发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:
摘 要:针对当前工业企业对叶片结构需求由提高大片率向提高中片率的转变,从改变工艺设备途径、调整打叶复烤工艺参数、改造相关设备3个方面对调控打叶复烤叶片结构的措施进行了综述,认为当前国内复烤企业对控制大片率,稳定提高中片率研究仍处在持续探索阶段,实现打叶复烤叶片结构及片型的可调、可控还缺乏系统的科学研究,考虑到复烤企业为工业企业提供加工服务存在局限性,提出了复烤企业与工业企业合作建立区域加工中心或打叶复烤研究平台、实验室或工作站,努力实现由“委托加工”向“精益控制”转变,以确保卷烟品牌原料加工水平的提高。
中图分类号:S572 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2019.04.011
Optimize Measures for the Tobacco Leaf Structure after Threshing and Redrying
WANG Pengze1, DANG Xia1, LI Yanzhou2, LYU Yaoyin2, CHEN Xi1, JIA Tao1
(1. Tianchang International Tobacco Company Limited, Tianchang Redrying Factory, Xuchang, Henan 461000, China;2. Tianchang International Tobacco Company Limited, Xuchang, Henan 461000, China)
Abstract: In view of the current industrial enterprise demand changes from raising the large leaf structure percentage to improving the middle leaf structure percentage, the paper reviewed the measures and approaches that could regulate the leaf structure after threshing and redrying from changing the process equipment, adjusting the technical parameters, and technological transformation of equipment. It was considered that the current domestic re-roasting enterprises were still in the continuous exploration stage for controlling the large leaf structure percentage and stably improving the medium leaf structure percentage, and the systematic scientific studies on realizing the adjustable, controllable structure and shape of the leaf after threshing and redrying still had shortcomings. Thus, the paper proposed that the redrying companies cooperated with industrial companies to establish regional processing centers or threshing research platforms, laboratories or workstations, striving to achieve the transformation from "consigned processing" to "lean control", to ensure the improvement of the processing level of cigarette brand raw materials.
Key words:tobacco; threshing and redrying; tobacco leaf structure; quality
目前,国际上打叶复烤产业呈现集中生产加工的特点,联一公司、英美烟草公司、环球公司在巴西的加工厂的加工能力都在28 000 kg·h<sup>-1</sup>以上,集约化规模生产带来了显著的经济效益[9-13]。而国内复烤企业以满足工业需求为导向,尤其是中短支和细支烟需求量的提升与卷烟厂制丝设备的提高及加工理念的转变,使得“降低大片率和叶含梗率,提高中片率,控制烟叶造碎”成为卷烟企业对打叶质量提出的新要求[14-19]。国内外研究表明,片烟尺寸的最佳范围是10~35 mm,包括叶片结构中全部的中等叶片及小范围的大叶片,这个范围内叶片切成烟丝的成丝强度和填充效果最佳[20-24]。据国家烟草专卖局经济运行司统计,2017年全年细支烟销量达到了230.92万箱。因此,片烟结构指标仍是评价打叶复烤加工技术水平的硬性指标。