发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

摘 要:探讨相同振幅(3 mm)、不同频率的全身振动训练(WBVT)对老年女性身体姿势控制能力的影响。63例60~70岁健康老年女性,随机分成年龄、身高和体重相匹配的低频组(n=15,10~15 Hz)、中频组(n=16,25~30 Hz)、高频组(n=15,40~45 Hz)和对照组(n=17)。采用美国产Power-Plate振动平台对振动组进行为期24周的WBVT,并测试0周和24周所有受试者的平衡能力、下肢肌力和下肢的本体感觉。结果显示:(1)平衡能力:低频WBVT显著提高了老年受试者的本体代偿能力,中频和高频显著提高了受试者本体代偿能力、前庭整合能力和左、右方向的动态平衡能力,且高频改善效果优于低频和中频;(2)下肢肌力:低频WBVT显著提高了老年受试者膝关节伸肌绝对力,中频和高频显著提高了膝和踝關节伸肌绝对力和爆发力。高频提升膝关节伸肌绝对力优于低频和中频,对膝关节伸肌爆发力、踝关节伸肌绝对力和爆发力提升效果优于低频。中频提升膝和踝关节伸肌爆发力效果优于低频;(3)下肢运动觉:低频WBVT显著提升了老年受试者膝关节30°和60°位置觉,中频和高频显著提升了膝关节30°、60°和踝关节45°位置觉。且高频提升膝关节30°和60°位置觉效果优于低频和中频。
关 键 词:运动医学;全身振动训练;身体姿势控制;平衡能力;肌力;位置觉;老年女性
中图分类号:G804.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2018)02-0128-07
Effects of whole body vibration training at different frequencies on the balance, lower limb muscle strength and position sense of elderly women
LI Jing-ya1,CHENG Liang2
(1.School of Physical Education,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610066,China;
2.Rehabilitation Center,Sichuan Sports Skills Institute,Chengdu 610041,China)
Abstract: In order to probe into the effects of whole-body vibration training (WBVT) at the same amplitude (3mm) but at different frequencies on the body posture control ability of elderly women, the authors divided 63 healthy elderly women aged 60-70 randomly into a low frequency group (n=15, 10-15 Hz), a mid frequency group (n=16, 25-30 Hz) , a high frequency group (n=15, 40-45 Hz), and a control group (n=17), in which the age, height and weight match The authors let the vibration groups carry out 24-week WBVT on the Power-Plate vibration platform made in USA, and tested the balance, lower limb muscle strength and lower limb proprioception of all the testees on week 0 and week 24, and revealed the following findings: 1) balance: low frequency WBVT significantly improved the ontic compensation ability of the elderly testees, mid frequency and high frequency WBVT significantly improved the ontic compensation ability, vestibular integration ability as well as left and right dynamic balance of the testees, and high frequency WBVT’s improvement effect was better than low frequency and mid frequency WBVT’s; 2) lower limb muscle strength: low frequency WBVT significantly improved the absolute power of knee joint extensor of the elderly testees, mid frequency and high frequency WBVT significantly improved the absolute power and explosive power of knee and ankle joint extensors; high frequency WBVT’s effect of improving the absolute power of knee joint extensor was better than low frequency and mid frequency WBVT’s, its effect of improving the explosive power of knee joint extensor, and the absolute power and explosive power of ankle joint extensor, was better than low frequency WBVT’s; mid frequency WBVT ‘s effect of improving the explosive power of knee and ankle joint extensors was better than low frequency WBVT ‘s; 3) lower limb movement sense: low frequency WBVT significantly improved the 30° and 60° position sense of knee joint of the elder testees, mid frequency and high frequency WBVT significantly improved the 30° and 60° position sense of knee joint and the 45° position sense of ankle joint, and high frequency WBVT’s effect of improving the 30° and 60° position sense of knee joint was better than low frequency and mid frequency WBVT’s.