
发布时间:2020-10-04 来源: 讲话发言 点击:

 我再问你一遍 I"ll ask you again. 2018 年 2 月 14 日星期三你在哪里 Where were you on Wednesday, February 14th, 2018? 你已经把我关在这里四个多小时了 You"ve kept me here for over four hours. 我觉得够了 I think it"s enough. 请放我出去

 我今天才到这里 Please get me out, I just got here today. 你让我告诉你一年前发生的事 If you expect me to tell you what happened a year ago, 我怎么会记得呢 how can I remember ? 回答问题

 塔什 Just answer the question, Tashi. 还是同样的问题吗 The same question? -我需要看着摄像头吗

 -对 - Do I have to look at the camera? - Yes, please. 2018 年 2 月 14 日

 我在大学里 On February 14th, 2018, I was in college. 那天是圣马丁大学的校庆日 It was St. Martin"s Founder"s Day, 阿什夫·什卡在表演节目 Asif Shaikh was performing. 大家都在 And everyone was there. 那其他乐队成员呢 And the rest of the band members? 乐队成员怎么了 What about the band members? 他们当时在做什么 What were they doing? 大学生在演唱会上还能做什么 What do college kids do at concerts? 大家都很嗨 Everyone was lost. 塔什

 我希望你明白 Tashi, I hope you realize that 你们都已超过 18 岁了

 you"re all over 18. 从法律上来说

 你们已不再是孩子 No longer "kids" in the eyes of the law. 你说最后一次看到 Vj 和她在一起是什么时候 When did you say you last saw VJ and her together? 你能把摄像头关了吗 Can you turn off the camera? 对不起

 不行 Sorry man, can"t. 听着


 这很简单 Look, dude, it"s pretty simple. 我们的兄弟是个正派的人 Our bro"s a decent guy, 那个婊♥子♥是个荡♥妇♥ and that bitch is a whore. 这是女性反性侵运动被最大限度地滥用 This is MeToo being misused, to its full power. 罪

 恶 2017 年



 你怎么样 KP, my man! What"s up? -你好吗


 你怎么样 - How are you? - Good. man, how is it going? 兄弟

 我知道会议的事了 Bro, I knew the meeting. -兄弟


 -谢谢你 - Bro, thank you so much for this.

 - Thank you, sir. 听她唱 Listen to her. -我们不可能成功

 -他一定可以 - Our man can never pull this off. - Of course he can. 你知道这没那么难

 对吗 You know it"s not that difficult, right? 他不可能唱得像弗雷迪·默丘里一样好 He can"t sing like Freddy Mercury. 什么弗雷迪·默丘里 What Freddy Mercury? 每个人都能成为他们想成为的人 Anyone can be anything they want. -就像《变形记》里那样

 -啥 - Like in Metamorphosis. - What?

 卡夫卡写的 By Kafka. 谁干了谁 Who fucked who? 把烟递给我 Pass me the doob... 听着 Ok, listen. 这歌♥是你作词

 作曲的 It"s your composition. Your lyrics. 这次你为什么不亲自唱呢 Why don"t you sing it this time? 如果你有种

 就当面去跟 Vj 说 If you"ve the balls, then say it to VJ"s face? Vj 的马屁精 VJ"s sycophant. 别跟他胡闹了 Stop screwing with him. 我知道 Vj 把你俩吓坏了 I know VJ scares the shit out of you two. 你喜欢讨好他


 KP And you love sucking up to him, right, KP? 你还像高中时那样 Are you still in high school? 离"超越"音乐节投稿截止日期还剩十天 Ten days left for Transcend Fest submission. -没错

 -我们连初稿都没有 - Exactly. - We still don"t have a scratch.. 记在我的账上 Put it on my tab. 我就说说 Just saying. 南琪


 我的烟 Nanki. Smoke. My smoke! 我们有即兴表演吗 Are we having a jam session? -塔什你知道你是什么吗

 -什么 - Do you know what you are, Tashi? - What? 你是 Vj 的蛋蛋 You"re VJ"s balls. 左边那个

 The left one. 如果我是 Vj 的蛋蛋

 你就是我的屁♥眼♥ If I am VJ"s balls, then you"re my asshole... 混♥蛋♥

 你胡说 Asshole. What shit. -南琪


 -糟透了 - Nanki. What"s up? - Suck 怎么了

 我听说你不再参加学生会会议了 what happened?I heard you stopped attending union meetings. 我太忙了

 贾 Been busy, Jha. 南琪

 我们想为学生会的简报 Actually, Nanki, we need an interview 做一个采访

 你可以帮我们吗 for the student union"s newsletter. Is it possible to help us? 每日一词 MUNTAZIR

 正在等待的人 我会跟 Vj 说的 I"ll speak to VJ. 不

 不是 Vj No, not VJ. 我们想写一篇关于词曲作者杜比杜·克鲁的文章 There is an article on the songwriter of Doobydo Crew. 我们的明星记者安♥拉♥贝在此 You see, our star reporter, Arnab here. -他已准备要写篇精彩报道

 -说得太过了 - He is all set to write a fantastic report. - That is too much. 不错的尝试

 但是我不会答应的 Nice try, but that"s not going to happen. Vj



 放我下来 VJ... VJ, stop it! Put me down! Vj


 别这样 VJ, put me down! Stop it! 你知道你的问题什么

 你太墨迹了 You know what your problem is-- you"re too slow. 福柯的权力理论 Foucault"s theory of power 请问你在做什么

 维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯先生 What may I ask are you doing, Mr. Vijay Pratap Singh? 对不起

 老师 Sorry, sir. 南琪·杜塔


 Nanki Dutta, the future Rhodes scholar 未来的罗德奖学金获得者 from our prestigious institution.. 被发现在走廊里处于极度痛苦的状态 was found in a state of utter distress in the corridor. 为了学校的利益

 我不得不♥穿♥上斗篷 I simply had to don my cape for the greater good of the college 拯救我们无价的宝藏

 杜塔小姐 and save our invaluable asset, Ms. Dutta. 那杜塔女士在遭遇什么痛苦呢 And what distress could Ms. Dutta possibly be in 在圣马丁的神圣大厅里 within these hallowed halls of 在我们的注视下 St. Martins and under our watchful eye? 我把她从烦人的辩论社的 So, you see, I scooped her away from the evil clutches 邪恶魔爪中救了出来 of the diabolical debating society. 先生


 你不知道 Sir, trust me you"ve no idea 被高校知识分子骚扰有多痛苦 how traumatising it is to be harassed by college intellectuals. 我举手

 我也是 Hands up. Me too. 好了


 安静 All right, settle down, settle down. 我们回到刚刚的话题 So, let"s get back to what we were talking about. 福柯的权力理论 Foucauldian theory of power in the... 看到了吗

 连你当地的监护人都觉得不安全 See? Even your local guardian don"t think it"s safe. 别再偷偷溜出去了 No more sneaking out. 你可真是我的英雄 Wow, my hero. 新的纹身吗 New tattoo? -我看看

 -别闹 - Show. - Stop it.



 他正看着呢 - Just show it. - Stop it, he"s looking. 我以为你没那么喜欢我 And I thought you were not that into me. 我确实没有 I am not. 好吧 Yeah. 那这个 V 是什么意思 What could the V possibly be for? 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙 Virginia Woolf. 以及其他政♥治♥理论 ...and other political theory. 杜塔小姐 Miss Dutta. 我刚刚讲的是什么 What was the last thing I said? 罗伊医生

 我们刚在学福柯的权利理论 Dr. Roy, we were studying the Foucauldian theory of... power. 要不你坐到第一排来吧 Why don"t you come and sit down over here at the first row? 来 Come. 坐

 坐在前排 Sit. Right here in front. 继续

 福柯的权力理论 So, the Foucauldian theory of power in 女性主义文学的背景 the context of feminist literature.. 伙计

 老实说 Man, I"ll be honest with you. Vj 从来不必很努力 VJ, never had to really try hard. 这说不通啊

 不是吗 It does not make sense, right? 学校里最酷的女孩已经是他的女朋友了 The coolest girl in college was already his girlfriend. 而且她也特别爱他 And she definitely had the feels for him. 那她呢

 And her...? 她对 Vj 有感觉吗 Did she have these "feels" for him? 她就不同了 It was different with her. 她是个放荡的女孩 She"s a fuck girl. "熄灭吧


 瞬间的烛火 "Out, out, brief candle! 莎士比亚 《麦克白》经典台词 人生只不过是行走着的影子 Life"s but a walking shadow, 一个在舞台上笨手笨脚的可怜人

 登场片刻 a poor player, that struts and frets its hour upon the stage... 评委们 Judges... 便在无声无息中悄然退去” and then is heard no more..." -不适用

 -"这是一个愚人所讲的故事 - Not applicable. "It is a tale told by an idiot, 充满着喧哗和骚动 "filled with sound and fury, -却毫无意义"

 -这些人怎么今天表演 - "signifying nothing." - Why are these guys performing today? 你好

 朋友 Hello, friends. -你好



 你怎么样 - Oh, hi. - DRAM SOC, hi, what"s up? 请让开

 非常感谢 Fuck off, please. Thank you very much. 等等

 等等 Wait wait! "熄灭吧


 瞬间的烛火 "Out, out, brief candle." 人生只不过是行走着的影子 "Life"s but a walking shadow. "一个在舞台上笨手笨脚的可怜人

 登场片刻 "A poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage... -我叫你滚开

 -便在无声无息中悄然退去 - I said fuck off. - "and then is heard no more signifying nothing." 莎士比亚先生


 And with that, Mr. Shakespeare, Tanu Kumar signing off. VJ Vj! VJ Vj 很遗憾

 我不能加入你的乐队 Unfortunately, I cannot join your band. 我已经加入了科尔比的乐队 I"ve joined Kerbie"s band. 我要登台演出了 And I am going on performing on stage. 你真的很喜欢表演

 是吗 You really love to perform, don"t you? 来吧

 给我表演一下你会什么 Come on, show me what you got. 别跟个混♥蛋♥一样

 随她去吧 Don"t be an asshole. Let it go. 我现在是不是该送你去丹巴德 Should I escort you to Dhanbad now? 应该吗 Should I? "我们来看个经典的故事 "Let us see all this is golden tale 从前有位年轻的姑娘 One stay was just young female 肌肤柔软又光滑 Soft skin as a silk clothes 但她总是很饥渴 But her vagina always a hungry a lot 狭窄紧致 Small, fit... 又幽深" so long." 兄弟

 她疯了吗 Bro, has she lost her mind. "她可以全力以赴地做 "She coud do fulling strong. 她在一边悲伤的哭泣 She woud mourn and then she cryied 因为没人能让她满意 Cause no one was satisfy

 然后有人说让我试试 then someone said let me try 她永远湿润永不干枯 always wet she never dry. 猛然一下填补她空虚 Give her vagina a sudden push. 连绵不绝

 高♥潮♥迭起 Give her to roll push 时光飞逝

 一切结束 Movement fast then it off. 你是我见过最好的 You are the best I see by far 然后她说 and then she said, 给我吧 "let me enjoy, 给我吧 let me enjoy, 我现在就想要 I"m now think this. 给我吧 let me enjoy, 别停

 继续 Don"t stop, keep going, 给我吧 let me enjoy." 我们能排练了吗 Can we practice? 你明白女孩和"女伴"的区别吧 A girl and a "girl", you understand the difference, right? 她就像

 这个 So she was a bit like... that. 就是这样 Yeah. 像哪样 Like what? 随便的女孩 An easy rider. 她的头发看起来像 She was looking like Storm X 战警里的暴风女

 from the X-Men. 2018 年情人节 我是说并不是全白 I mean it"s not exactly white. 还有一点灰 It"s a bit grey. 而你就像个完全的混♥蛋♥ And you"re exactly an asshole. 你们觉得"Sargoshiyaan"这个词怎么样 What do you think of the word "Sargoshiyaan" ? 但这个怎么符合歌♥曲的节奏 But how will this fit in the meter of the song? 什么鬼

 你都没听 What the fuck! You don"t even listen. -你怎么样


 -我的教授耍了我 - How are you, bro? - The professor screwed me. -给我支烟

 -你在干嘛 - Give me a smoke. - What are you doing? 新发型很漂亮 Nice change. 她长什么样 What about her look? 我们要祝他们好运吗 Should we say best of luck to them? -嘿


 -嘿 - Hey bro. - Yes. 你好

 Vj Hey, vj! 什么时候 When is it? -情人节快乐


 兄弟 - Happy V Day.

 - What"s up, bro. 我今天也会上场表演 Even I"m performing today as well. 开放式演出 Opening act. 你最好看我表演 You better watch me! 我今天要飒遍全场 I"m gonna slay today. 她要飒遍全场


 She"s gonna "slay" bro. 当然

 我们会看的 Of course, we"re going to watch. Vj

 你听着 VJ, listen up. 如果你愿意

 你可以现在来后台找我 If you want ,you can even come to the backstage right now. 有意思


 走吧 Interesting, but we"ve band practice. So let"s go. 你觉得我看起来很傻吗 Do I look stupid to you? 我在做室外演出 I"m doing the opening act. 你们排练个什么劲的呢 What are you even practicing for? -蠢


 -你觉得她看起来蠢吗 - Stupid, she knows it. - Does she look stupid to you? 闭嘴 Shut up! Vj

 阿什夫·什卡正在找厉害的作词人 VJ, Asif Shaikh is looking for a kickass lyricist. 这里没人比你写歌♥写得更好的了 And no one writes better songs than you in DU. 你想让我引荐你吗

 我可以帮你 Do you want me to introduce you? I can do that. 我是歌♥曲作者 I am the songwriter. 没错 Hi! That"s right. 我以为他让你在乐队是因为你是他女朋友 I thought he took you on board because you"re his girlfriend. 是吗

 我的天 That was, oh my God! 这我可接受不了 I wouldn"t have taken that. 南琪

 我不能接受 Nanki, I wouldn"t have taken that. 我开玩笑的 I"m joking. 哥们



 兄弟 Bro... sorry. Bye, bro.



 什么也不了解 Listen, she"s new here. She doesn"t know a thing. 没有你就没有整个乐队 There"s no band without you. 你知道的

 对吗 You know that, right? 别在意 Leave it. 情人节快乐

 圣马丁大学 Happy Valentine St. Martin. 当晚 大家好吗 How"s everybody doing? 在音乐会的晚上 On the night of the concert, 阿西夫·什卡唱着他惯唱的 90 年代热歌♥ Asif Shaikh was singing his usual 90s hit songs. 阿西夫·什卡

 真♥他♥妈♥的 Asif Shaikh, what the fuck! 有打火机吗 Got a lighter? 本是冬天 Winter had set in, 但因为情人节这里气温飙升 but the temperature was soaring due to Valentine"s Day. 这音乐糟透了

 不是吗 The music is fuck all,isn"t. 还给你 Here you go. 等一下


 塔什 Wait... wait a minute. Please tell me clearly, Tashi. 你当晚和 Vj 在一起吗 Were you with VJ that night or not? 我们和塔伦

 拉吉在一起 We were rolling joints, with Tarun and Raj, 他们是 Vj 寄宿学校的朋友 VJ"s boarding school buddies. 他们经常来我们大学吸毒 They would often come to our college to smoke up. 塔努中了头彩

 因为她抿了一口 Vj 的啤酒 Tanu had hit the jackpot because she took a sip from VJ"s beer.


 不要 Don"t. Don"t. 她整晚都在和他调情 She kept coming on to him the entire night. -Vj-南琪 - Vj. - Nanki. Vj 今天是情人节 VJ, it"s V day. Vj 来呀 VJ. Come. 我唯一记得的是

 他们吸完毒后 All I remember from this point, after smoking the joint, 他们四个从旅馆的后门 is four of them sneaked into VJ"s room 溜进了 Vj 的房♥间 through the hostel"s back gate. 一起来呀

 Vj Come along, VJ. 然后呢 And then? 什么 Then what? 之后发生了什么 What happened then? 然后我就晕过去了 Then I passed out. 但你会那这些信息怎么办 But what will you do with all this information? 用作案件证据 File a case. 告诉我

 你什么时候再次听到塔努的消息 So tell me, when did you hear of Tanu again? 那晚之后

 塔努就彻底消失了 After that night, Tanu disappeared completely. 消逝得无影无踪 Fully off the radar situation. 传言说她退学了 Rumor was that she"d flunked, 这一点很明显 which was pretty obvious. 因为在圣马丁大学


 Because in Martins, one can only survive on merit bases. 这里不是配额制 That"s not quotas system here. 然后有一天

 又莫名借着反性侵运动 And then one fine day, out of nowhere, during the MeToo ruckus... 太好了

 这就是我要找的 Perfect. This is what I am looking for. -挺好的吧


 兄弟 - Looks good. - Looks good, man. -你认为这会起作用吗

 -会有点用吧 - Do you think this will work? - A little bit. 你不会相信这次是谁出局了 You won"t believe who"s out this time. 别绕关子了

 直接说 Stop building suspense and just tell me who it is this time? 沙姆谢尔·汗 Shamsher Khan. -那个演员吗

 -没错 - The actor? - Yeah. 搞什么鬼 What the fuck. 你知道在某种意义上 You know in some sense 帕迪是第一个参与反性侵的印度人 Draupadi was the first Indian badass who MeToo"d.. 而且坚持正义 and actually insisted on justice. 什么

 那西塔呢 What? What about Sita then? 拉万礼貌地问了 Ravan asked politely. 他并没有强迫她 He didn"t force himself on her. 所以

 你觉得绑♥架♥并不可怕 So you"re saying abduction is not creepy. 这可是战争罪 It was a war crime. 对

 那时候可还没有日内瓦公约 Yeah, right. There was no Geneva Convention back then. 时间到


 把嘴闭上 Time out drink out and shut up



 一个选角导演出局了 My God, a casting director is out, I can"t believe it guys. 我不知道

 也不关心 Don"t know, don"t care. 这些宝莱坞的家伙可倒霉了 These Bollywood guys are screwed. 彻底玩完了 Fucking screwed. 宝莱坞的家伙永远不会倒霉 Bollywood guys are never screwed. 全都是暗地里策划的妥协 It"s all a fucking calculated compromise. 你真的不能再这么说了

 伙计 You do really can"t say shit like that anymore, bro. 那些"警♥察♥"会来带走你的 The hashtag police will come and get you. 你又说你的女权主义 There you go with your feminist statements again. 你证明你毕竟是个女人 You proved you"re a woman, after all. 所以

 我完成这个 So, I want to get this done. 我同意 Yes, I am agree 伙计

 你不了解南琪 Bro, you don"t know Nanki. 我听不清楚你说什么

 大声点 I can"t hear you, bro. Speak louder. 你♥他♥妈♥的说什么 What the fuck are you talking about 什么 What? 伙计们


 拿着东西快走 Guys, this is serious. Pick up your bags and leave. 伙计

 发生什么了 Bro, what the fuck has happened? -我们遇到大♥麻♥烦了

 -发生什么了 - We"re in deep shit. - What happened? 塔努在反性侵活动中指控了我们的兄弟 Bro, Tanu has MeToo"d our bro. -Vj 吗


 - Vj? - Yes. -她指控了他

 -混♥蛋&arts; - She"s MeToo"d him. - What the fuck! 我这就打给他 I am calling him. 南琪


 走了 Nanki come on let"s go. 我不能再保持沉默了 Can"t keep quiet anymore. 2018 年 2 月 14 日

 我被 Feb 14, 2018, I was raped by 维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯强♥奸♥了 VJ Pratap Singh! 什么

 我的梦中情人 What? My heartthrob? 当他的朋友们看着节目大笑的时 As his friends watch the show and laughed. 在圣马丁大学 At St. Martin"s College. "拉杰·科斯拉"


 "诡笑者" "RajKhosla" "TarunKhanna" "Evillaughter" "反性侵"


 "没良心" "MeToo" "NoMeansNo" "BlackHeart" 这根本就是"嫖♥客♥" This is full hashtag whoring man. 伙计们

 他们还吸毒 You know guys, they do drugs as well. 但是你知道她的账号♥名叫什么吗 But get this guys, do you know what her handle is? 汤曼丹 @TanManDhan 我怎么能看见 ? How could I see ? 命中注定 ? Destiny ? 最后

 我现在该干什么 ? What do I do now, Finally ? 你热烈的爱情是我的 ? Your passionate love judge you again ? 我热烈的爱情是你的 ? ? I am passionate love judge me again ?

 你陷于混沌中 ? ? You"re in chaos ? 你热烈的爱情是我的 "Your passionate love judge you again 我热烈的爱情是你的 I am wounded just like you." 在反性侵活动期间

 你应该 In these times of MeToo"d, you should 把门关上来做这些事 do these things behind closed doors. 看到你还正常真的让我松了一口气 I feel relieved seeing that you are normal. 你有的时候真的让我害怕 Otherwise your sincerity always scared the shit out of me. 你让老板印象深刻 You impressed the boss. 我也陷入混沌之中 ? Is in chaos forever ever again ? 你热烈的爱情是我的 ? Your passionate love judge you again ? 我热烈的爱情是你的 ? ? I am passionate love judge me again ? 拉杰·科斯拉 Raja Khosla. 塔努·库玛在推特发文称 Tanu Kumar has tweeted 维吉·普拉塔普·森哈斯在 2018 年情人节强♥奸♥了她 that Vijay Pratap Singh raped her on Valentine"s Day, 2018. 她在说谎 She is lying. Vj 拒绝了她 VJ refused to date her 所以她就自导自演陷害他 so now she"s going all Gone Girl on him. 你们那晚在房♥间里做了什么 And what were you doing there that night? 那可是情人节

 兄弟 It was Valentine"s Day, bro. 当然是小小地取乐一下 Checking out chicks. 房♥间里一共五个人

 There were five people in that room. 四个 Four. 维杰那俩人

 塔伦 康纳和我 The duo, Tarun Khanna, and me. 但是 Vj 和她搞起来的时候

 我们就走了 But when VJ and she started going at it, we checked out. 谁是诡笑者 Who is #EvilLaughter? 谁知道那 Who knows? 她说话从不着边际 She never makes any sense. 你还拿她的话当真 And you"re taking her words seriously. 塔努·库玛在推特里点名了 Vj 拉杰·科斯拉和你 Tanu Kumar has tagged VJ, Raj Khosla and you in her tweet 还加上了"说不要就不要"的标签 with the hashtag no means no. 这意味着她不愿意吗 Does this mean she resisted? 所以你尝试阻止 Vj 了吗 So did you try to stop VJ? 为什么要阻止他们 I mean, why stop them? 那是他们的私事 It was their personal affair. 他们都是成年人了 And they are adults. 当我们发觉这是他俩的私事时

 我们离开了 When we felt this is about their privacy, we left. 你的意思是塔伦是自愿的 You"re saying it was consensual, Tarun. 当然了

 百分之百 Fully! 100%. 我还想跟你说 I also want you to know, 这不是侵犯人♥权♥

 因为我们 I mean this is no "outrage of modesty" because VJ... 你好 Yes.

 能请你带他去第三会议室吗 Can you please make him sit in conference room 3? 谢谢 Thank you. 兄弟 Bro, 我警告过 Vj 了


 要远离她 I already warned VJ, that she is fucking crazy. So take it slow. 但 Vj 人太好了 But VJ, being a nice guy, 很同情塔努 pittied Tanu. 他说

 "她是靠奖学金来的 He said, "She was here on scholarship. 我们让她表演吧" We"ll let her perform" 现在我们都倒霉了 And now we"re all screwed. 辛格住所 赛尼克农场 这事发生在三天前

 但推特事件浮出水面 You see, this happened three days ago... when the Tweet surfaced.. 山凯斯

 西达尔特 阿卡什

 狄卡 Sanket, Siddharth, Aakash, Disha... 该死


 阿姨来了 Fuck. Guys aunty is here. 德夫先生

 我们今天就要把这诽谤立案 Dev Sir, we"ll have to file a defamation case... today. 我认为她只是博眼球好从中获利 And I think this is just a publicity stunt trying to cash in. 哈迪

 南琪知道这事吗 Hardy, does Nanki know? 科尔比也发了推特 Kerbie has tweeted as well. 你知道的德夫先生

 这只是 You know Dev sir, this is just a 这些女孩搞的新花样 new trend these girls have started. 而我们的傻儿子却沦为她们的猎物 And our stupid kids fall prey to it. 打给南琪在图书馆见

 Okay, try Nanki at the library. 好的

 我们走吧 Yes. Let"s go from here. 目前对方还未正式起诉 No, there"s been no official complaint yet. 我已经跟局长打过招呼了 I"ve already reached out to the Commissioner. 但网上的内容怎么办 But what about the internet, 现在网络上很轰动 where it"s already become a sensation? 更不必说这对我们反对派是个 Not to mention, this is a golden 绝佳的好机会 opportunity for the opposition party. 他们一直在挑衅我们 They"ve been trolling us ever since. 没错 Yes. 是的 我知道 Yes I understand 我们没人会那么做 None of us will do that. 我们谁都不会去的 Yes, none of us will go. 当然 Absolutely! 好的 Yes. 德夫先生 Dev sir... 我需要你最优秀的律师团队 I need your best team of lawyers. 谢谢 Thank you. 好的 Yes. 拿去 Here. 拿着它 Take it.

 不要再发推特了 And don"t tweet anything. 远离那些社交媒体 Stay away from social media. 明白吗 Understand? 我什么都没做 I haven"t done anything. 我知道你们很焦急 Look, I understand you guys are stressed 就让我自己去警♥察♥局

 我会处理好的 but, just let me go to the Police myself, I"ll handle this. 不


 绝对不行 No, you"re not going to the Police. Not at all. 普拉塔普

 你去 Pratap, you should go. 当然 Of course... 我去 I"ll go. 反正我是个政♥治♥家 I am a Politician after all. 我一直要处理和法律沾边的事 And I keep dealing with the law all the time. 对吗 Right? isn"t 我的事业对你来说不重要吗 Doesn"t my career matter to you? 喝点水吧 Have some water man. 我不用对我坐在的党派负责吗 Am I not answerable to my party? 谁会把选票投给这种人的父亲 Who will give an election ticket to the father of a... 他什么都没做 He hasn"t done anything. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 你在哪里吗 Were you there? 那就什么都别做

 Then don"t do anything. 听着 我不用你为我做任何事 Look, I don"t need you guys to do anything. 我自己可以处理 I can handle it myself. Vj

 拜托 VJ, please... 给我立刻回来 Get back right now! Vj 有特权 VJ"s privileged. 所以人们很容易认为都是他的错 So people are likely to think that he"s at fault. 即使他什么也没做 Even when he has done nothing. 她不接我的电♥话♥ She isn"t answering my calls. 我必须采取行动 I need to do it. 今天要有麻烦了 There"s going to be problem. 先生


 先生 Sir, you cannot go inside, sir. -我不是第一次进去

 -我不能放你进去 - This is not the first time. - Sir, please. I have my orders. 让开 Just move aside. 兄弟

 冷静点 Calm down, man. 我会丢掉工作的

 先生 Sir please. I"ll lose my job, sir. 南琪 Nanki. 拿着这个 Keep this. 监控正开着 CCTV is working. -Vj


 -滚开 - VJ, don"t do this. - Move out! 兄弟


 你会后悔的 Bro, this can be a problem. You will regret.


 请快过来 Tashi, please come here. 你疯了吗


 伙计 Have you lost your mind? Get out of here, man! 快过来


 伙计 Come on here, seriously dude. 叫南琪出来 Call Nanki! -冷静

 -南琪 - Calm down. - Nanki! 叫南琪出来 Call, Nanki! 你们再不走我要叫学监了 If you guys don"t leave I"ll call the warden. -那就叫啊

 -等等 - Go ahead. - Just wait. -南琪

 -南琪在那里 - Nanki. - Nanki"s there. 叫这个门卫闭嘴 Now shut the guard up. 说真的


 你们完蛋了 Seriously, guys, you"re fucking it up. 你为什么不接我电♥话♥ Why aren"t you answering my calls? 你为什么不回家 Why didn"t you come home, baby? 宝贝

 我不知道我们怎么会这样 Baby, I don"t know why this happened to us. 我什么都没做 I haven"t done anything. 你认为是我做的吗 Do you think I did it? 知道吗

 爸以为是我♥干♥的 And you know what dad thinks I"ve done it. 他说他觉得是我做的


 对吗 He told me he thinks I"ve done it. You know me right? 我什么都没做 I haven"t done it. -我不知道该怎么办

 -我知道 - I don"t know what to do? - I know. 所以在推文事件之后南琪再没见过 Vj

 So Nanki didn"t go to see VJ after the tweet. 真有意思 Interesting. 看起来他们并不登对 Seems like an unlikely match. 我的意思是 I mean... 南琪 Nanki... 是两个大学教授的女儿 is the daughter of two college professors. Vj 的父亲是政♥治♥家以及房♥地♥产♥大亨 VJ"s father is a politician and real-estate magnate. 他的母亲以前是模特 The mother was a former model. 现在是德里上流社会的宠儿 and is now the toast of Delhi society. 你想暗示什么 So what are you trying to imply? 我们是选择交友吗 We pick and choose our friends? 你知道我们怎么相遇的吗 Do you even fucking know how we met? 在你们的大一

 如果我没弄错的话 That was in your first year, if I"m not mistaken. 安♥拉♥贝


 这是什么 Aye, Arnab, asshole, what is this? 她直接闯进了男生宿舍卫生间 She barged right in the boys hostel toilet. 爬到了洗手台上面 She climbed on top of the counter. 她爬上去写下了那行大字 She climbed up and wrote that in bold letters. 我在这里憋着尿 I was right here controling my urge to pee. "我非我的表象

 我书乃我心" "I"m not what I look like, I am what I write like." 南琪·杜塔

 这是你写的吗 Nanki Dutta, did you write that? 是

 你喜欢吗 Yeah. Did you like it?

 我喜欢 I liked it. 你应该去写歌♥ You should write songs. 写给谁

 你吗 For who? You? 是的 Yes. 给我写有什么问题吗 Anything wrong with me? 肯定有些什么 Must be something. 人无完人 Everyone has flawed. 让我们看看吧 Let"s find out. 南琪


 真的吗 Nanki. Vandalism, really? 果然是个问题少女 Problem child. 过来

 立刻到我办公室来 Come along, come to my office now. 混乱是怎么回事 What is all the commotion? 这是什么

 别这样 What is this? Just not done... 过来 Come on. 男厕所

 真的吗 Boys toilet? Really? 厉害啊



 是吧 What a player bro. Very smooth, yeah. 我可爱的小鸟来了


 混♥蛋♥ Here come the love birds... very much on time. Assholes. 但之后这个问题少女写出了这么美妙的歌♥ But then this problem child wrote such sweet songs. 你 ? You ? 你不是 ? You are not ? ? 那个我所渴望见到的爱人 ?

 the lover I desire I"d see ? 不 ? No ? 你明白的 ? Not the one I ? 你不是那个我习惯的人 ? Be used to I shall you can see ? 你为何会来 ? Why have you come to? ? 让我看到自己的所在 ? Show me the place where I stay ? 你为何会来 ? Why have you come to? ? 藏起我并带走我 ? Hide me and take me away ? 就让我这样吧 ? Just let me be ? 就像这样吧 ? Just be this way ? 就像这样吧 ? Just be this way ? 你难道不是 ? Aren"t You ? 那个人吗 ? The one? ? 那个我希望见到和陪伴的人 ? I wish to be with and see ? 你难道不是那个 ? Aren"t you the one I ? 我渴望每天见到的人 ? Long for to see everyday ? 让我们来 ? Let"s ? 跳舞

 直到 ? dance "til then ? 告诉你我要说的话 ? Tell you what I have to say ? 穿过我失落的愿望 ? take through the path of my lost wishes ? 我希望你和我一起 ? ? I want to be with you there ?


 你一定会喜欢 ? Oh you have gonna like ? 我所知的那些被遗忘的东西 ? I know forgotten things ? 噢

 你一定会喜欢 ? Oh you have gonna like ? 我写的新歌♥

 但是 ? A new found tone but again ? 就让我这样吧 ? Oh let me just be ? 每天陪你身边 ? With you everyday ? 就让我这样吧 ? Oh let me just be ? 每天陪你身边 ? With you everyday ? 就让我这样吧 ? Oh let me just be ? 每天陪你身边 ? With you everyday ? 就让我这样吧 ? Oh let me just be ? 每天陪你身边 ? ? With you everyday ? 你好

 我是达尼希·阿里·拜格 Hi, I am Danish Ali Baig. 我正在调查和寻找 I am investigating and prepping 维吉案中所有的证人 all the witnesses in Vijay"s case. 你如何看待他们对维吉特权的指控 How would you respond to allegations of privilege on Vijay? 这和特权有什么关系 What does that have to do with this? 我懂了 Got it. 他们想把这件事归咎于 They are going to make this all about 他利用他的特权胡作非为

 对吗 him fooling around because of his privilege, right? 听着

 Vj 有特权


 Look, VJ"s privileged. That"s a fact. 但他有滥用吗

 我认为没有 Does he exploit it? I don"t think so. 但对方可以对此提出异议 This can be contested by the defense. 这份文件清晰的表明 This document clearly shows that 维吉进入圣马丁大学 Vijay didn"t get into St. Martin"s 并不是靠自己的成绩 on the basis of his marks. 你不知道这件事

 对吗 You had no idea did you? 而且对方一定会用这件事来反击 And this is exactly what defence picks on. 好吧


 那么 Okay, you wanna talk about privilege, then 我们难道不该说说塔努·库马没有特权 shouldn"t we be talking about Tanu Kumar"s lack of privilege? 而她又如何利用这点 And how she"s manipulated that. 为什么排了那么长的队 What"s the long queue for? 天知道在干什么 God knows what"s going on. 我们在这站了很久了 We are standing here for so long. 真♥他♥妈♥没教养 Rude as fuck! 这个新来的脑子进水了吧 The newbie has her head in the air. -她还在洗衣服


 出来 - She"s still washing clothes. - Come on, get out. 你聋了吗

 我难道要用手语和你讲话吗 Are you deaf? Do you want me to use sign language instead? 洗衣服的时间是下午 2 点到 4 点

 出来 The time to wash clothes is between 2 pm and 4 pm. Come out. 我刚从丹巴德来到这 I just got here from Dhanbad. 我不管你是从丹巴德还是马普尔来的 Don"t care if you"re from Dhanbad or Dimapur.

 每个人都要守规矩 Rules are the same for everyone. 立刻出来 Come on, out. 你以为你是谁 Who do you think you are? 你以为你身上的穿孔能吓到我吗 You think your piercings scare me? 你看见我的纹身了吗 Have you seen my tattoo? 出来

 快点 Get out. Come on. -贱♥人♥


 -出去 - You fucking bitch! Fuck! Get off me. - Get out. 放开我

 贱♥人♥ Get off me. You fucking bitch! 让开


 滚开 Move! Leave me! Fuck off! 揍她 Give it to her! -揍她

 -滚开 - Give it to her! - Fuck off! 不


 我从没嘲笑过她的方言口音 No ma"am, I never teased her for her vernacular accent. 这是什么鬼

 这都是她编的 What shit..she"s making all of this up. 你可以去问任何一个人

 女士 You can ask anyone you want, madam. 她威胁我 She threatened me. 把我拖出来

 把我的衣服丢在外面 Drag me and threw my clothes outside. 胡说


 我什么时候做的 Bullshit. I never did that! When did I do that? 姑娘们 Girls! 全都是因为我和你们共用浴室 All because I shared your bathroom. 她经常捉弄我 She"s always ragging me, 因为我是从丹巴德来的

 because I am from Dhanbad 还拿了奖学金 and a scholarship student. 他们想打♥压♥我 They try to demoralize me. 那些上层社会的会英语的学生 These upper-class, English-medium kids. 什么鬼 What shit... 南琪

 这次我不会给你记过 Nanki, right now I am not blacklisting you. -但女士

 -但这是最后一次警告 - But Ma"am.. - But take this as last warning. 下一次就 Next time it"s... 塔努

 今天你可以去把衣服洗完 Tanu, you can finish washing your clothes today. 但以后要严格遵守下午 2 到 4 点的洗衣时间 But the time to wash clothes is from 2pm to 4pm strictly. 明白 Understood. 她就是个骗子 She"s a fucking liar. 这只能证明你特别讨厌她 This only proves that you"re resentful of her. 她也讨厌我 As she is of me. 我知道你认为我享有特权又心胸狭窄 Look, I know you"re thinking that I am petty and entitled 但你不了解塔努 but you don"t know Tanu. 她为了博关注什么事情都做得出来 She can do anything to grab attention. 包括利用"反性侵"这个话题 Including this Me Too. 所以你的意思是 So are you saying that... 塔努·库马在情人节和你的男朋友上♥床♥ Tanu Kumar slept with your boyfriend on Valentine"s Day 是为了报复你 to get back at you.

 那你的男朋友呢 But what about your boyfriend? -为什么他要和她上♥床♥

 -是她强迫他的 - Why did he sleep with her? - She made him. 他难道没有选择吗 Didn"t he have a choice? -你知道男人什么样

 -什么 - You know how men are. - Excuse me. 你听到我说的了 You heard me. 我知道我是什么样的人

 别一概而论 I know how I am. Let"s not generalize. 她操纵了他 She manipulated him. 于是他就被♥操♥控了吗 And he got manipulated? 你要去哪里 Where are you going? 宿舍八点宵禁 Hostel curfew at 8 pm. 我们还没聊完

 杜塔小姐 We"re not done yet Ms. Dutta. 过来 Come. -我有个请求


 说吧 - I have a request to make. - Yes, tell me. 如果你需要我做一些调查或者基础工作 If you need me for any research or ground work 我有一个朋友在杜贝吉的团队里工作 Actually I"ve a friend who works in Dubeyji"s team. 达尼希

 达尼希 Danish. Danish. 我能搭便车去地铁站吗 Could I get a lift to the metro? -当然

 -谢谢 - Of course. - Thanks. 请上车 Please. 不

 别换歌♥ No, d...

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