发布时间:2020-03-10 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:
为更好地体现中法两友好省区的悠久历史文化和美丽风光, “交流的目光”摄影展采取了通过摄影家的镜头“看自己”和“看他乡”的方式。“看自己”,就是中法6位摄影家各自选择5―8幅在自己故乡拍摄的代表作品参展,用自己的镜头向人们展示自己的国家和文化;“看他乡”,就是从6位摄影家在异域拍摄的作品中选取5―8幅作品,向观众展示摄影家所看到的异域文化。这种客观、公正、新颖的展览形式不但体现了展览主创人员的良苦用心,也成为吸引观众的一大亮点。
On April 8, 2004, a sunny day in the bright spring time of France, in the Congress Hall of Rennes, capital of Brittany, the inauguration of a unique photography exhibition entitled“Exchanged Eyesight,”which is jointly held by Shandong Province of China and Brittany of France, commenced with great ceremony.
In 2003, in order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the two sister provinces of Shandong and Brittany jointly sponsored a photography cooperation project. Acting to fulfill a signed agreement between the two, Shandong sent three photographers to Brittany for four weeks of shooting in September. Then, in October, three photographers selected from all over France came to Shandong for four weeks of shooting. After half a year of preparation, the photos for the exhibitions were selected, printed, and displayed, making the inauguration successfully held in Rennes.
The government of Brittany and the France-China Friendship Organization gave ceremonious receptions to the photographic projects. Before the inauguration, newspapers and TV stations reported the news concerning the projects. Moreover, advertisements for the inauguration can be seen in many shop windows in the downtown area of Rennes. Before the inauguration, in order to introduce the photographic project to the public, the government of Brittany hosted a news briefing chaired by the vice-chairman of the Brittany Congress.
Beginning with the concept of subjectively displaying the time-honored history, culture, and scenery of both Shandong and Brittany through“Exchanged Eyesight,”it was decided that each of the six photographers could exhibit 10 to 16 photos, among which five to eight would be shot in their own homeland, while the other five to eight would be shot in the“Sister Province”to show their personal perspective of the neighbor country“TTL”-through the lens. Through this creative technique, the sponsors intended visitors to learn about the cultural and natural difference between Shandong and Brittany through the“eye”of the photographers.
At the inauguration, visitors from Brittany showed more interest in the photographs of China, since many French people have never been to China, which had previously seemed to them to be a mysterious country far away. Therefore, all the photos taken in China aroused great interest and enthusiasm in visitors from all walks of life. In front of the photos of Mount Tai, the Yellow River, giant Chinese calligraphies, the seacoast and beaches of Qingdao City, and family portraits of ordinary Shandong people, dozens of French visitors stood in rapt attention, deeply fascinated as they beheld a new world.
Among the three French photographers sent to China, Didier Olivre is engaged primarily in family photography. In Shandong, wherever he went, he visited some ordinary families and took group pictures of family members inside their homes. In China, this kind of photography is rare. So, when shooting photos in Shandong, many people were surprised by Didier’s style. However, at the inaugural event, to our surprise, we found that Dider’s photos were the most popular among sightseers. Standing in front of Didier’s photos, many visitors were surprised at the unity of several generations of family members in Chinese families, which is rare in France. Some onlookers even curiously asked members of the Shandong Province Cultural Delegation whether families in Dider’s photos were truly representative of ordinary families in China. They were also surprised that some families seemed quite well-to-do, since, in their imagination, China is still a poor country where most people live in shabby apartments without good furniture.
But it was not only the ordinary visitors to the Opening Ceremony of the“Exchanged Eyesight”Exhibition which were deeply moved by the photos they saw, for the impressions and understanding of China gained by the French photographers who came to Shandong were even more changed by their four week trip to China.
Eve Morcrette, the only lady among the three photographers, is from Paris. In the text of the catalogue for the exhibition, she wrote with great emotion:“In October, 2003, I came to China. For me, those days were full of surprises and fascination. I will never forget this trip all my life. It will leave a deep mark in my life later and will probably change my life. I wish very much that I can go back to China and take photos there again.”
Alain Le Bacquer, a photographer from Paris, is especially good at photographing subject stories. At the news briefing for the inauguration, when talking about his trip to Shandong, Alain emotionally told the media:“Every country has its own different situation. I visited Shandong, and know the situation there personally. Chinese people should take pride in their current status of human rights.”
After Rennes, the photographic exhibition“Exchanged Eyesight”will be held in seven other cities throughout Brittany. In each city, the exhibition will last about one month. Then, in October, 2004,“Exchanged Eyesight”will begin a tour of eight cities in Shandong Province.
As it is with the arts of painting, sculpture, and dance, there are no linguistic or geographical barriers to the enjoyment of photography. So we are sure that“through the lens”of these photographers, the people of Brittany will learn more about Shandong and the people of Shandong will learn more about Brittany.
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