幼儿园体检需要带什么 [幼儿英语短文带翻译:体检]

发布时间:2018-09-20 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:


“Today,you are going to the doctor.”

“But I’m not sick,Mom.”

“You need a check up.”

“Mom,what is a check up?”

“The doctor looks at you.

He checks that you are healthy.”

“Will it be hard?”

“No,it will be easy.”

“Oh,I don’t know.”

“Stick out your tongue,Richard.”

“I can stick out my tongue.”

“Pull up your shirt.”

“No problem.”

That is simple.I can pull up my shirt.”

“Now Richard,can you touch your toes?”

“This is too simple.I can touch my toes.”

“Turn your head,Richard.I will look at your ear.”

“I can turn my head.A check up is very easy.”

“Richard,let’s see how much you weigh.

Stand on the scale.”

“I can stand on the scale.That’s easy for me.”

“How tall are you,Richard?Stand up tall.”

“I can stand up tall.Look at me.”

“Now I will check your eyes.Please look into this light.”

“Okay.This is really easy.I can look at the light.”

“Richard,can you pull down your pants?”

“Ha!Ha!I am very good at that.That’s easy too.”


“Finished!That was easy for you,Richard.”

“I don’t know.Ouch.”




























相关热词搜索:幼儿英语短文带翻译:体检 英语短文带翻译 英语优美短文翻译

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