2018年职称英语考试理工类C级短语(10) 理工c类

发布时间:2018-10-08 来源: 感悟爱情 点击:



  be satisfied of相信

  may(might)as well还是…好

  rule out排斥

  agree on/upon取得一致意见

  argue about争论

  take(make)a stand for捍卫

  take(make)a stand against反对

  come after跟随

  lie up躺着休息

  without question毫无疑问

  beside the question离题

  bring to mind使人想起

  compile dictionary编字典

  ask for要价

  refresh one§memory使人记起

  present sb.with sth.送给某人某礼物

  against oneg will违心地

  in one"s will在…遗嘱中

  with ease容易,不费力

  fall off下降

  televise live实况转播

相关热词搜索:2018年职称英语考试理工类C级短语(10) 职称英语c级考试题库 职称英语b级理工类

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