发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:

Analysis on Quality Characteristic and Stability of Upper Fine Tobacco in Shiyan Savage Valley Base Unit of Hubei
WU Wenqi1, YAN Qifeng2*,SUN Wenmin1 et al
(1.Xiangyang Cigarette Factory,Hubei China Tobacco,Xiangyang,Hubei 441000;2.Hubei China Tobacco Industry Co.Ltd.,Wuhan,Hubei 430000)
Abstract[Objective]Tobacco leaf quality condition was investigated in Shiyan savage valley base unit of Hubei.[Method]Taking Yunyan 87 as the research object,appearance quality and sensory evaluation of the middleupper fine tobacco were analyzed in savage valley base unit from 2010 to 2015.[Result]The middleupper fine tobacco appearance quality and sensory smoking quality were good,the oil content and tobacco aftertaste need to be further increased; The middleupper fine tobacco appearance quality and sensory smoking quality were relatively stable,quality between the interannual change was not obvious;Reducing nitrogen and close planting technology was suggested applying,it could control nicotine,reduce starch,improve chemical composition of coordination,increase the exquisite soft degree of flue gas;Increasing organic fertilizer application appropriately could improve tobacco leaf oil and gas porosity structure,increase tobacco flavor and quality of aroma,concentration of aroma,reduce mixed gas of tobacco leaves,so as to further enhance the tobacco leaf appearance quality and sensory smoking quality,guarantee the need of high quality characteristic tobacco raw material of Hubei China Tobacco.[Conclusion] The research can give reference for improving tobacco leaf quality of base unit.
Key wordsTobacco leaf;Middleupper superior tobacco leaves;Appearance quality;Sensory smoking quality;Stability
湖北十堰野人谷基地單元于2010年纳入国家局首批现代烟草农业建设单元,并于2011年顺利通过国家局验收,被评为全国优秀基地单元。该基地单元位于房县中、东部,东与保康县紧邻,南与神农架接壤,西与回龙交接,北与十堰相连,是环神农架烟区核心种植区域。属北亚热带季风气候区,年平均降水量914 mm,年平均气温15 ℃左右,无霜期年平均223 d。光热资源丰富,雨热同季,空气质量和水质均达到国家二级标准,非常适合优质特色生态烤烟的生长,为全国中间香型特色优质基地单元[1]。基地单元下设野人谷、土城-青峰、万峪、中坝-门古4条收购线,覆盖7个乡镇,42个村,274个村民小组,20 783户,84 602人,耕地面积5 553 hm2,规划基本烟田4 000 hm2,年规模稳定在1 333 hm2,产量25万t。对口工业企业湖北中烟工业有限责任公司,服务“黄鹤楼”品牌。