【菏泽的“新思想”运动】 中国新思想运动
发布时间:2020-03-10 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:
在2月29日召开的菏泽市干部作风集中教育整顿活动动员大会上,陈光围绕干部作风建设问题提出了“十个坚持、十个反对”:坚持顽强拼搏、知耻奋进,反对悲观失望、精神滑坡;坚持自我加压、勇创一流,反对不求有功、但求无过;坚持探索求知、奋发进取,反对照抄照搬、不思创新;坚持令行禁止、维护大局,反对随心所欲、不讲政治;坚持严谨细致、扎实工作,反对作风浮漂、大而化之;坚持实事求是、求真务实,反对弄虚作假、欺上瞒下;坚持只争朝夕、雷厉风行,反对推诿扯皮、不讲效率 ;坚持铺下身子、埋头苦干,反对心浮气躁、追名逐利;坚持深入基层、亲民爱民,反对高高在上、脱离群众;坚持党性原则、勇于批评,反对一团和气、关系庸俗。可以说,这是菏泽干部的行为标准,也是突破菏泽的思想准则。
Analyzing the backwardness Heze, some scholars think that this should be ascribed to its history and geographical location. Heze is located in the southeast corner of Shandong Province and was once the appendage of the State of Lu in Chinese history. The State of Lu was the birthplace of Confucianism, which is characterized by conservative thinking, centered around the monarch politically and the father in the family. Influenced by such thought, many have imagined that the people of Heze lacked the pioneering spirit and always adapted slowly in accepting new trends.
Judging by the facts of history, this analysis is not without reason. For instance, Heze people seldom leave their hometown to seek education or development opportunities elsewhere. Sometimes, when opportunities come to meet them face to face, they usually reject them out of hand in order to avoid the possible risks they would incur. Sometimes, when they finally decide to accept such opportunities after long reflection, the opportunities usually have been lost. So, the Heze people, though they may appear to be hardworking, actually have a rather lazy ideology. They seldom consider ways to make fortunes on their own initiatives.
In order to do away with the “arrogance, complaint, and despondence,” in June 2003, among the governmental officials, the Government of Heze launched a “Brain-Changing Project,” by which it was expected the ideology of the governmental officials would be thoroughly changed. Usually, when the government organized a few officials to investigate the economic situation elsewhere, they chose the Zhujiang River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta, where the economy was already highly developed, as the preferred places. However, this time, they chose the cities of Dezhou, Binzhou, and Liaocheng in Shandong. “We have been to the southern areas many times. Every time, when we saw the developed economy in the southern area, we felt excited and encouraged. However, after coming back, nothing was changed. So now, we are thinking that, to change the current status, we should learn first from neighboring areas, which have developed much better than Heze.” Chen Guang thus explained his motive in launching to the “Brain-Changing Project.”
These ideological changes have quickly resulted in concrete achievements and economic benefits. Juye County is located in the eastern region of Heze City. Wang Changsong, secretary of the CPC Juye County Committee told us the following story. The quality of underground water in Juye is so poor that those who drink this kind of water will have loose bowels. Understandably, the Tap Water Company of Juye went bankrupt several years ago, so local people can only draw water each day for themselves. Thus, native residents have no other choice and must abide such low standards; but people from other regions, if they happen to come to Juye for whatever reason usually leave within two or three days, since they simply will not tolerate such living conditions.
Furthermore, without solving this problem concerning drinking water, how could Juye attract outside resources for investment and development? Through analyzing the situation, intense negotiating, and taking advantage of the opportunity that the Juye Coal Field would be developed by the Yanzhou Mining Group, Juye concluded an agreement with Yanzhou Mining Group to construct facilities for delivering clean tap water. Consequently, the Yanzhou Mining Group has invested in digging five deep wells within the territory of Juye to draw drinking water of high quality for the local dwellers; and Juye has transferred the coal field operation rights to the Yanzhou Mining Group for 25 years. As a result, the dweller of Juye now can drink water of high quality at a lower price. “After changing the way of thinking, nothing is difficult any more,” said Wang Changsong, “In the past, we always thought that if we have our own affairs dealt with by others, we would incur losses. In fact, when following the win-win premise, it doesn’t matter who does the work.”
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