发布时间:2019-08-22 来源: 历史回眸 点击:

AbstractTo improve the curing quality, the temperature and humidity in different barn space and at different curing time were measured by HE174 automatic temperature and relative humidity recorder in airflow-descending bulk curing barn. The results showed that there were some differences in temperature and relative humidity in the upper, middle and lower layers and the different zones of plane areas during the curing process. The changes in the vertical and horizontal directions were smaller at the early yellowing stage, were larger at the later yellowing stage and leaf-drying stage, and gradually reduced at the stem-drying stage. The difference of temperature and relative humidity in the vertical direction was significantly larger than that in different areas of the horizontal direction. The chemical composition of tobacco leaves was different between different layers after curing. The difference of nitrogen compound content was smaller. The content of total sugar and reducing sugar in the lower layer was slightly higher than that in the upper layer without significant differences. The results could provide the theoretical basis for guiding the reasonable tobacco-loading and optimizing the curing technology for bulk curing barn.
KeywordsBulk curing barn; Temperature; Relative humidity; Distribution
密集烤房是目前我国烤烟主要烘烤设备[1]。烘烤过程中密集烤房提供的热气流与烟叶本身的水分相互作用在烤房内形成一个微环境,为烟叶内部生物化学反应、形成特定的外观及内在品质提供适宜条件。有关烤房内温湿度和气流变化前人做了一定的研究,唐力为[2]报道,烘烤过程中烤房内各区域间同一时间点的温湿度普遍存在差异,主要反映在不同区域中调制的升温稳温方式的差异、排湿速率的差异以及不同烘烤工艺温度段所经历时间长短的差异等方面。王勇军等[3] 研究了变黄阶段、定色阶段、干筋阶段垂直方向风速和水平风速对烘烤的影响。赵华武[4]發现密集烘烤过程中,烟叶叶片水分的散失与烘烤进程关系密切,定色期失水量和失水速度最大。董艳辉[5]研究了密集烘烤过程中烟叶温度与烤房环境因子的关系。包亚峰[6]利用多孔介质得到了烤房部分温度场和速度场分布。烤房内温湿度通过影响烟叶的酶活性,影响烤后烟叶化学成分的协调性,最终会使各区域烟叶的吸食品质有明显差异[7-13]。但对于机械通风密集烤房内温湿度变化动态的量化研究鲜有报道。本文研究了气流下降式密集烤房烘烤过程中不同空间不同时间温湿度分布动态及其对烟叶品质的影响,旨为密集烤房合理装烟及烘烤工艺有效掌控提供理论依据。
供试烤房:气流下降式密集烤房,符合国烟办综[2009]418号文件要求,装烟室8.0 m×2.7 m×3.5 m,烤房风机型号为7号风机,风机中电机功率2.2 kW/h。