发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

摘要:目的 觀察不同疗程解语丹药棒治疗脑卒中后运动性失语的疗效。方法 80例脑梗死病人,随机分为观察组和对照组各40例,对照组予以卒中基础治疗,并予以语言康复训练和靳三针治疗,观察组在对照组的基础上予以解语丹药棒治疗(解语丹由石菖蒲、远志、天麻、胆南星、僵蚕、地龙、全蝎等组成),治疗2周及1月(2个疗程)后,通过WAB法(西方失语成套试验中国化)评定语言功能,通过计算失语商(Aphasia quotient,AQ)判断严重程度,并进行疗效评价和安全性评价。结果 与对照组比较,在治疗1个及2个疗程后:观察组治疗后自发谈话流畅性、复述及阅读评分、AQ值和临床疗效比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且治疗2个疗程疗效优于治疗1个疗程,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 解语丹药棒治疗脑卒中后运动性失语疗效显著,尤其对于自发谈话流畅性、复述、阅读评分以及失语商改善明显,治疗2周和1月均有效,但治疗2个疗程疗效优于治疗1个疗程。
中图分类号:R743 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1007-2349(2018)02-0036-03
Clinical Study on Treatment of Exercise Aphasia after Stroke with Different Medications of Jieyudan Rod
WANG Shu-qing, ZHOU Yi-jie, WEI Hua-jun, WANG Pei-li, WEI Bi-qing, LIAO Mei-rong
(Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guilin City, Guilin 541002, China)
【Abstract】Objective: To observe the curative effect of Jieyudan Rod on the treatment of exercise aphasia after stroke with different medications of Jieyudan rod. Methods: 80 patients with cerebral infarction were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group, 40 cases per group. The control group was given basic treatment of apoplexy and language rehabilitation training and Jin three-needle treatment. On the base of the basic treatment of the control group, the treatment group was added Jieyudan Rod which consisted of Acorusgramineus, Polygala, Gastrodia, Arisaema cum bile, Stiff silkworm, Earthworm, Scorpio and etc. After 2-week and 1-month treatment (2 courses), WAB method (Western Aphasia Package Test, sinicized ) was used to make assessment of language function, and aphasia quotient (AQ) was calculated to determine its severity, and the efficacy evaluation and safety evaluation were made. Results: Compared with the control group, the treatment group after one and two courses of treatment showed significant differences in spontaneous conversation fluency, repetition and reading scores, AQ value and clinical curative effect (P<0.05) And the curative effect of two courses of treatment is better than that of one course of treatment, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Jieyudan Rod is very effective in treatment of exercise aphasia after stroke, especially for the improvement of spontaneous conversation fluency, repetition, reading scores and aphasia quotient. Both 2-week and 1-month treatment are effective, but the curative effect of 2 courses of treatment is better than that of 1 course of treatment.
【Key words】Jieyudan, medicine rod, exercise aphasia, curative effect, course of treatment