
发布时间:2020-07-06 来源: 讲话发言 点击:

 按照法律规定according to law

  按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit

  按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt

  案例教学法case system

  案例汇编case book; case report; law report

  柏拉图 Plato


 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (罗)

  被视为be deemed as

  被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal

  比较法comparative law

  比较法学comparative jurisprudence

  比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence

  比较法制史 comparative legal history

  比较分析法method of comparative analysis

  比较刑法comparative penal law

  比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence

  必然因果关系positive causal relationship

  边缘法学borderline jurisprudence

  变通办法adaptation; accommodation

  补充规定supplementary provision

  补救办法remedial measures

  不成文法unwritten law

  不成文宪法unwritten constitution

  不动产所在地法律 law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci

  不可分割的权利impartible right

  不可抗力 force majuere



  不履行法律义务non-performance of obligation

  不要式行为informal act

  不要因的法律行为non-causal juristic act

  不因实效而丧失的权利imprescriptible right

  不作为abstain from an act; act of omission

  部门法department law


  参照 consult

  参照具体情况 in the light of actual conditions

  参照原文 consult the original

  查士丁尼法典 Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus

 查士丁尼法规汇编 Authenticum

  超出法律范围的 outside of law

  超出法律权限的 extralegal

  超过权限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction

  成文法 written law

  成文宪法 written constitution

  冲突法 conflict of laws; rules of conflict

  冲突规则 conflict rule; rule of conflict

  除(本法)另有规定外 except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)

  除外条款 provisory clause

  除外责任条款 exclusion clause

  触犯公共利益 encroach on the public interests

  触犯国际利益 go against the state"s interests

  触犯人民利益 encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people"s interests

  传统法律观念 traditional ideas of law

  纯粹法学 pure theory of law

  次要法规 by law

  次要规则 secondary rule

  从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction

  从权利 accessory right

  达到法定年龄 come of age

  大法 the fundamental law

  大法官 Lord High Chancellor

  大法官法院Court of Chancery

  大陆法系 Continental Legal System

  大律师 barrister

  《大明律》Criminal Law of the Ming Dynasty (中)

  大陪审团 grand jury

  《大清律例》the Criminal Laws of the Qing Dynasty (中)


 Great Charter, 1215(英)

  单行法规 specific regulations

  单一法律体系 unitary legal system

  单一制政府 unitary government

  但书 proviso

  当代法学动向current trend of jurisprudence

  当然解释 natural interpretation

  党纪国法party discipline and the law of the country

  道德规范norm of morality

  道德义务 moral obligation

  《德国民法典》German Civil code

  德拉古 Draco

  地方各级人民代表大会 local people"s congresses at different levels

  地方各级人民法院local people"s courts at different levels

 地方各级人民检察院local people"s procuratorates at different levels

  地方各级人民政府local people"s governments at different levels

  第二读 second reading

  第三读 third reading

  二元论the dualistic theory

  二元君主立宪制 dual constitutional monarchy system

  二元论 the dualistic theory


  二元制 bicameral system

  法的本质 the nature of law

  法的变化changes of law

  法的定义definition of law

  法的发展development of law

  法的分类 divisions of law

  法的概念concepts of law

  法的规范作用normalized usage of law

  法的继承succession of law

  法的精神 spirit of law

  法的可预测性foreseeability of law

  法的类型types of law

  法的历史类型的更替 the replacement of one historical mode of law by another

  法的历史渊源 historical origin of law

  法的连续性continuity of law

  法的内容contexts of law

  法的社会作用 social usage of law

  法的生效operation of law

  法的实现realization of law

  法的特征character of law

  法的现象legal phenomenon

  法的消亡 withering away of law

  法的形式渊源formal source of law

  法的要素elements of law

  法的渊源source of law

  法的职能function of law

  法的作用role of law

  法典code; statute book

  法典编纂 codification of codes

  法定成年人的年龄age of majority; legal age

  法定程序legal procedure

  法定处罚statutory penalty


 agent ad litem

  法定解释statutory interpretation

  法定量刑情节 legally prescribed circumstances of sentencing

 法定年龄 legal age; lawful age

  法定年龄限制 a statutory age limit

  法定期间 prescribed time

  法定期限 legal term

  法定权利 legal right; right entitled by law

  法定权限 limits of power prescribed by law

  法定人数 quorum

  法定日 appointed day

  法定时间 appointed time

  法定时效 statutory prescription

  法定条件 legal condition

  法定限制 statutory restrictions

  法定效力 statutory force

  法定刑 legally-prescribed punishment

  法定形式 legal form

  法定责任 statutory duty

  法定追溯期 time of legal memory

  法定最高刑 maximum statutory penalty; maximum statutory sentence

  法官 judge

  法官的自由裁量权 judge"s power of discretion

  法官权力范围 extent of judge"s power

  法官心证 judge"s mental impression

  法官中立原则 Nemo debt esse judex in propria causa

  法规编纂 condification of laws and regulations

  法规的解释 interpretation of statutes

  法规汇编 corpus of the laws and regulations

  《法国民法典》Code Civile de Francais (法)

  法理 jurisprudence; principle of law

  法理学家 jurisprudent

  法律保护 legal protection

  法律编纂 codification

  法律标准 legal standards

  法律补救 legal redress

  法律部门 legal department

  法律草案 draft regulations

  法律措施 legal measures

  法律大全 Corpus legum

  法律的本土化和改写 the localization and adaptiion of laws

  法律的本质 essence of law

  法律的地位 position of law

  法律的定义 definition of law

  法律的废止 abolishment of law

  法律的公共秩序论 public order theory of law

  法律的规范性 normalization of law

 法律的继承 succession of law

  法律的理想ideal of law

  法律的权威 authority of law

  法律的失效lapse of law

  法律的实施administration of law; law enforcement

  法律的适用application of law

  法律的统一 unification of law

  法律的推定 presumption of law

  法律的推理 analogy of law

  法律的完整性 integrity of law

  法律的效力范围 force"s scale of law

  法律的效力形式 force"s form of law

  法律的修改alteration of law

  法律的演进 evolutin of law

  法律的原理 principle of law

  法律地位平等equal in legal status

  法律对人的效力personal act of law

  编纂法律方法 legal methodology

  法律分类 classification of law

  法律赋予权力 authority conferred by law

  法律改革 law reform

  法律概念 legal concept

  法律根据 legal basis

  法律工作者 legal professional

  法律关系legal relation

  法律关系的运行 process of legal relation

  法律关系客体 object of legal relation

  法律关系主体 subject of legal relation

  法律规定provisions of law

  法律规范 norm of law

  法律规范的逻辑结构 logical structure of legal rule

  法律规则体系 system of legal rules

  法律含义 intendment of law

  法律另有规定:otherwise stipulated by law

  法律现象legal phenomenon

  法律研究legal research

  法律要件 legal requirement

  法律依据 legal basis

  法律意见 legal advice

  法律意见书 legal opinion

  法律意识 law-consciousness

  法律意义 legal sense

  法律用语 legal language

  法律与正义先验论 a prior theory of law and justice

 法律渊源 source of law

  法律原本注释 gloss

  法律原理 legal doctrines

  法律原则 principle of legality

  法律援助legal aid

  法律约束 legal binding; legal restraint

  法律责任 legal responsibility

  法律责任的道义基础 moral basic of legal obligation

  法律责任的归结 imputaton of legal responsibility

  法律责任的认定 determination of legal responsibility

  法律责任的执行 enforcement of legal responsibility

  法律责任客体 object of legal responsibility

  法律责任主体 subject of legal responsibility

  法律哲学 philosophy of law; philosophie du droit (法);philosophia juris

  法律政策 policy of the law

  法律职业道德 legal ethics

  法律指导 legal counsel

  法律制裁 legal sanction

  法律制度 regime of law; legal system

  法律秩序 legal order

  法律主体资格 capacity as a subject of law

  法律主张 proposition of law

  法律属地原则 territoriality of laws

  法律著述 legal literature

  法律专家 legal expert

  法律专业 legal profession

  法律专著和教科书 legal treatise and textbook

  法律咨询 legal advice

  法律尊严 legal sanctity

  法盲 legal illiterates

  法权 right

  法社会学 sociology of law

  法系 legal system

  法协会 law society

  法学 jurisprudence

  法学博士 doctor of jurisprudence

  法学导论 leading principles of law

  法学的范畴体系 the system of categories of jurisprudence

  法学的范畴意识 the consciousness of category of jurisprudence

  法学的基石范畴 fundamental categories of jurisprudence

  法学方法 method of jurisprudence

  法学方法论 methodology of jurisprudence

  法学会 law society

 法学教科书 law textbooks

  法学理论 theory of law; legal theory

  法学权威 an academic authority in law

  法学士 bachelor of law

  法学体系 system of jurisprudence

  法学通论 first principles of law

  法学院 faculty of law; law school

  法医 forensic medicine

  法医学 forensic medicine

  法院 court

  法院调查 judicial investigation

  法院管辖权 competence of court

  法院管辖以外的 extrajudicial

  法院判决 court decision

  法院系统 court structure

  法院组织法 judicature act

  法则 articles

  法哲学 philosophy of law

  法制legal institution

  法制传统 tradition of law system

  法制的精神 spirit of legality

  法制的尊严 dignity of the legal system

  法制观念 legal concept

  法制观念淡薄 very weak in the understanding of law

  法制教育 legal education; education of legal system

  法制史 legal history; history of legal system

  法治 rule of law

  法治的机制 the mechanism of rule of law

  法治的要素 the element of rule of law

  非实质的 immaterial

  非营利的 non-profit

  非约束性条款 permissive provision

  废止法律 annulment of law

  分别管辖权 separate jurisdiction

  分别财产制 separation of property regime

  分别规定 separate provision

  分担责任 share the responsibility

  分工负责,互相配合,互相制约 divide responsibility for their own work; coordinate their efforts and check each other

  分工负责制 division of labor responsibility system

  分级管理 different levels holding different responsibilities

  分配制度 distribution system

  分析法理学 analytical jurisprudence

  否决权 power veto; veto power

 否认事实 denial of facts

  服从法律 amenable to law; subject to the law

  服从判决 accept a judgment

  符合程序 be in order

  符合法律 be in conformity with law

  符合宪法 constitutionality

  符合宪法的法律 constitutional law

  符合原则 be in conformity with the principle

  盖尤斯 Gaius

  概括裁定 general verdict

  概括继承 general succession

  干扰司法公正 interference with course of justice

  刚性条款 entrenched clause

  刚性宪法 rigid constitution

  岗位责任制 post responsibility system

  高等法院 high court; high court of justice

  高度集中 highly centralize

  高度民主 high level of democracy

  高度自治权 high degree of autonomy

  高级法官 senior judge

  高级法院superior court

  高级人民法院 Higher People"s Court

  高级人民检察院 Higher People"s Procuratortate

  搁置 set aside; abeyance

  格式条款 clause of style

  公认的行为准则 established standard of conduct

  规避法律 in fraud of law

  规避义务 evade obligations

  规范的法律规则 normative rule of law

  规范法学 normative jurisprudence

  规范性法律文件 normalizative document of law

  规范性法律文件的规范化 normalization of normative legal document

  国际法international law 国际法学 international jurisprudence

  过错方 tort-feasor; wrongdoer

  过错推定原则 doctrine of presumption

  过错责任 liability for wrongs; tort liability

  海事法院 court of admiralty

  《汉穆拉比法典》 Code of Hammurabi

  合并条款 consolidation of provisions

  合法的个人财产 legal personal property

  合法地位 legal status

  合法权益 the lawful rights and interests

  合法行为 lawful acts; legality of purpose

 合宪性 constitutionality

  衡平法 equity

  衡平法规则 rule of equity

  衡平法学 equity jurisprudence

  衡平法院 Court of Chancery (美);Court of Equity (英)

  后法取代前法 A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.

  后法优于前法 lex posterior derogat priori

  户籍所在地:the place where his residence is registered

  互为因果 reciprocal causation

  基本法 fundamental law

  基本法律规范 basic norm of law

  基本方针 basic policies

  基本权利和义务 basic rights and duties

  基本司法概念和假设 basic legal conception and assumption

  技术性法规 technical legal rule

  家庭法 family law

  建立法律关系create legal relations

  教会法 canon law

  《教会法大全》Corpus Juris Canonici

  教会法学家 decretalists

  解释法律的技术规则 technical rule of interpretation

  解释权 power of interpretation

  近因 immediate cause

  禁治产人 imbecile; interdicted person

  经常居住地:habitual residence

  经法律确认的 ascertained by law

  经法律许可 authorized by law

  经验法学 scholastic theories of law

  纠问式审判 trial by inspection or examination

  具有法律约束力的文件 legally binding instrument

  具有同等效力的 with equal authenticity

  具有约束力的判例 binding precedent

  绝对衡平法 absolute equity

  君主立宪制度 constitutional monarchy

  开罗会议 Cairo Conference

  凯恩斯主义 keynesianism

  可撤销的法律行为 revocable juristic act

  可让与性 alienability

  可用法律强制执行的 enforceable at law

  可预见的 foreseeable

  可直接适用的法律 directly applicable law

  可追溯的 retrospective

  客观条件 objective condition

  客观因素 objective factor

 客体 object

  扩充解释 amplified interpretation

  理论法理学派 theoretical jurisprudence school

  理性决定说 theory of rational decision

  理性认识 conceptual knowledge

  历史法学 historical jurisprudence

  历史法学派 historical school of law

  历史解释 historical interpretation

  立法机构legislative body

  立法权 law-making power; legislative power

  立法委任权 legislation mandate

  立法效力 legislative effect

  立法议案 bills

  立法者 law-maker; legislator

  立宪 constitutionalism

  利益冲突 conflict of interests

  利害关系人interested person

  连带法律关系 joint legal relations

  连带责任 joint and several obligation

  论理解释 logical interpretation

  罗马法Roman Law; Jus Romanum

  罗马法系 Roman-Law System

  罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世 Justinian I

  罗马法理学 jurisprudential

  《罗马法律汇编》Roman Digest

  罗马法学派 school of Romanists

  罗马-日耳曼法系 Roman-Germanic family

  罗马私法 Jus Privatum

  逻辑解释 logical interpretation

  马伯里诉麦迪逊案 Marbury vs. Madison

  马克思主义法律理论 Marxism-leninism

  马克思主义法学 Marxist jurisprudence

  马克思主义法学家 Marxist jurist

  没有事实根据的 unsubstantial

  美国国际法协会 American Institute of International Law

  美国海事法庭 Admiralty Courts of the U.S.A.

  美国联邦地区法院 United States district courts

  美国联邦法官 federal judge

  没有法律依据的 lawless

  没有判决先例的案件 case of first impression

  《民法大全》Corpus Juris Civilis

  民法典 civil code

  民法法系Civil-Law System


 General Principles of the Civil Law

 民法学 science of civil law

  民事案件中“占有优势证据”的原则 “by a preponderance of evidence” in civil cases

  民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights

  民事权益:civil rights and interests

  民事诉讼法学 Civil Procedure Law

  民事制裁 civil punishment; civil sanction

  民政部门:the civil affairs department

  明代法规 laws and regulations of Ming Dynasty

  明示或默示的 express or implied

  默示表达 communication by implication


 The Code Napolean

  内部规章 internal regulations

  纳妾制 concubinage

  南京条约 (1843)

 Treaty of Nanking, 1843

  拟制理论 fiction theory

  拟制买卖 mancipatio

  欧洲大陆法 continental law

  偶然权利 contingent right

  偶然因果关系 fortuitous causal relationship

  偶然因素 accidentalia

  偶因 accidental cause

  排他的权利 right to exclude all others

  派生的权利 derived right

  派生取得 derivative acquisition

  判例法系 Case Law System

  普通法法系 Common-Law System

  判例法系 Case Law System

  判例汇编 reports; reports of judgments

  普通法 common law

  普通法法系 Common-Law System

  普通法上的补偿 common-law remedy

  普通法上的过失 common-law negligence

  普通法上的留置权 common-law lien

  普通法学 general jurisprudence

  强制办法 coercive method

  强制规定 mandatory provisions

  强制性法规 mandatory rule of law

  强制性条款 mandatory term

  侵犯财产权 property torts

  侵权行为法 tort law

  侵权责任 tortious liability

  清理法规 check up laws and regulations

  区域性法律体系 regional system of laws

 取证 obtain evidence

  确权之诉 affirmative petitory action; cause for ownership affirmation

  确认之诉 action for confirmation; actio confessoria

  权威解释 authentic interpretation

  人法 human law, statute personalia

  人格减等 capitis deminutio

  人身不可侵犯 inviolability of the person

  人身非财产关系 personal non-property relations

  人身关系 personal relation

  任意解释 arbitrary interpretation

  《日耳曼法》Germanic law

  柔性宪法 flexible constitution

  三权分立 separation of powers

  善意推定 presumption of good faith

  商法 commercial law

  商法典 code of commerce

  社会法学 sociological jurisprudence

  社会关系 social relations

  社会规范 social regulation

  社会连带主义法学 social solidarism jurisprudence

  社会契约论 theory of social contract

  社会团体:social organization

  社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence

  社会主义法制 socialist legal system; socialist rule of law

  神法 divine law

  神权说 theory of divine right

  审查制度 censorship; inspection system

  审计监督 supervise through auditing

  审计监督权 power to supervise through auditing

  生效条款 operative clause

  失效法律 expired laws

  失效日 expiry date

  施行细则 implementary provisions

  实证主义法学派 the positivist school

  《十二表法》 Twelve Tables

  实体法 material law; substantial law

  实体法上的抗辩 substantial defense

  实体权利 substantive right

  实用主义法学 judicial pragmaticism

  实在法 positive law

  实在法学 positive jurisprudence

  实在法学派 positivist

  实在主义法学 positivist jurisprudence

 实证法学 positive jurisprudence

  实质条款 material stipulation

  实质性的瑕疵 defect of substance

  实质性解释 material interpretation

  事实的推定 presumption of fact


  适用法律 reference to the law; applicable law

  适用范围 area of application; sphere of application

  适用中国法律:be governed by the law of PRC (The law of PRC shall apply to)

  溯及既往原则 doctrine of retroactivity

  溯及力 retrospect; retrospective effect

  损害赔偿 damages

  梭伦 Solon

  弹性宪法 elastic constitution

  特别程序 special procedure

  特别但书 special proviso

  特别法 special law

  特殊主体 special subject

  提案motion; overture; proposal

  提出抗辩 raise a plea; raise a plead

  条约法 law of treaties

  同态复仇 retaliation

  推定合法presumption of legality

  停止生效cease to have effect

  外国法 foreign law

  外国法制史 foreign legal history

  外国人待遇 foreigner treatment

  完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct

  完全丧失行为能力的人 person entirely incapable of legal transaction

  完全无行为能力 absolute disability

  万民法 jus gentium

  违法构成要件 essential condition of delict

  违宪 violation of constitution

  乌尔比安 Ulpianus

  无国籍人:stateless persons

  无条件解释 unconditional interpretation

  无效的法律 void law

  无效法律行为 void act; act without legal effect

  物权 property

  西塞罗 Marcus Tullius Cicero

  习惯法custom law

  细则 detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws

  狭义解释 narrow definition

 下文另有规定者除外 except as hereinafter provided

  先决条件 precedent condition; prerequisite

  现实主义法学 realism jurisprudence

  现行法律 current law; existing law

  限制解释 restrictive interpretation

  宪法的解释 interpretation of constitution

  宪法修正案 constitution amendment

  宪法学 constitutional jurisprudence

  相对主义法学 relativist jurisprudence

  新分析法学 new analytical jurisprudence

  新律 New Law , Novellae

  行为规范 code of conduct

  学说编纂 the Pandekta

  形式主义法学 formalist jurisprudence

  亚里士多德 Aristotle

  严格解释 strict interpretation

  严重不法行为 aggravated misconduct; gross misbehavior

  严重违法 break the law on a serious scale

  要件 important condition; essential condition

  一般客体 general object

  一般权利能力 general legal capacity

  一般主体 general subject

  一事不再理的保证 guarantee against double jeorpardy

  依法办案 handle cases according to law

  依法独立行使职权 independent exercise of powers within the framework of the law

  依照法律的规定 as prescribed by law

  以法律为准绳 take law as the criterion

  依法治国 genuine rule of law; running the country according to law

  义务性规范 obligatory rule

  义务主体 subject of duty

  英美法系 Anglo-American Legal System

  永恒法 eternal law

  优士丁尼法典 the Codex Justinianus

  优士丁尼皇帝 Justinian

  《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全》)Corpus Juris Civilis

  有法必依 ensure that laws are observed

  有法律约束力 legally binding

  有条件解释 conditional interpretation

  有效期间 time of effect; term of validity

  与法律规定不符 against the forms of the statute

  与法律相抵触的行为act going against the law

  域外效力 extraterritorial effect

  援引法律条文 invoke a legal provision

 (古罗马的)元老院 the Senate

  约束力 binding; binding effect

  在法律的范围内 within the law

  暂行条例interim regulations; provisional regulation

  整体法学 integrative jurisprudence

  正当权益 justified rights; legitimate interests

  正式解释 official interpretation

  正式渊源 formal source

  政法学院 institute of political science and law

  知法犯法 deliberately break the law

  执法必严 ensure that law"s enforcement be strict

  执法人员 law enforcement officials

  执行权 enforcement power

  直接故意 actual intent; direct intent

  直接后果 immediate consequence

  直接客体 direct object

  直接主体 direct subject

  制定法 statute

  制宪权constituent power

  治外法权 extraterritoriality; extraterritorial jurisdiction

  中端时效 interrupt the running of the statute of limitation

  中国大陆的法律 law of China"s mainland

  中国法制 Chinese legal system

  中国法制史 Chinese legal history

  中国特色的社会主义法制 socialist legal system with Chinese character

  中华法系 Chinese legal system

  《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》the Basic law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People"s Republic of China

  主要法律体系principal legal system

  自然法 natural law

  自然法学派 natural law school

  组成合议庭开庭审理:form a collegial panel to conduct the trial

  最高国家权力机关 highest organ of state power

  最高人民法院的解释 interpretation of supreme people"s court

  遵循先例原则 The Doctrine of Stare

  作为或不作为 act or omission

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