making fun of Aftermath,of,Moviemaking
发布时间:2020-03-26 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:
In his famous novel Lost Horizon, writtenover 70 years ago, British author JamesHilton described legendary Shangri-la, apeaceful, mystical retreat in the remotemountains of southwest China. Thispiece of paradise is today a reality and isfound at Deqen Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture in Yunnan Province. In pastures3,500 meters above sea level nestles a smallshallow lake called Bigu Tianchi. Despite itsinconspicuousness, the lake, surrounded by30 square km of lush virgin forests, is the per-fect picture of tranquility.
相关热词搜索:Aftermath Moviemaking Aftermath of Moviemaking the+making+of the making of