
发布时间:2018-09-23 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:







  There are various kinds of heresies in the world, which lead people to believe what is unnatural and evil.

  Those heresies are very harmful to society. When people believe in such heresies, they will think the world is going to be destroyed and only the founder of their religion can save them. Their behavior will become quite odd and insane. They assume that all, except themselves, are fools and they will enter paradise after they die. For instance, the Falungong in China is one kind of heresies. When the believers of it fall ill, they don"t go to hospital and take medicine, but believe that they will be cured by doing their Falun exercises. In order to enter their so-called paradise, they even commit suicide. So far, tile Falungong has mined many families and taken the lives of many of its believers.

  We must use science as a weapon to fight against heresies and educate the people to learn their harmfulness. And we should punish the founders and their accomplices for the evils they have done.

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