发布时间:2019-08-30 来源: 历史回眸 点击:

Abstract The protection and application of agricultural intellectual property can advance the knowledge-based and knowledge economy development of traditional industries such as Chinese medicines, and promote the geo-authenticity protection of traditional Chinese medicines, the innovation-driven development of agricultural science and technology, the inheritance,development and promotion of agricultural civilization and the build of regional public brands. Scientific and technological innovation is the fundamental driving force of agricultural quality, the important support of green agriculture, the core of improving agricultural competitiveness and an important way to promote agricultural and rural modernization. In this paper,honeysuckle and its medicinal value were introduced, its agricultural intellectual property resources were studied, the main problems existing in the agricultural intellectual property protection and scientific and technological innovation were analyzed, and then the strategies for honeysuchle intellectual property protection and scientific and technological innovation were discussed under the rural revitalization strategy, innovation-driven development strategy and high-quality development of agriculture. Some relevant suggestions were also put forward.
Keywords Geo-authentic crude drug;Honeysuchkle;Agricultural intellectual property;Innovation-driven development strategy;Development strategy of traditional Chinese medicine;Rural revitalization strategy
1 金银花及其药用价值
金银花亦称忍冬(Lonicera japonica Thunb.),为忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)忍冬属(Lonicera)植物,属多年生半常绿缠绕及匍匐茎灌木,分布于我国及朝鲜、日本等。我国金银花种植区域集中在山东、河南、湖南、贵州、陕西、河北、湖北、江西、广东等地,其中山东平邑县、河南封丘县、湖南隆回县、贵州绥阳县为“中国金银花之乡”。