发布时间:2019-08-16 来源: 历史回眸 点击:
[摘要] 如今我国正处于医疗事业建设的关键时期,飞速发展的经济和居民日益提高的医疗需求使医院在人事管理上要更能够满足多方面需求,促进医院持续发展。走动式管理的方法可以有效应对医院体制的发展变化,在医疗管理机构、行政部门、临床部门之间起到很好的调和作用,推动医院人事趋于完善。医院中的走动式管理就是指医院管理层人员在面对医疗资源不均衡、分工不明确的情况下,在规定时间内在不同的科室、研究部门和后勤管理部门等进行实地走访、询问、或者亲身经历工作事项,获取第一手的员工资料,与员工进行深入的沟通,增加信息获取的来源和途径,使手中的管理资料更加真实可信。该研究根据走动式管理在医院的具体应用情况和效果,分析走动式管理在医院人事管理中的应用方法和合适时机。
[关键词] 走动式管理;医院;人事管理
[中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)09(b)-0014-03
[Abstract] Nowadays, China is in the critical period of medical construction. The rapid development of the economy and the increasing medical needs of the residents make the hospitals more able to meet the needs of many aspects of personnel management and promote the sustainable development. The walking management method can effectively cope with the development and changes of the hospital system, and plays a good role in reconciling between medical management institutions, administrative departments and clinical departments, and promotes the improvement of hospital personnel. The walking management in the hospital means that the hospital management personnel conduct field visits, inquiries, or in different departments, research departments, and logistics management departments within a specified time in the face of unbalanced medical resources and unclear division of labor. Personally experience work matters, obtain first-hand employee information, conduct in-depth communication with employees, increase the source and access of information, and make the management materials in the hands more authentic. According to the specific application and effect of the walking management in the hospital, the author analyzes the application method and appropriate timing of the walking management in the hospital personnel management.
[Key words] Walking management; Hospital; Personnel management
1 走动式管理的内涵
走动式管理(management by wandering around,MBWA)是人员管理中一种行之有效的方法,高层主管人员通过安排和利用好时间,游走于企业的多个部门,从员工的工作内容入手,亲身经历,找出问题所在,同时发现和解决基层员工面临的难题和困境。这种管理模式最开始是在汤姆·彼得斯与罗伯特·沃德曼所著的《追求卓越》一书中提到,并随后成为人事管理的一种重要方式。一些企事业的管理者能够摒弃落后的管理模式,采用走动式管理,创造出和谐的团队,获得更好的发展。