发布时间:2019-08-29 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

摘要:采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)测定滇龙胆(Gentiana rigescens Franch.ex Hemsl.)与不同树龄(3年、4年、5年、9年、12年和15年)茶树(Camellia sinensis)套种后其根、茎、叶3个部位及生长土壤中7种矿质元素(B、Ca、Cu、Fe、Mn、Ni和Zn)的含量。结果显示,滇龙胆中矿质元素平均含量高低顺序为Ca(5 238±2 111)μg/g、Fe(622±238)μg/g、Mn(379±301) μg/g、Cu(75±9.1) μg/g、Zn(46±13) μg/g、B(17±4.9) μg/g、Ni(5.6±3.1) μg/g,与土壤矿质元素含量变化趋势基本一致。根部的B、Ca、Fe、Mn、Ni元素在树龄15年茶树-滇龙胆套种后含量最高,分别为18、3 797、1 050、254、11 μg/g,Cu、Zn元素在树龄12年的茶树-滇龙胆套种中含量最高,分别为244、38 μg/g。相同营养器官不同树龄的茶树-滇龙胆套种后矿质元素含量具有差异,以根部的Cu、Mn元素含量差异显著,变化范围分别为19~244 μg/g和79~254 μg/g,分别相差12.8倍和3.2倍;树龄15年、9年的茶树-滇龙胆套种后茎部的Cu含量分别为177、11 μg/g,相差16.1倍;树龄3年、5年的茶树-滇龙胆套种后叶部的Cu含量分别为325、11 μg/g,相差29.5倍。不同树龄的茶树-滇龙胆套种后根部与土壤矿质元素的相关性以及生物富集系数不同,树龄15年的茶树-滇龙胆套种后根部对Ca、Cu、Mn、Ni、Zn元素的富集能力较强,生物富集系数分别达21.0、3.3、2.2、1.8和4.7。说明茶树复合种植可改变土壤矿质元素的分布,自身生物学特性与复合种植的生态环境共同影响了滇龙胆对矿质元素吸收与运输的能力。
关键词:滇龙胆(Gentiana rigescens Franch.ex Hemsl.);茶树(Camellia sinensis);复合种植;土壤;矿质元素
中图分类号:S662.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2015)22-5641-06
Abstract: Gentiana rigescens Franch.ex Hemsl. is an important plant resource in China, analyzing the effects of compound planting on the mineral elements content in G. rigescens and Camellia sinensis of different growing years has significantly ecological and economic benefits for the sustainable development of agriculture in medicinal plants in China and provide basic data for quality control cultivation technology research of G. rigescens. 7 mineral elements (B, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) content in G. rigescens (root, steam and leaf) intercropped with C. sinensis of different growth years (3-year, 4-year, 5-year, 9-year, 12-year and 15-year) and the corresponding underlying soil were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES). Results the sequence of average element content in G. rigescens is Ca (5 238±2 111) μg/g, Fe(622±238) μg/g, Mn(379±301) μg/g, Cu(75±9.1) μg/g,Zn (46±13) μg/g, B (17±4.9) μg/g, Ni (5.6±3.1) μg/g, which is consistent with the change tendency of mineral elements content in the soil. In the root, the sample intercropping with C. sinensis of 15-year had the highest content of B, Ca, Fe, Mn and Ni, which was 18 μg/g, 3 797 μg/g, 1 050 μg/g, 254 μg/g and 11 μg/g, respectively. The sample intercropping with C. sinensis of 12-year had the highest content of Cu and Zn, which was 244 μg/g and 38 μg/g, respectively. Mineral elements content in the same organ in G. rigescens intercropping with C. sinensis of different growth years were significantly different, especially the content of Cu and Mn in root, and the variation range were 19 to 244 μg/g and 79 to 254 μg/g, respectively, with a difference of 12.8 times and 3.2 times respectively. The content of Cu in the steam of G. rigescens intercropping with C. sinensis of 15-year and 9-year were 177 μg/g and 11 μg/g, respectively, with a difference of 16.1 times. The content of Cu in the leaf of G. rigescens intercropping with C. sinensis of 3-year and 5-year were 325 μg/g and 11 μg/g, respectively, with a difference of 29.5 times. The relationship and the bioconcentration factors of mineral elements were different in the sample intercropping with C. sinensis of different growth years, the bioconcentration factors of Ca, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn were higher in the root of the sample intercropping with C. sinensis of 15-year,as the bioconcentration factors is 21.0,3.3,2.2,1.8 and 4.7, respectively. G. rigescens intercropping with C. sinensis can change the soil mineral elements distribution,and the biological characteristics of G. rigescens and the ecological environment can affect the absorption of mineral elements and transport capacity.