发布时间:2019-08-24 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
摘 要:为了明确重庆烟区不同鲜烟叶处理技术对烤烟中性香气物质含量的影响,以云烟97为材料,研究了摘除下部烟叶(0、2、3和4片)对烤烟中性香气物质的影响。结果表明,摘除2片能显著提高上部叶的类胡萝卜素降解产物和新植二烯的含量,但也显著降低了中部叶的苯丙氨酸类、类西柏烷降解产物和类胡萝卜素降解产物含量;摘除3片能显著提高中部叶的苯丙氨酸类、类胡萝卜素降解产物和新植二烯含量,同时对上部叶的苯丙氨酸类、棕色化产物类和类西柏烷降解产物含量的提高有显著的促进作用,但也显著降低了中部叶棕色化产物含量;摘除4片显著提高了中部叶棕色化产物和类西柏烷降解产物的含量,但显著降低了上部叶的苯丙氨酸类和类胡萝卜素降解产物含量。致香物质总量显示,不同处理间存在极显著差异,其中,中部叶以摘除3片含量最高,摘除4片次之,对照最低;上部叶含量依次为摘除2片 > 摘除3片 > 对照 > 摘除4片。因此认为,在该生态条件下摘除下部鲜烟叶时以3片为宜。
中图分类号:S572.01 文章编号:1007-5119(2014)04-0016-06 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2014.04.004
Effects of Removing Unusable Fresh Leaves in Field on Neutral Aroma Component Content in Flue-cured Tobacco
JIANG Houlong1, CHEN Zhongyu1, XU Anding1, CHEN Daiming2, SHEN Zheng2, YANG Chao1, Ding Wei1*
(1. Chongqing Tobacco Science Research Institute, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Postdoctoral Research Station of Plant Protection, Chongqing 400715, China; 2. Wulong Tobacco Company of Chongqing, Chongqing 408500, China)
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of the number of unusable fresh leaves removed on neutral aroma composition of flue-cured tobacco. A field experiment with four treatment level (0, 2, 3, and 4 leaves removed) was carried out by using Yunyan 97. The results indicated that the content of carotenoid and neophytadiene in upper leaves significantly increased when two leaves removed, but the content of phenylalanine, vembratriendiol, varotenoid in middle leaves significantly decreased. The content of phenylalanine, carotenoid, neophytadiene in middle leaves, and the content of phenylalanine, maillard reaction products, cembratriendiol in upper leaves significantly increased when 3 leaves removed, but the content of maillard reaction products in middle leaves decreased significantly. The content of maillard reaction products and cembratriendiol in middle leaves significantly increased when 4 leaves removed, but the phenylalanine and carotenoid in upper leaves decreased. The total content of neutral aroma component in flue-cured tobacco was significantly improved due to removal of the fresh leaves. The content in middle leaves from high to low was: 3 leaf removal > 3 leaf removal > 2 leaf removal > no removal. For upper leaves, the order was 2 leaf removal > 3 leaf removal > 0 removal > 4 removal. Therefore, we suggest the 3 leaf removal is the best option.
Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; unusable fresh leaf; neutral aroma component; Chongqing