发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 历史回眸 点击:

摘 要:在钾肥用量不变的前提下,为明确钾肥的最佳基追比例,通过梯度对比试验,比较了钾肥不同基肥与追肥配比对K326烟叶的外观质量、内在化学成分及感官评吸的影响。结果表明:在钾肥的基肥与追肥配比为4︰6时,烤后烟叶的成熟度、颜色、叶片结构、油分及色度均有改善,烟叶的外观质量达到最优;烟叶的总糖和还原糖含量增加,总氮和烟碱含量有所增加但均处于合理范围,同时各项化学成分指标更趋于协调;增加了烟叶的香气质和香气量,减小了刺激性和杂气,改善烟叶吃味。综合考虑钾肥不同基追比对烟叶品质的影响,建议在生产中钾肥的基肥和追肥配比为4︰6,以提高烟叶工业可用性。
中图分类号:S572.062 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-060X(2016)11-0034-03
Abstract:To explore the optimum ratio of basal fertilizer to dressing fertilizer of potassium fertilizer applied on K326, the effect on appearance quality, internal chemical compositions and sensory evaluation of the tobacco were studied through comparative experiments with different ratio of basal fertilizer to dressing fertilizer under the premise of the same amount of potassium fertilizer. The results showed when it was applied with 40% basal fertilizer and 60% dressing fertilizer, the maturity, color, leaf structure, oil content and chromaticity were all improved and the appearance of the tobacco leave had the best performance; with the increased content of total sugar and reducing sugar; in addition, the increased content of total nitrogen and nicotine, the tobacco tended to have more equal distributions of chemical compositions; the improved quantity and quality of the odor with the decreased pungent odor made the sensory evaluation of the tobacco much better. As mentioned above and based on an overall consideration of the effect of tobacco leave comprehensive quality, the application of 40% basal fertilizer together with 70% dressing fertilizer of potassium fertilizer were recommended for K326 flue-cured tobacco, it could improve the availability for commercial value.
Key words: potassium fertilizer; basal fertilizer; dressing fertilizer; K326 flue-cured; tobacco leave quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地点及材料
试验于2013年在易门县龙泉镇梅营村开展,试验地海拔1 567 m,供试土壤pH值为7.29,有机质含量为39.97 g/kg,碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别为171.37、47.18和203.41 mg/kg。供试烤烟品种为K326,由玉溪市烟草公司提供。试验用肥为烟草专用复合肥(12-6-24)、硝铵(N 30 %)、钙镁磷肥(P2O5 16%)、硫酸钾(K2O 50%)。
1.2 试验处理
试验设置5个处理,即:T1(70%钾肥做基施+30%钾肥做追施)、T2(60%钾肥做基施+40%钾肥做追施)、T3(50%钾肥做基施+50%钾肥做追施)、T4(40%钾肥做基施+60%钾肥做追施)、T5(30%钾肥做基施+70%钾肥做追施)。各处理基肥均采用穴施,追肥则于移栽后7、14、28 d按1︰1︰2的比例浇施。每个处理重复3次,小区随机区组排列,小区面积80 m2,行株距1.2 m × 0.5 m。试验过程中除肥料因素外,其他生产管理均按玉溪市优质烟叶栽培技术要求进行,小区烟叶进行挂牌烘烤并单独进行烟叶质量评价。