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与生俱来拥有特殊能力 Mutants, born with extraordinary abilities. 然而
他们却也像孩童一般 And yet still, they are children 在黑暗中蹒跚前行
寻求正确的方向 stumbling in the dark, searching for guidance. 天赋
经常也是一种诅咒 A gift, can often be a curse. 若他拥有翅膀
就可能飞得离太阳太近 Give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun 若他们能预言未来 Give them the power of prophecy, 就可能对明天充满恐惧 and they may live in fear of the future. 若他们拥有至高无上的天赋 Give them the greatest gifts of all, 超乎想象的强大能力 powers beyond imagination, 他们就可能认为自己应该统治世界 and they may think they are meant to rule the world. 尼罗河谷
公元前 3600 年 -恩·沙巴·奴尔
-恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. -恩·沙巴·奴尔
-恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. 从此您将永世主宰
我的主人 Now you will rule for eternity, my lord. 沉睡吧 Sleep. 开始转移 Let the transference begin. 当心 Watch out! 杀死伪神 Death to the false god! 金字塔
金字塔要塌了 The pyramid! The pyramid is collapsing! -跑
-快跑 - Run. - Run, quickly. 保护主人 Protect him! X 战警
天启 和平集♥会♥发生骚乱
1973 年 1 月 28 日
变种人首次曝光是在 As everyone knows, the existence of mutants was first discovered 1973 年越战结束后巴黎和平协议签订大会上 during the Paris Peace Accords after the Vietnam war in 1973. 6 天后
我们都目睹了变种人中的一员 6 days later, we all watched as one of those mutants... 俄亥俄州
1983 年 埃里克·兰谢尔
在白宫草坪上 Erik Lehnsherr, attacked the president and the cabinet 袭击了总统和内阁官员 on the lawn of the White House. 另一位年轻的变种人出手相救
化解了危险 Their lives were saved by a young mutant, who stopped him. 如今兰谢尔依然在逃 Now, Lehnsherr escaped 他是世界头号♥通缉犯 and became the world"s most wanted fugitive. 而那位救人者也失踪了 And as for her, she disappeared as well. 但她成了新时代的象征 But, she has become the symbol of a new age. 标志着世界将从此 The face of a world that will never... -截然不同
-你在朝我宝贝抛媚眼吗 - ...be the same again. - You winking at my girl? 没错
世界陷入了恐慌 Yes, the world is panicked. -你的宝贝
-许多人仍抱有偏见 - Your girl. - ... and there is still some prejudice. -你看上去的确够老
-但是如今 - I guess you do look old enough - But today, -能当她爹了
-变种人已融入社会各行各业 - to be her father. - mutants are found in all walks of life. 先生们
你们有什么想法 Excuse me, gentlemen, is there something that you would like 要和全班同学分享吗 to be sharing with the rest of the class? 我能去厕所吗 Can I please go to the bathroom. 眼睛难受得要死 I think there"s something seriously wrong with my eyes. 去吧
弄完之后 Fine, Scott, and afterwards, why don"t you stop by 顺便到校长办公室解释一下
the principal"s office and explain 你为何总要破坏课堂纪律 to him that you"re disrupting the class again. 办公室知道怎么走吧 I trust you know the way. -知道
-那就好 - Yeah, I do. - Okay. 等一下
等一下 Oh. Hang on. Hang on. 我知道你们大部分人 Now, I know most of you were what? 那时候只有 7 岁左右 Around 7 years old at that time. 萨默斯 Summers! 我知道你在里面 I know you"re in here. 你在哭吗 Are you crying? 我还没揍你呢 I haven"t even kicked your ass yet. 萨默斯
想看我马子是吗 Summers. You want to eyeball my girl? 萨默斯 Summers. 萨默斯 Summers. 东柏林 连♥战♥十场 Ten fights waged. 十场全赢 Ten fights won. 我们的银翼战士 The Winged Warrior. 猛禽之王
死亡天使 The Bird of Prey. The Angel of Death. 天使 Angel! 请掌声欢送肥佬 Let"s hear it for the fat man! 下一位挑战者 Our next challenger... 来自 comes straight...
慕尼黑♥马♥戏团 from the Munich Circus. 第 11 场 打啊 Fight 女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen, 唯一能和天使旗鼓相当的 the only one that could take on an Angel... 就只有恶魔了 is the Devil himself! 向大家隆重介绍 I give you... 惊艳非凡 the amazing... 无以伦比的 the fantastic... 夜行者 Nightcrawler! 警告
有高压电哟 Caution. High voltage. 抱歉啦
变种人 Sorry, mutants! 小姑娘
你迷路了吗 Did you get lost little mouse? 表演在那边 The fight is over there. 打啊
不然我们都得死 Fight! Or they"ll kill us both. 大家都是来找刺♥激♥的 And it"s about to get exciting. 你是指这样吗 Ah, you mean this? Yes. 夜行者 Nightcrawler! -夜行者
-夜行者 - Nightcrawler! - Nightcrawler! 对不起
对不起 I"m sorry. I"m sorry! 跟我走 Come with me. 站住 Hold it! 他们朝那边跑了
They went that way! 你能变形 You can transform. -你是她
-我谁也不是 - You"re her, the hero. - I"m nobody. 不是什么英雄
快离开这里 I"m not a hero. Let"s get out of here. 波兰
普鲁什库夫 回家睡个好觉
亨里克 Have a good night, Henryk. 你也是
米洛什 You too, Milosz. 亲爱的 Hi, my love. 今天还好吗 Good day? 现在好多了 Better now. -妮娜呢
-在后院 - Where"s Nina? - At the back. 和她的小伙伴们在一起 With her friends. 别担心 Don"t worry. 大家都够吃 There is enough for everyone. 闭上双眼 Close your eyes now. 快快睡觉 Go to sleep 美梦相伴 and have a sweet dream. 是谁教你这首歌♥的
爸爸 Where did you learn that song, Papa? 我的爸爸妈妈教我的 I learned it from my parents. 他们的爸爸妈妈教他们的 And they learned it from their parents. 再往上也一样 And them from theirs. 总有一天
你也会唱给你的孩子听 And one day, you will sing it to you children too. 他们怎么了
你的爸爸妈妈 What happened to them, your parents?
当时我还很小 They were taken from me, when I was a little boy. 集中营囚犯编号♥ 但他们永远在这里
在我心里 But, they are still here, inside. 还有这里
守护着你 And here... with you. 会有人来把你带走吗 Is someone going to take you away? 永远不会 Never. 我们或许比想象中更像兄弟 I guess we"re more alike than we thought. 他不听我们的 He won"t listen to us. -他就是
-斯考特的作风 - He just... He"s been... - Scott. 我去和他说 Let me try. 泽维尔天才少年学校 很陈旧的感觉
这里是学校还是博物馆 Smells pretty old in here. Is this a school or museum. 还有一级
最后一级 One more, and last one. 走路请看路 Watch where you"re going. 我没法看 I can"t... -你在和谁说话
-我 - What? Who are you talking to? - Me. 我在脑袋里听到了你的声音 I just heard you in my head. -我能心灵感应
-别读我的 - I"m telepathic, I read minds. - Well, stay out of mine. 我可不要什么怪女孩在我脑里偷♥窥♥ I don"t need some weird girl creeping around in there. 别担心
没啥可看的 Don"t worry, Scott, there"s not much to see. 等等
我没提过我的名字 Hey, wait. I didn"t tell you my name. 用不着 No, you didn"t. 阿历克斯·萨默斯 Alex Summers?
汉克·麦考伊 Hank McCoy! 你那身蓝色的毛呢 Whoa. What happen to the big blue... furry you? 我现在控制着呢 I, keep it under control now. -这是我弟弟斯考特
斯考特 - This is my brother, Scott. - Hey, Scott. 我是汉克·麦考伊
这里的老师之一 I"m Hank McCoy. I"m one of the teachers here. 教授呢 Where"s the Professor? 开辟出一条血路 ... to break forth bloodily, 彻底和过去决裂
才能有崭新的开始 then the past must be obliterated and a new start made. 让我们忘却一切走向新世界 Let us now start fresh without remembrance, 再也不要踌躇不前 rather than live forward and backward at the same time. 谁能告诉我
作者用这些文字描绘的痛苦 Now, what are the aggrieve things that the author meant 究竟所指何事 when he wrote all that? He... 这是家庭作业
明天交 That"s going to be your assignment for tomorrow. 祝大家好成绩
下课 Top marks, everyone. Class dismiss. -阿历克斯
-我也是 - Alex, it"s good to see you. - Yeah, you too. 你看上去不错
好久不见 You look... well. It"s been a while. 是啊
你也挺精神的 It has. You"re not too bad yourself. 谢谢 Thank you. 这是我弟弟
斯考特 This is my brother, Scott. 你好
欢迎来到天才少年学校 Hello, Scott. Welcome to the school for the gifted. 我可不觉得这是礼物[天赋] Yeah. It doesn"t exactly feel like a gift. 天赋一开始都让人很难接受 It never does, not at first.
要了解一种特殊能力 The first step in understanding 首先得了解它的极限 one"s power is learning the extent of it. 之后
我们才能教你 Only then, can we begin the 如何进一步控制它 process of teaching you how to control it. 如果你决定留下来 If you do decide to stay, 我向你保证
等你从这里毕业时 I can promise you that by the time you are done here 你一定能回归正常生活 you"ll be able to go back into 安居乐业
学有建树 the world and play a stable productive partner. 不如把绷带解开
让我们见识一下 Why don"t you take your bandages off and we can have a look 你的超能力吧 at what we"re dealing with here. 阿历克斯
帮帮他 Alex, would you line him up. 让他面朝正确的方向 Face him in the right direction if you will. 河对面正好有个靶子 There"s a target just across the water. 当你睁眼的时候
试着打中靶子 When you open your eyes, try and hit that. 你可以睁眼了
不用害怕 You can open your eyes, Scott. There"s nothing to be afraid of. 很简... It"s quite... 躲开 Get back! 躲开
快躲开 Get back. Get back. 那棵树是我爷爷 5 岁时种下的 My grandfather planted that tree when he was 5 years old. 我以前常在树下荡秋千 I used to swing from the branches then myself. 那大概是我最喜欢的一棵树了 I think that was probably my favourite tree. -我被开除了吗
-恰恰相反 - Does that mean I"m expel? - On the contrary.
你被录取了 You"re enrolled. 埃及
开罗 你们卖♥♥地毯吗 Do you sell rugs? 你不能进到这里来 You"re not allowed in this area. 这块地毯卖♥♥吗 This rug is for sale? 我说了
不... I said, this... 早安 Good morning. 万能的主 Oh, mighty lord. 愿主神威赐福吾辈
愿主神威赐福吾辈 Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your powers. 至高无上
万能的主 The great, all mighty lord. 愿主神威赐福吾辈
愿主神威赐福吾辈 Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your powers. 吾等是您忠诚的奴仆 We are your loyal followers. -恩·沙巴·奴尔
-恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur. 至高无上
万能的主 The great, all mighty lord. 愿主神威赐福吾辈
愿主♥权♥威统领吾辈 Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities. 快看 Look, quick. 你们快看 Everyone, look. 恩·沙巴·奴尔 En Sabah Nur. 至高无上
万能的主 The great, all mighty lord. 愿主神威赐福吾辈
愿主♥权♥威统领吾辈 Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities. -恩·沙巴·奴尔
-恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur! - En Sabah Nur! 至高无上
万能的主 The great, all mighty lord. 愿主神威赐福吾辈
Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities. 主啊 Lord! 发生什么了 What"s happening? -恩·沙巴·奴尔
-恩·沙巴·奴尔 - En Sabah Nur! - En Sabah Nur! 不对劲
不 Something"s wrong. No. No. -跑
-快跑 - Run! - Quick, run! 地震了 Earthquake! 回去睡觉
亲爱的 Back to bed, please, my darling. -回去睡觉
-她又开始了 - Back to bed. - She"s doing it again. 回去睡觉
回床上去 Back to bed, please, everyone. Jessie, back to bed, please. 快点
回去睡觉 Come on, now. Spitzbolt, back to bed. 都快回去
回床上去 Carrie Anne, come on, now. Back to bed. -我从没见过她这样
-我见过 - I"ve never seen her like this. - Well, I do. 别让孩子们靠近这里 Don"t let any of the children come this way. 琴 Jean. 琴 Jean! 琴 Jean!!! 我
我看到了世界末日 I... I saw the end of the world. 我能感受到那些死亡 I could feel all this death. 不
只是个梦 Nope. It was just a dream. -但感觉很真实
-我明白 - But, it felt real. - I know. 你拥有我所见过的最强大的意识 Your mind is the most powerful I"ve ever seen. -甚至能说服它自己
- It can convince itself... - No, it"s not 单纯的读心术或是心灵感应
是别的什么 just a mind reading or the telekinesis, it"s something else. 我内心的黑暗力量越来越强大
像一团火 Some... dark power inside and it"s growing, like a fire. -我以为自己好转了
-你会好起来的 - I thought I was getting better. - You are. You will. -要有耐心
不 - You just have to be patient. - No. No. 你不明白害怕到不敢闭眼是什么感觉 You don"t know what it"s like to be afraid to shut your eyes. -被囚禁在自己的意识中
-我明白的 - To be trapped inside your own head. - Oh, but I think I do. 很久之前
我也困扰于自己脑海中的声音 It wasn"t so long ago, that I was plagued by voices of myself. 那些煎熬呐喊
痛苦呻♥吟♥ All their suffering. All their pain. 窃窃私语 Their secrets. 我怕有一天我会伤害别人 I"m afraid one day I am going to hurt someone. 躺下吧 Lie back. 人都会害怕自己不理解的东西 Everyone fears that which they do not understand. 你会学会控制自己的能力 You will learn to control your powers. 到那时
你就不用再害怕了 And when you do, you"ll have nothing to fear. 她这次的噩梦与以往不同 Her nightmares were different this time. 这个噩梦或许能解释 Well, it could have count for 之前我在实验室观察到的一些东西 something I saw while I was in my lab earlier. 好像发生了地震
有某种能量爆发 There was some kind of tremor. Like an energy surge. 被一个仪器记录到了 I picked it up on one of my meters. 你是说
是琴造成的吗 You"re saying that Jean created it. 不
是别的什么造成的 No, I"m saying something else did. 可能引起了她的共鸣
Maybe she was reacting to it, I don"t know. 但震中在地球的另一边 But, the Epicenter was half way around the world. -地球另一边
-对 - Half way around the world? - Yeah. 所以我希望你能感应一下 That"s why I was hoping you could take a look. 那就试试看吧 Let"s see what we can find. 欢迎您
教授 Welcome Professor. 信♥号♥♥来自开罗 The source came from Cairo. 我来输入坐标 I"ll put in the coordinates. 我得离开这里
去汇报情况 I got to get out of here and report everything. 怎么
看到什么了 What? What is it? 发生大事了
我必须回去汇报 Something happened here, I must make a report. -是她
-谁 - It"s her. - Who? -莫伊洛
-什么 - Moira. - What? 莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特吗 Moira MacTaggert? -详细说说
-她看上去美极了 - Eh, give me the details? - Well, she looks amazing. -一点都没老
我意思是 - She"s barely aged a day. - No. I meant... 她怎么会在那
中情局和这事有什么关系 What is she doing there? What"s the CIA doing with this? 她准备回局里汇报情况 She"s going back to Langley to deliver a report. 我也要去那里 I"m going to go there, 看看她对这次地震有什么了解 see if she knows something about the tremor. 你想见莫伊拉 You want to go see Moira. 我想了解她的情况
了解地震的情况 I want to go check her out, check out... the situation. 莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特
Moira MacTaggert. 就好像看到了过去 It"s like a ghost from the past. 你做了件好事
你救了那个人 You did a good thing, you saved that man. 这不是重点 That"s not the point. 如果我身份暴露了
我们都不安全 If I"m exposed, we"re all exposed. 我们必须离开 We have to go. 这是我们的家 This is our home. 我们女儿的家 This is our daughter"s home. 我们在一起就是家 We are our home. 我见到你的第一晚
就告诉了你我的身份 I told you who I was, the first night I met you. 当时我信了你
现在我需要你信任我 I trusted you then. I need you to trust me now. 我们不能再留在这儿了 We can"t stay here anymore. 我去叫妮娜 I"ll get Nina. 宝贝 Sweetheart? 她不在房♥间里 She"s not in her room. 后面也没有 And I don"t see her out the back. -妮娜
-妮娜 - Nina! - Nina! -妮娜
-妮娜 - Nina! - Nina! 妮娜 Nina! 妮娜 Nina. 你还好吗 Are you alright? 她没事 She"s fine. -放了她
- Then, let her go. - We will. 我们只想说句话 We just wanted to have a word. 你们没带警徽 You are not wearing your badges. 不能有金属 No metal. 有几个工人说他们今天看到了某种现象 Some guys at the factory said they saw something today. 某种说不通的现象 Something that didn"t add up. 把武器放下 Put your weapons away. 你是个好公民
亨里克 You"ve been a good citizen, Henryk. 好邻居
好工人 A good neighbor, good worker. -我想相信你就是这样的人
-他确实是 - I want to believe that"s who you are. - He is. 但镇上没人真正了解你 But nobody in this town really knows you. 不
你了解我 Yes, you do. 我是亨里克·古尔斯基 I am Henryk Gurzsky. 雅各布
我曾在你家跟你共进晚餐... Jakob, I"ve had dinner in your home... 你一直都在撒谎 And you were lying the whole time. 我当时是引狼入室了 I brought a killer into my house. 这是你吗 Is that you? 你是他们口中的万磁王吗 Are you the one they call Magneto? 逮捕我吧 Take me in. 求你
放了我女儿 Please. Just let my daughter go. 去找你妈妈 Go with your mother. 别 Please! 别丢下我
Don"t leave me. -我不会让他们带你走的
-妮娜 - I"m not going to let them take you. - Nina. 妮娜
别这样 Nina. Please. Please. 妮娜
妮娜 Nina. Nina, don"t. Nina. 求求你 Please! 怎么了 What"s going on? 她也是变种人 She"s one of them. 求求你们 Please. 让她停下 Tell her to stop. 她控制不了 She can"t control it. -妮娜
-求求你们 - Nina. - Please. 她被你们吓到了 She"s scared of you. 我不会让他们带你走的 I"m not going to let them take you! 我不会让他们带你走的 I"m not going to let them take you! 让她停下 Make her stop! 妮娜
妮娜 Nina. Nina. 快停下 Please stop. 快停下
妮娜 Please stop, Nina! 不 No! 妮娜 Nina? 妮娜
不 Nina. No. 不
拜托 No... Please. Please. Please. -你都干了些什么
- What have you done? - Don"t leave me, please. 求求你 Please. Please. 别带走我的至亲们 Not my babies. 别带走我的至亲们 Not my babies. 这就是你想要的吗 Is this what you want from me? 我就是这样的人吗 Is this what I am? 我就是这样的人吗 Is this what I am? 该死的小偷
抓住她 God damn thief. Stop that thief. 抓住她
抓住那个小偷 Stop her. Stop that thief! 你知道我们怎么惩罚小偷吗 You know what we do to thieves? 选只手 Pick a hand. 够了 Enough. 如果你是跟她一起的
劝你赶紧走 If you are with her, I suggest you walk away. 趁你还能走 While you can. 走开 Walk away. 谁统治这个世界 Who rules this world? 什么鸟语 What language is that? 小丑脸
你想怎样 Clown-face! What do you want? 滚开 Beat it! 抱歉 I"m sorry. 对不起 I"m sorry. 你感觉不到
是不是 You can"t feel it, don"t you? 这下你感觉到了
Now, you feel it. 美国中♥央♥情报局 你这么多年真没见过她吗 So, you really haven"t seen her in all these years? 从来都没找过她
也没用脑波增幅器 You never looked her up? Not even in Cerebro? 阿历克斯 Alex. 你把我当成什么人了
变♥态♥吗 Who do you take me for? Some kind of pervert? 好吧
我查过她一次 I... Yes, I looked her up once. 两次
好吧 Twice. But, not in a long time. Alright? 你们怎么结束的 How"d you leave things? -有什么不愉快吗
-不太可能 - Any hard feelings? - Not likely. 大家休息一下 Everybody take a break. 我把她记忆中关于我们的部分都抹掉了 I wiped her mind off all memories of us. 海滩
那整段时光 The beach, Cuba, that whole time. 很久以前的事了
阿历克斯 It"s so long ago, Alex. 早在世界知道变种人之前
我就觉得 Before the world knew about mutants, I have felt... 这样对她最好 it was the best thing for her. 那对你来说呢 And for you? 对我来说怎样最好并不重要 It didn"t really matter what"s best for me. 莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特
你好 Moira MacTaggert. Hello. 天
搞什么 Oh, Jeez. What the devil? 容我自我介绍一下
我是教授... Allow me to introduce myself. I"m Professor... 查尔斯·泽维尔 Charles Xavier. -我知道你是谁
-是吗 - I know exactly who you are - You do?
当然了 Of course I do. 你所有论文我都拜读过 I"ve read all of your papers. 终于见到你了
幸会 It"s a pleasure to finally meet you. -莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特
-阿历克斯·萨默斯 - Moira MacTaggert. - Alex Summers. 请坐
那个放地上就行 Have a seat. Just, throw that on the floor. 能再见到你真是太好了 It"s wonderful to see you again. 第一次见到你真是太好了 To-to meet you again for the first time. 你有儿子 I... You got a son? -对
-他有丈夫吗 - Yes. - Does he have a husband or... 你有丈夫吗 Do you have a husband? 我曾有过
但是... I had a husband, but... 既在这工作又要及时回家做饭太难了 It"s hard to do this job and make it home in time for dinner. 好
好 Good. Good. 我们都要做出选择
是不是 We all make choices, right? 是的 Yes, we do. -教授
-什么 - Professor. - Yes? 对
我...我们希望 Yes. I was... we were hoping that 你能告诉我们昨天埃及发生了什么 you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt. 恐怕那是机密 I"m afraid that"s classified information. 我不想无礼
但是... And, I don"t mean to be rude, but... 你们是怎么进来的 How did you get in here? 我有五级权限 I have level 5 clearance.
自从世人 1973 年发现变种人之后 Ever since the world found out about mutants in "73, 就一直有邪教自称基♥督♥复临 there have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming 或上帝显灵 or sign of god. 我在追踪其中的一个 I was tracking one of them. 他们自称恩·沙巴·奴尔信徒 They called themselves, Ashir En Sabah Nur, 是以他们所认为的 named after an ancient being 世上首个来命名的 they believed to be the world"s first. 世上首个什么 The world first"s what? 世上首个变种人 The world"s first mutant. 我以为变种人是本世纪才进化出来的 I thought mutants didn"t evolve until this century. 一般理论的确如此
但这些人认为 That"s the common theory, yes. But, these guys believe that 第一个变种人千万年前就已经出现了 the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago. 而且他们认为他会再次崛起 And they believe he will rise again. 他们为了寻找线索 They"ve been searching ancient sites 一直在搜寻世界上所有的古迹遗址 all round the world for clues. 这些象形文字描绘了一种特别的力量 These hieroglyphs described a specific set of powers 超过了人能拥有的力量 greater than any man can possess. 他们认为他一直都活着 They think he lived all that time? 对也不对
他们相信他有一种能力 Yes and no. They believe he had the ability 能把意识转移到别人的身体中 to transfer his consciousness from body to body, 于是只要他快死的时候 and whenever he was close to death 他就占领一个新的身体 he would just take on a new body.
有些身体是变种人的 Some of these may have been the bodies of mutants 这就令他获得了他们的能力 enabling him to take their powers 长久以来积累了不同的能力 amassing varies abilities over the years. -一个全能的变种人
-正是 - An all powerful mutant. - Exactly. 无论它走到哪
都有四个主要信徒 And wherever this being was, he always had 4 principle followers. 信徒们
他会增强这些保护者的能力 Disciples. Protectors he would imbue their powers. 就像天启四骑士一样 Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. 他是跟《圣经》学的 He got that one from the Bible. 或者《圣经》是跟他学的 Or the Bible got it from him. 无论他统治何处
那里最终都会因灾难灭亡 And wherever he ruled, eventually, it would end in disaster. 大灾难
某种...天启 Cataclysm. Some kind of... Apocalypse. 世界末日 The end of the world. 我必须说
阿波罗 I must say, Apollo. 你学习人类行为的方式很了不起 The way you ape human behavior is remarkable. 出去
孩子们 Get out, children. 快点
快点 Come on. Come on. 快出去
出去 Get out. Get out. 我在这镇子里从没见过其他变种人 I"ve never seen another mutant in this town. 你说埃及语
阿♥拉♥伯语 You speak Egyptian? Arabic? 英语 English? 伟大的战士 Great fighter. 她是我的英雄
我想变得像她一样 She"s my hero. I want to be like her.
不太多 There"s some food here, not much. 我不相信
你爱我 I don"t believe it. You love me. 爱你
清醒点吧 Love you? Be logical. 我不是会随便屈从于你的牧羊女 I"m not some simple shepherdess you can awe. 天
我宁可 Why, I could no more love you 爱一种新的细菌 than I could love a new species of... 也不爱你 bacteria. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 学习 Learning. 愤怒的人们走上街头 In the streets there is outrage 反对入侵阿富汗 against the invasion of Afghanistan... 人类之间的手足情谊 The brotherhood of our kind. 其中之一是在波士顿举♥行♥的 One of them was held in Boston. 自从核武器法案通过后 Since the act in the nuclear weapons, 美国不会挑起战争 the United States does not start fights... 武器 Weapons. 人类从未拥有如此之大的力量 Never before has man possess so much power. 苏联和美国成为超级大国... With Soviet Union and the United States being superpowers... 超级大国 Superpowers. 弱者占领了地球 The weak have taken the Earth. 所以
我被背叛了 For this, I was betrayed. 伪神 False gods.
偶像 Idols. 到此为止了 No more. 我已归来 I have returned. 新的明天
就从今天开始 The new tomorrow, that starts today. 十周年纪念 你从哪来 Where did you come from? 在人类迷失之前 The time before man lost his way. 欢迎来到 80 年代 Welcome to the 80s. 这个世界需要被... This world needs to be... 净化 cleansed. 什么 What? 拯救 Saved. 你不能通过到处杀人来拯救世界 You can"t save the world, just going around killing people. 有法律
针对杀戮的一些体制和地方 There"s laws, systems and place for that kind of thing. 孩子
你为何自我奴役 My child, why do you enslave yourself? -你要干什么
-让你变强 - What are you doing? - Making you stronger. 我的女神 My goddess. 对 Yes. 你说得对 You were right. 时代已经过去 The time has passed. 神再无容身之地 There is no room for gods. 为什么我不能跟你一起去 Why can"t I go with you. 我说过了
I told you, I work alone. 在那儿等着 Wait there. 见到你真高兴
哪怕那不是你真正的样子 Always good to see your face, even if it"s not yours. 一人份的文件和通行证 Papers and passage for one. 我能问问这位先生要去哪儿吗 Where is the gentleman going, may I ask? 不重要
也不关心 Don"t matter, don"t care. 我刚救了他一命
他之后干什么是他的事 I just saved his life, what he does with it is up to him. -魔形女
-别那么叫我 - Mystique, the mercenary. - Don"t call me that. 不管你怎么努力假扮别人 No matter how much you pretend to be someone else, 卡利班总知道你是谁 Caliban knows who you are. 但凡有值得知晓的关于变种人的事 If there"s anything worth knowing about mutants, 卡利班都知道 Caliban knows it. 魔形女 Mystique. 你还是问问你的灵媒 Why don"t you ask your psychics 要是你继续逼我会发生什么吧 what will happen if you keep pushing me. 会发生什么 What will happen? 灵蝶有点嫉妒了呢 Psylocke gets a little jealous. -因为卡利班喜欢你
-卡利班喜欢钱 - "Cause Caliban likes you. - Caliban likes money. 卡利班太喜欢你了
他想给你免费的消息 Caliban likes you so much, he wants to give you free information. 关于老朋友的消息 About an old friend. 非常老的朋友 From back when you have friends. 你记得埃里克·兰谢尔吗 Do you remember, Erik Lehnsherr? 我的姑娘们在波兰见过他
My girls had a flash of him in Poland. 他留下了好几具尸体 He left quite a few dead bodies in his wake, 其中包括他妻子和女儿 including his wife and daughter. 应该马上就会上新闻了 Should be on the news soon enough. 但是卡利班让你领先了一步 But... Caliban gives you a little head start. 你有多快 How fast are you? -多快
-你能跑多远 - How fast? - How far can you cover? 目之所及
或者我之前去过的地方 Uh, as far as I can see, or if I"ve been there before. 跟我来
行者 Come with me Crawler. 其实是夜行者
我真名叫... Actually it"s Nightcrawler, and my real name is... 科特·瓦格纳 ... Kurt Wagner. 镜片是红宝石石英的 The lenses are made up of some ruby quartz I have lying around. 应该可以让光波折射 They should be able to refract your optic beams 从而把它们控制在自己的矢量场中 and keep them contain within their own vector fields. 戴上试试吧 Try them on. 来吧 Okay, go ahead. 等等
不行 Wait. Wait. Sorry, no. 好了 Okay. -现在
可以了 - Now? - Yeah, you"re good. 好的 Alright. 我能看见了 I can see. 谢谢 Thank you. 教授
Professor, thank you. You"re a genius. 不
我不是教授 No, I"m... not a professor. 我希望我是 I wish. 那是谁 Who"s that? 你们应该见过
她叫琴·格蕾 I believe you two have met, that"s Jean Grey. 你刚来的时候撞到她了 You bumped into her when you arrived. -那是她
-对啊 - Wait, that"s her? - Yeah. 你能看见了 You can see. 对
这儿没我想得那么糟 Yeah. It"s not as bad as I thought here. -怪胎
-应该有人警告那个新来的 - Freak. - Some one should warn that new kid. 他们还是很怕我 They"re still scared of me. 我现在有特殊眼镜了 Hey, I have special glasses now! 他们不是怕你
是怕我 They"re not scared of you, they"re scared of me. 你不是唯一一个无法完全控制能力的人 You"re not the only one who can"t full control your powers. 所以... Wait, so... 昨晚
是你干的 last night, when the house shook... that was you? 抱歉打破你的美梦 Sorry to break it to you, 但你不是这学校最奇怪的怪胎 but you are not the biggest freak of this school. 这可是头一回呢 That"s a first. 瑞雯 Raven. -我...你... -不是蓝色的 - I... You"re... - Not blue? 你我现在有共同之处了 It"s like you and I have that in common now. 不
No. No, I meant... You"re... 你回来了 you"re back. 我没想到还能在这儿再见到你 I never thought I would see you here again. 我也是 Yeah, me neither. 我是蓝色的 I"m blue. 我是科特 I"m Kurt. 忘了他了 Oh, right. 科特·瓦格纳 Kurt Wagner. 欢迎 Welcome. 我们打烊了 We"re closed. 我说怎么突然有点冷呢 I knew I felt a chill in the air. 你怎么进来的 How did you get in here? 我们想进就进 We let ourselves in. 我们在寻找变种人 We are looking for mutants. 鉴于你知道怎么找
所以我们来找你 Since you know where to find them, we came here. 卡利班可不认识你 Caliban doesn"t know you. 我们在找最强的变种人 We are looking for the strongest. -出什么事了吗
灵蝶 - Everything alright? - I"m fine, Psylocke. 你们能出多少钱 How much money do you have? 没钱 None. 卡利班说了... Like Caliban said... 我们打烊了
懂吗 We are closed, yeah? 我需要你的帮助
I need your help, my child. 你看着可不像卡利班的父亲 You don"t look Caliban"s father. 上面这里可能有点像 Maybe a little bit up here. 你们都是我的孩子 You are all my children. 你们迷失了
因为你们跟错了人 And you are lost, because you follow blind leaders. 这些伪神 These false gods. 软弱无能的制度 Systems of the weak. 它们毁了我的世界... They"ve ruined my world... ...现在不会了 ... no more. 你想怎样 What do you want? 我想让你... I want you... 彻底释放你的能力 To feel the full reach of your power. 现在你会的只是皮毛而已 You"ve only have a taste of your true strength. 与那些伺机掌控你的人不同 Unlike others who seek to control you. 我只想给你自♥由♥ I want to set you free. 我知道你要找的那种变种人 I know the kind of mutants you are looking for. 我还知道他们在哪里 And I know where to find them. 这是我第一次来美国 It"s my first time in America. 我很高兴能参观你们的文化 I am very excited to see your culture. 在这里你可参观不到 Well, you are not going to see it here. 你只能在这参观到 The only thing American about this place 曾经属于英国佬的东西 is that it used to be British. 这是斯考特
This is Scott. 也是个新生 He is new here too. 我已经准备好要越狱了 And I"m already up for a prison break. 带这个蓝色的家伙兜个风如何 What do you say we take this blue guy on a little field trip? 我想这附近一定有大商场 I"m sure there"s a mall around here somewhere. 什么是商场 What"s a mall? 什么是商场
这可关乎民族自豪感了 What"s a mall? Alright. Now it"s a matter of national pride. -我有义务给你科普一下
-斯考特 - Civic duty. - Scott. 怎么了
你在这里被关了这么久了 What? You"ve been cooped up here for a long time. 正好教授也不在家 And the Professor is not even home. 我很乐意去商场看看 I-I like to go to the mall. -试试吧
-好啊 - Try it. - Alright. 教授的车停在哪儿来着 Where does he keep his cars? 离老子远点 Faire pisse. 还是我该说英语
"给老子滚" Or should I say, "Piss off"? -确定是他吗
-曾经是 - This is the guy? - He used to be. 我不知道他的翅膀已经... I didn"t know his wings were... 我们走吧 Let"s get out of here. 他没法再战斗了 His fighting days are done. 不
并不是 No, they"re not. 这他妈什么情况 What the hell is this? 我想送你点东西 I want to give you something. 我想要的东西你可给不起
There is nothing you can give me that I want. 他给得起 Yes, there is. 是的
我的孩子 Yes, my son. 就是这样 Yes. 崛起吧
我的天使 Rise, my angel. 崛起吧 Rise. 超音速
还能隐形 Hypersonic, blast resistance, stealth technology. 真了不起 That"s impressive. 可你打算怎么把他开上天 How are you ever gonna get it out of here? 那简单 Well, that"s okay. 我在篮球场下面建了个可伸缩的天花板 I built a retractable roof into the basketball court. 汉克
你这是造了架战斗机啊 Hank, you"re building a warplane down here. 华盛顿事件之后 After what happened in Washington, 我想着或许能重启 X 战警计划 I thought we would come back to start the X-Men. 就像我们一直说的那样
可是... Like we always talked about, but... 查尔斯一心只要学生而不是战士 Charles wants students not soldiers. 他总把人想得很好
他有希望 He thinks the best of people. He has hope. 那你呢 And you? 我觉得我们该希望有最好的结果 You know, I think we should hope for the best. 但也要做好最坏的打算 And prepare for the worst. 这世界需要 X 战警 I think the world needs the X-Men. 既然你回来了
或许你可以帮我劝劝他 Maybe, now that you"re back you can help me convince him 我们能一起重启这个计划
We can start it together. 汉克
我来是为了埃里克 Hank, I"m here about Erik. 对
当然了 Right. Erik. Yeah, of course. -那当然了
-我想他现在可能有麻烦了 - Of course.
- I think he might be in some kind of trouble. 大♥麻♥烦 Real trouble. 他有不惹麻烦的时候吗 Isn"t he always? 你们中有人和警♥察♥通气了... Some of you spoke to the police... 说了你们相信自己昨天看到的事 About what your believed you witnessed here yesterday. 你们想知道我的过去是吧 You want to know my past? 想知道我是谁 Know who I am? 想看我有什么能耐 See what I can do? 我就让你们看看 I"ll show you. 心里想着你毕生最爱的那个人 Think about the person you love most in your life. 你的妻子 Your wife. 母亲 Mother. ...