband for a short period of time for research purposes, but it seems that my husband’s interest in the science of romance is rather narrow.
Let’s begin our analysis with a look at the first difference which, to be fair, is one that we can’t really blame on the men themselves.Australian men are usually raised, or more realistically dragged up in a big rowdy family of four to five kids.Throughout their childhood, they’ve learnt to fight, share, and cop a bit of teasing.If they fail to learn these basic interpersonal skills, they probably won’t make it past their fifth birthdays. Trust me, I’m writing from personal experience here!Chinese men, on the other hand, are inevitably raised in only-child families by an army of doting relatives. They have no siblings to fight or share toys with and no annoying little sisters to tease them incessantly about their face full of acne, miniscule muscles, or out-dated fashion sense.The result of this is that Chinese men inevitably enter the sacred bond of marriage hideously ill-equipped.In fact, it is like sending a soldier armed with only a sling-shot into no-man’s land.Australian men, conversely speaking, are armed with enough weaponry to blow the entire world into the next ice-age.
The next difference I can see is how the men react to requests for help around the house.Now, as a woman who has been raised in a household of seven children I find it laughable that a man would ever expect their wife to single-handedly raise the children, hold down a job, and keep the house at a level of cleanliness that avoids the outbreak of third-world epidemics.I mean, we are good, but even Martha Stewart ended up in prison! So, if an Australian wife asks her husband to help out around the house within five minutes flat he has vacuumed the entire house, washed both cars, cleaned the bathroom, and mowed the lawn.Any innate laziness is always overcome by pure fear which usually comes in the form of a visit from his mother-in-law or a petition for divorce which are the two most favoured ways of dealing with recalcitrant hubbies down under.Asking a Chinese man to do housework is like trying to get a cow to walk backwards along the Great Wall of China.You can try any strategy you like, but all are doomed to failure (Unless you’ve been lucky enough to snag a husband from Shanghai).Over the past three years I have pleaded, begged, cried, whispered softly and seductively into his ear, threatened, reasoned,bribed, and blackmailed not exactly in that order but they have achieved nothing.I can’t even use the old, “I’m inviting my mother around for a little chat”card as she is an eight-hour flight away.
Shopping is another area where Australian and Chinese men differ to bizarre degrees.To require an Australian husband to take you shopping for anything other than power tools, or new cars is to see him flee for cover.An Australian man would rather be caught speeding by an eighteen-year-old female police officer than forced to sulk around the lingerie department or help you choose the most flattering pair of jeans.Chinese husbands, however, will not only personally escort you shopping, but will hold your bags, pay for the purchases and exchange the lacy bra for a smaller size while you’re waiting in the dressing-room.
The final difference I have to mention is the men’s differing attitudes towards the “boys’ night out?In Australia, if a husband wants to spend some alone time with his male friends watching sport or drinking beer, it’s safe to say that he’sl probably bring his better half along anyway.It is a well-known fact that Australian women are usually better at drinking and more rowdy at televised sporting events than their male counterparts. So, to leave them at home is to leave the life of the party at home not a smart move.In China, however, boys?nights out are not a rare event, but a nightly occurrence.Whether their poison is mahjong, cards, or karaoke, wives around China are inevitably woken at two in morning by the return of their baiju-soaked husbands.This probably explains the fact that the gyms around China are filled with young beautiful wives doing yoga at 7:30pm when they should probably be out enjoying married life.
I hope this brief comparison has answered all of your questions.Whatever your taste in men is, just remember to find one that loves you, for in the end it doesn’t really matter whether you marry Crocodile Dundee or Jacky Chan just as long as you are happy.
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