【大学英语圣诞节口语】 大学英语口语对话范文

发布时间:2018-10-15 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:


1. 翻译

I have a little christmas present for you .


Christmas Gifts

Conversation A

Tess: Thanks for the gift, Grant. Merry Christmas!
Grant: Merry Christmas to you, too.
(Tess looks at the picture again. She laughs again.)
Grant: What’s so funny?
Tess: Um…just a minute. I have a present for you, too.
Grant: Oh, OK, great.
Tess: Here you go. Open it.
Grant: (opens it) Very nice. It"s a picture of us. I like it.
Tess: I like mine, too.
Grant: Well, great minds think alike!

Key words

Gift (n) 礼物

Happy Birthday!Here is a gift for you. Open it!

Present (n) 礼物

A present is the same thing as a gift.

Conversation B

(a little later, Tess and Grant are decorating cookies.)
Tess: This is so much fun. I love Christmas!
Grant: Me, too.
Tess: I love Christmas trees and Christmas lights and Christmas carols and –
Grant: Christmas cookies! (take a bite of a cookie)
Tess: Grant, save some cookie for the party!
Grant: Ok.
Tess: Let"s sing now. Please? It"s Christmas!
Grant: Oh, OK. (sings) Oh, Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree…
(Tess Laughs and sings with him.)

Key words

Party (n) 派对

Are you coming to the party? It"s at my house at 7:00 p.m.

相关热词搜索:大学英语圣诞节口语 大学英语ppt圣诞节 圣诞节英语作文

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