
发布时间:2018-11-03 来源: 历史回眸 点击:


Yesterday, I spent a great time to hear people say that Santa will give gifts to cute kids, to this point but I spent more than 50 minutes. Do you know why I ask? Because today is the Christmas day.
At 5:30 in the afternoon, I began to get excited, I hope that Santa Claus will give me a gift, it is I am obsessed


with thinking, time flies. 7 points in an instant. Finally figured out, even if Santa doesn"t give me a gift, I must try my luck, can not fly. ".
Nine in the evening, my eyes began to fight, good sleepy, or sleep, no, my no chimney, so it can sleep. What if Santa Claus comes in? A little doubt gradually become a big question mark? How to do? Suddenly, smell a smell, then I fell asleep, woke up on the second day, I quickly wear good clothes and started looking for a gift in the room, my eyes appeared big box - to open? What if it was a bomb? In case of distress, how to do? Or do not go to see?
Finally could not resist the temptation to open the black box, wow, did not hold back a moment, exclaimed aloud, there are 1 Christmas, so handsome. Brain rapid operation. Must be the father and mother sent.
Mom and Dad brought you up, send gifts to you, whether you should repay it, anyway, my love is.


相关热词搜索:关于圣诞节的英语作文-圣诞礼物 圣诞节礼物作文 圣诞节礼物的英语文章

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