发布时间:2019-08-29 来源: 历史回眸 点击:

[摘要] 通过走访和实地调查,收集枸杞子在全国的采样信息。以枸杞子药材生产区29个采样点为分析基点,分析枸杞子中总多糖、东莨菪内酯含量,综合气候、地形等相关生态因子,利用GIS技术和最大信息熵模型分析枸杞子适宜性分布。应用SPSS构建枸杞子有效成分与环境因子之间的关系模型,采用ArcGIS 软件空间计算方法进行枸杞子品质区划。研究结果显示影响枸杞子适宜性分布的主要生态因子为土壤pH,土壤亚类,植被类型和8月平均气温等4个生态因子,这与枸杞子喜干燥凉爽气候,较耐寒,耐干旱、耐碱性土壤,适宜于分布在北温带平原的生活习性基本一致。此外,以总多糖、东莨菪内酯成分为指标的枸杞子品质区划结果还提供了枸杞子品质适宜分布区,为开展枸杞子合理引种栽培提供了科学依据。
[关键词] 枸杞子; 生产区划; 最大信息熵模型; 生态因子; 生态适宜性; ArcGIS
[Abstract] The distribution information of Lycii Fructus was collected by interview investigation and field survey, and 46 related environmental factors were collected, some kinds of functional chemical constituents the of Lycii Fructus were analyzed. Integrated climate, topography and other related ecological factors, the habitat suitability study was conducted based on Arc geographic information system(ArcGIS),and maximum entropy model. The AUC of ROC curve was both above 0.95, indicating that the predictive results with the maximum model were highly precise. The results showed that 5 major ecological factors had obvious influence on ecology suitability distributions of Lycii Fructus, including soil pH, soil subclass, vegetation type and in August the average temperature et al. It is suitable for the living habits of the Lycii Fructus, dry, cool weather, more hardy, drought-resistant, alkali soil, which is suitable for distribution in the northern temperate plains. In addition, the ecological suitability regionalization based on the chemical constituents of Lycii Fructus also provides a new suitable distribution area other than the traditional distribution area, which provides a scientific basis for the reasonable introduction of Lycii Fructus.
[Key words] Lycii Fructus; production regionalization; maximum entropy model(MaxEnt model); ecological factors;ecology suitability; ArcGIS
枸杞子Lycii Fructus是一种补益类名贵中药,为茄科植物宁夏枸杞Lycium barbarum L.的干燥成熟果实。其味甘,性平,归肝、肾经,具滋补肝肾,益精明目之功效[1]。其始载于《神农本草经》被列为上品,谓之:“久服坚筋骨,轻身不老,耐寒暑”[2]。主要用于肝肾血虚、腰膝无力、遗精阳痿、头晕目眩、视物不清、口渴欲饮、虚嗽等病症[3]。现代研究表明,枸杞子具有免疫调节、抗氧化、抗衰老、抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗病毒、降血糖、降血脂、降血压等多种药理活性[4-5]。