北京【Beijing’s Stalled Traffic】
发布时间:2020-03-27 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:
Beijing authorities recently announcedthe extension of the city"s vehicle restric-tions for another year, from April 11, 2009to April 10, 2010, excluding legal holidays.According to the first round of auto restric-tions designed for the Beijing Olympics,private vehicles were banned from roadsfrom 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, alternatingbetween odd and even registration platenumbers. The new measures banned vehiclesfrom 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. one day a week, alsooperating on the odd-even system.
相关热词搜索:Beijing Stalled Traffic Beijing’s Stalled Traffic that s+beijing that s beijing