发布时间:2019-08-29 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
[摘要] 药材的生长年限与其质量息息相关,近年来兴起的“草本植物生长轮”被用于判别多年生双子叶草本植物的生长年限。该研究结合常规石蜡切片和徒手切片方法,对芍药Paeonia lactiflora、草芍药P. obovata、川赤芍P. veitchii、美丽芍药P. mairei、窄叶芍药P. anomala、新疆芍药P. sinjiangensis和块根芍药P. anomala var. intermedia 7种植物的根和就地引种栽培芍药的主根进行解剖学研究。结果显示,芍药组7种植物的根在显微结构上存在一定差异,可用于不同种之间的鉴别;芍药组7种植物根的次生木质部中,口径较大的导管和周围的小导管或木纤维聚集呈团块状分布,切向断续排列成与形成层平行的环,均形成清晰的生长轮;吉林四平就地引种栽培的一至四年生的芍药主根中均有生长轮,且与其生长年限一致。该研究报道了芍药组7种植物的生长轮现象,由于野生芍药组植物根中生长轮特点与栽培的芍药类似,因此可为其生长年限提供判别依据,也可为赤芍类药材的质量评价研究奠定基础。
[关键词] 芍药; 生长轮; 赤芍; 年限鉴别
[Abstract] The growth years of medicinal materials are closely related to their quality, and "Herb-chronology" has been used to determine the growth years of perennial dicotyledonous plants in recent years. On the basis of conventional paraffin section and freehand section, the anatomical study on roots of seven Sect. Paeonia species and main roots of cultivated Paeonia lactiflora was conducted in this paper. The results showed that, there existed some differences in microstructure of the seven species such as P. lactiflora, P. obovata, P. veitchii, P. mairei, P. anomala, P. sinjiangensis and P. anomala var. intermedia, and this could be used to distinguish different species. In the roots of seven Sect. Paeonia species, distinct growth rings were formed because that the different diameters or density of xylem vessels in the secondary xylem formed clusters and arranged interrupted rings in tangential direction. There were growth rings in the main roots of P. lactiflora cultivated 1-4 years in Siping, Jilin, which were all consistent with their growth years. Due to the similar growth characteristics between wild Sect. Paeonia species and cultivated P. lactiflora, the growth rings can provide a basis for the age identification and lay the foundation for the quality evaluation of Paeoniae Radix Rubra.
[Key words] Paeonia lactiflora; growth rings; Paeoniae Radix Rubra; age identification
芍药属Paeonia芍药组Sect. Paeonia的植物均为多年生草本,在中国有8种,6变种[16]。芍药组多种植物的根均可药用,其中白芍、赤芍为2味常用中药[17]。白芍为栽培芍药Paeonia lactiflora Pall.的根去皮水煮而成,课题组前期研究发现安徽亳州、浙江磐安、四川中江和山东菏泽四大产地6个栽培品种的芍药根中有清晰可见的生长轮,并可应用于年限鉴别[18]。赤芍为野生的芍药P. lactiflora和川赤芍P. veitchii Lynch的根直接干燥而成,因来自野生资源,其生长年限难以判别。此外,草芍藥P. obovata Maxim.、窄叶芍药P. anomala L.、美丽芍药P. mairei Levl.等芍药组多种植物也常作为赤芍的地方习用品[19]。赤芍类药材均来源于多年生草本的根,其质量优劣与其生长年限密切相关,因此若能准确判断野生芍药组植物的生长年限,将为赤芍类药材的质量评价提供依据。野生的芍药组植物在中国分布广泛,芍药组不同种植物根中是否也存在生长轮?能否为其生长年限的判别提供依据?本文对不同地区芍药组7种植物根的显微结构进行观察,并对吉林省四平市引种栽培的芍药主根进行显微研究,观察其根中生长轮的存在情况,以期为野生芍药的生长年限的判别提供依据。