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 中华人民共和国物权法 Property Law of the People’s Republic of China

 (2007 年 3 月 16日第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过 2007 年 3月 16 日公布 2007年 10 月 1 日起施行)

 (Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress on March 16, 2007)

 目 录 Contents

 第一编 总 则 Part One General Provisions

 第一章 基本原则 Chapter I Basic Principles



 Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of upholding the basic economic system of the State, maintaining the order of the socialist market economy, defining the attribution of things, giving play to the usefulness of things and protecting the property right of obligees.



 Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to civil relationships stemming from attribution and use of things.


 For the purposes of this Law, things include the immovables and the movables. Where laws stipulate that rights are taken as objects of the property right, the provisions of such laws shall prevail.


 The property right mentioned in this Law means the exclusive right enjoyed by the obligee to directly dominate a given thing according to law, which consists of the right of ownership, the usufruct and the security interest on property.



 Article 3 In the primary stage of socialism, the State upholds the basic economic system under which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side.


 The State consolidates and develops the public sectors of the economy, and encourages, supports and guides to the development of the non-public sectors of the economy.


 The State maintains a socialist market economy and guarantees the equal legal status and the right to development of all the mainstays of the market.



 Article 4 The property right of the State, the collectives, the individual persons and other obligees are protected by law, and no units or individuals shall encroach on it.



 Article 5 The categories and contents of the property right shall be stipulated by law.



 Article 6 The creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the immovables shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of law. The property right of the movables shall be created or transferred upon delivery in accordance with the provisions of law.



 Article 7 The law shall be observed and social ethics shall be respected in acquiring or exercising the property right and public interests and the lawful rights and interests of another person shall not be jeopardized.



 Article 8 Where other laws specially provide for the property right otherwise, the provisions there shall prevail.

 第二章 物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭 Chapter II Creation, Alteration, Transfer and Extinction of the Property Right

 第一节 不动产登记 Section 1 Registration of the Immovables



 Article 9 The creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right shall become valid upon registration according to law; otherwise it shall not become valid, unless otherwise provided for by law.


 Registration of ownership of all the natural resources which are owned by the State in accordance with law may be dispensed with.



 Article 10 Registration of the immovables shall be handled by the registration authority at the place where they are located.


 The State practices a unified system of registration with respect to the immovables. The scope of unified registration, the registration authority and the measures for registration shall be stipulated by law and administrative regulations.



 Article 11 To apply for registration, the party concerned shall, on the basis of the different matters for registration, submit the certificate of the attribution of right and the necessary materials on boundary and the area of the immovables, etc.



 Article 12 The registration authority shall perform the following duties:

 (一)查验申请人提供的权属证明和其他必要材料; (1) to examine the certificate of the attribution of right and the other necessary materials submitted by the applicant;

 (二)就有关登记事项询问申请人; (2) to inquire of the applicant about the matters for registration;

 (三)如实、及时登记有关事项; (3) to register the relevant matters truthfully and in a timely manner; and


 (4) to perform the other duties provided for by laws and administrative regulations.


 Where further certification of the condition of the immovables, the registration of which is applied for, is needed, the registration authority may require the applicant to supplement the materials and may, when necessary, check them on the spot.



 Article 13 The registration authority shall not do any of the following:

 (一)要求对不动产进行评估; (1) demanding evaluation of the immovables;

 (二)以年检等名义进行重复登记; (2) making repeated registration in the name of annual inspection, etc.; or


 (3) doing other things beyond the limits of its duty for registration.



 Article 14 Where the creation, alteration, transfer and extinction of the property right of the immovables are required to be registered according to the provisions of law, they shall become valid as of the time when they are entered in the register of the immovables.



 Article 15 The contract made between the parties concerned on the creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the immovables shall become valid as of the time when the contract is concluded, unless otherwise provided for by law or agreed upon in the contract; and where the property right is not registered, it shall not affect the validity of the contract.



 Article 16 The register of the immovables provides the basis for the attribution and contents of the property right. The register of the immovables shall be kept by the registration authority.



 Article 17 The right attribution certificate of the immovables is the proof that the obligee is entitled to the property right of the said immovables. The items recorded in the right attribution certificate of the immovables shall be consistent with what is recorded in the register of the immovables; and in case of inconsistencies, what is recorded in the register of the immovables shall be taken as the standard unless there is evidence to prove that there are errors in what is recorded in the register of the immovables.



 Article 18 The obligee or the interested party may apply for consulting and duplicating the registered information, and the registration authority shall provide such materials accordingly.



 Article 19 Where the obligee or the interested party believes that there are errors in what is recorded in the register of the immovables, he may apply for correction. Where the obligee recorded in the register of the immovables agrees in written form to make corrections or there is evidence to prove that there are definitely errors in the registration, the registration authority shall make corrections accordingly.


 Where the obligee recorded in the register of the immovables disagrees on making corrections, the interested party may apply for the registration of disagreement. Where the registration authority registers the disagreement, the applicant in question fails to file a lawsuit within 15 days from the date the disagreement is registered, such a registration shall become invalid. If damages are caused to the obligee due to inappropriate registration of disagreement, the obligee may request the applicant to make compensation.



 Article 20 When the party concerned intends to sign an agreement on the purchase or sale of a house or other property right of immovables, he may, in accordance with what is agreed upon, apply to the registration authority in advance for registration, in order to ensure the realization of his property right in future. Where after the registration is made in advance, such immovables are disposed of without the consent of the obligee who is recorded in the registration in advance, the property right of such immovables shall be invalid.


 Where after the registration is made in advance, the creditor’s rights extinguish or no application for registration of the immovables is made within three months from the date when such registration can be made, the registration made in advance shall become invalid.



 Article 21 Where the party concerned submits false materials when applying for registration, thus causing damages to another person, he shall be liable for compensation.


 Where damages are caused to another person due to the errors made in registration, the registration authority shall be liable for compensation. After making the compensation, the said authority may have recourse to the person who makes the errors in registration.



 Article 22 Charges for registration of the immovables shall be collected piece by piece and shall not be collected on the basis of the areas or sizes of the immovables or in proportion to the purchase prices. The specific rates for the charges shall be prescribed by relevant department under the State Council together with the department of pricing.

 第二节 动产交付 Section 2 Delivery of the Movables



 Article 23 The creation or transfer of the property right of the movables shall become valid as of the time of their delivery, unless otherwise provided for by law.



 Article 24 Before registration, the creation, alteration, transfer or extinction of the property right of the vessels, aircraft, motor vehicles, etc. shall not be used against a bona fide third party.



 Article 25 Where an obligee has already possessed the movables according to law prior to the creation or transfer of the property right of such movables, the property right shall become valid as of the time when such legal act becomes effective.



 Article 26 Where a third party has taken possession of the movables according to law prior to the creation or transfer of the property right of the said movables, the person who is obligated to deliver the movables may do so, instead, through transferring the right of requesting the third party to return the original movables.



 Article 27 Where both parties agree that the transferor continues to possess the movables while the property right of such movables is being transferred, the said property right shall be valid as of the time when the said agreement becomes effective.

 第三节 其他规定 Section 3 Other Provisions



 Article 28 Where the property right is created, altered or transferred or extinguishes in accordance with the legal document of a people’s court or an arbitration committee or a decision made by a people’s government on expropriation, etc., such creation, alteration, transfer and extinction shall become valid as of the time when the said document or decision comes into effect.



 Article 29 Where the property right is obtained through inheritance or acceptance of legacy, such property right shall become valid as of the time of inheritance or acceptance of legacy.



 Article 30 Where the property right is created or extinguishes due to such factual acts as lawful construction and demolition of houses, such property right shall become valid as of the time when the factual acts are achieved.



 Article 31 Where a person enjoys the property right over the immovables in accordance with the provisions of Articles 28 through 30 of this Law, and registration is required according to the provisions of laws, when such property right is disposed of, the property right shall be invalid if no registration is made.

 第三章 物权的保护 Chapter III Protection of the Property Right



 Article 32 Where the property right is encroached on, the obligee may have the matter settled by means of conciliation, mediation, arbitration or litigation.

 第 三十三条


 Article 33 Where a dispute arises over the attribution or contents of the property right, the interested parties may request confirmation of their right.



 Article 34 Where a person takes possession of the immovables or movables without the right to do so, the obligee may request return of the original immovables or movables.



 Article 35 Where the property right is impaired or is likely to be impaired, the obligee may request removal of such impairment or elimination of the potential danger.



 Article 36 Where the immovables or movables are damaged or destroyed, the obligee may request repairs, reconstruction or remaking, replacement or restoration to their original state.



 Article 37 Where the infringement of the property right causes damages to an obligee, the obligee may request compensation for the damages and may also request the infringing party to assume other civil liabilities.



 Article 38 The forms for protection of the property right as provided for in this Chapter may be applied separately and may also be applied otherwise, depending on the circumstances of infringement.


 Apart from bearing civil liability for infringement on the property right, a person who, in addition, violates the administrative provisions shall bear administrative liability according to law; and if a crime is constituted, he shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law.

 第二编 所有权 Part Two Ownership

 第四章 一般规定 Chapter IV General Stipulations



 Article 39 Owners of immovables or movables shall be entitled to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of the immovables or movables according to law.



 Article 40 On their own immovables or movables, owners shall have the right to create usufruct and security interest. In exercising their rights, the usufructuaries or guarantors shall not impair the rights and interests of the owners.



 Article 41 No units or individuals shall be allowed to acquire ownership of the immovables and movables which are exclusively owned by the State as are provided for by law.



 Article 42 For public interests, land owned by the collectives, and the houses and other immovables of units and individuals may be expropriated within the limits of power and in compliance with the procedures provided for by law.


 Where land owned by the collective is expropriated, such fees as compensations for the land expropriated, subsidies for resettlement and compensations for the attachments and the young crops on land shall be paid in full according to law, and the premiums for social insurance of the farmers whose land is expropriated shall be arranged in order to guarantee their daily lives and safeguard their lawful rights and interests.


 Where houses and other immovables of units or individuals are expropriated, compensations for their resettlement shall be paid according to law, and their lawful rights and interests shall be protected; and where the housings of individuals are expropriated, their living conditions shall be guaranteed.


 No units or individuals shall embezzle, misappropriate, privately divide, withhold or default on payment of such fees as the compensations for expropriation.



 Article 43 The State provides cultivated land with special protection through strictly restricting the transformation of the farmland into land for construction and keeping under control the total amount of land used for construction. No land owned by the collectives shall be expropriated in violation of the limits of power and in compliance with the procedures as provided for by law.



 Article 44 In order to meet such urgent needs as rushing to rescue or providing disaster relief, the immovables or movables of units or individuals may be requisitioned within the limits of power and in compliance with the procedures as provided for by law. After the use of the requisitioned immovables or movables, they shall be returned to the units or individuals whose immovables or movables are

 requisitioned. Where the immovables or movables of units or individuals are requisitioned or if they are damaged or lost thereafter, compensations shall be made therefor.

 第五章 国家所有权和集体所有权、私人所有权 Chapter V Ownership of the State, the Collective and the Individual Person



 Article 45 The property owned by the State as is provided for by law belongs to the State, that is, the entire people.


 The State Council shall exercise ownership of State-owned property on behalf of the State; and where laws provide for otherwise, the provisions there shall prevail.



 Article 46 All mineral resources, waters and sea areas belong to the State.



 Article 47 Land in the cities belongs to the State. Land in the rural and suburban areas which belongs to the State as is provided for by law is owned by the State.

 第 四十八条


 Article 48 Such natural resources as forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland and tidal flats belong to the State, except where they belong to the collectives as is provided for by law.



 Article 49 All resources of the wildlife that belong to the State, as is provided for by law, are owned by the State.



 Article 50 All resources of radio-frequency spectrum belong to the State.



 Article 51 All cultural relics that belong to the State, as is provided for by law, are owned by the State.



 Article 52 All assets for national defense belong to the State.


 All infrastructures such as railways, highways, power facilities, telecommunications facilities and oil and gas pipelines that belong to the State in accordance with the provisions of law are owned by the State.



 Article 53 Government departments are entitled to possess and use the immovables and movables directly under their control and to dispose of them in accordance with laws and the relevant regulations of the State Council.



 Article 54 Institutions sponsored by the State shall have the right to possess and use the immovables and movables directly under their control and to benefit from and dispose of them in accordance with laws and the relevant regulations of the State Council.



 Article 55 With respect to enterprises invested by the State, the State Council or the local people’s governments shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, perform the duties of the investors on behalf of the State and enjoy the rights and interests of the investors.



 Article 56 The property owned by the State shall be protected by law, and illegal possession, looting, privately dividing, withholding or destruction of such property by any units or individuals shall be prohibited.



 Article 57 The authority performing the duties of administration and supervision over State-owned property and its staff members shall, according to law, exercise vigorous administration and supervision over State-owned property, promote the preservation and increase of the value of such property, and prevent its loss; and where losses are caused to State-owned property due to their abuse of power or dereliction of their duties, they shall bear legal liability according to law.


 Where, in violation of the provisions governing the management of State-owned property, losses are caused to such property due to transferring it at a low price, privately dividing it in conspiracy with other persons, creating security on it without authorization or by other means in the course of enterprise restructuring, merger or division, affiliated transaction, etc., legal liability shall be borne according to law.



 Article 58 The immovables and movables owned by the collective include the following:

 (一)法律规定属于集体所有的土地和森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂; (1) the land, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland and tidal flats belong to the collective, as is provided for by law;


 (2) the buildings, production equipment, water conservancy facilities of farmland that are owned by the collective;

 (三)集体所有的教育、科学、文化、卫生、体育等设施; (3) the educational, scientific, cultural, public health and sports facilities that are owned by the collective; and


 (4) other immovables and movables owned by the collective.



 Article 59 The immovables and movables collectively owned by the farmers belong to the members of the collective.


 The following matters shall be subject to decision by the members of a given collective in accordance with the statutory procedure:

 (一)土地承包方案以及将土地发包给本集体以外的单位或者个人承包; (1) plans for contracting of land, and subcontracting of land to other units or to individuals other than those belonging to the collective;

 (二)个别土地承包经营权人之间承包地的调整; (2) adjustment to be made to the contracted land by the individual persons among themselves who have the right to land contractual management;

 (三)土地补偿费等费用的使用、分配办法; (3) methods for the use and distribution of such fees as compensations paid for land;

 (四)集体出资的企业的所有权变动等事项; (4) such matters as change in ownership of the enterprises invested by the collective; and


 (5) other matters as provided for by law.



 Article 60 With respect to the land, forests, mountains, grasslands, wasteland, tidal flats, etc. owned by the collective, the right of their ownership shall be exercised in accordance with the following provisions:

 (一)属于村农民集体所有的,由村集体经济组织或者村民委员会代表集体行使所有权; (1) For those owned by the collective of farmers of a village, the collective economic organization of the village or the villagers’ committee shall exercise the right of ownership on behalf of the collective;


 (2) For those respectively owned by two or more collectives of farmers within a village, the collective economic organizations or villagers’ teams concerned within the village shall exercise the right of ownership on behalf of the collectives; and


 (3) For those owned by the collective of farmers of a town or township, the collective economic organization of the town or township shall exercise the right of ownership on behalf of the collective.



 Article 61 With respect to the immovables and movables owned by a collective of a town or township, the said collective shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, have the right to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of such immovables and movables.



 Article 62 The collective economic organization or the villagers’ committee or team shall, in accordance with laws and administrative regulations as well as the articles of association, village rules and farmers’ agreements, make the position of the collective property known to the members of the collective.



 Article 63 The property owned by the collective shall be protected by law, and illegal possession, looting, privately sharing, and destruction of such property by any units or individuals shall be prohibited.


 Where a decision made by a collective economic organization, or villagers’ committee or by the leading person of the organization or committee encroaches on the lawful rights and interests of the members of the collective, the said members may apply to a people’s court for reversing such decision.



 Article 64 All individual persons shall be entitled to enjoy ownership of such immovables and movables as their lawful incomes, houses, articles for daily use, tools of production, and raw and semi-finished materials.



 Article 65 The lawful savings and investments of individual persons and the gains derived there from are protected by law.


 The State protects, in accordance with the provisions of law, the right of individual persons to inheritance and their other lawful rights and interests.



 Article 66 The lawful property of individual persons is protected by law, and illegal possession, looting and destruction of such property by any units or individuals are prohibited.



 Article 67 The State, the collective or the individual person may, in accordance with law, invest to establish companies with limited liability, companies limited by shares or other enterprises. Where the immovables or movables owned by the State, the collective or the individual person are invested in enterprises, the investor shall have such rights as receiving benefits derived from the assets, making major decisions and selecting managers, and shall perform it/his duties, in accordance with what is agreed upon or in proportion to the amount of investment.



 Article 68 An enterprise legal person has the right to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of his immovables and movables in accordance with laws and administrative regulations as well as the articles of association.


 The rights enjoyed by legal persons other than enterprise legal persons with respect to their i...

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