
发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

  人们都说,八大关因“万国建筑博览会”闻名世界。其实,真正让八大关充满生机,由呆板的苍白变成灵动的迷彩的,却是八大关的行道树。         从宁武关路的海棠、紫荆关路的雪松、韶关路的碧桃,到嘉峪关路的枫树、居庸关路的银杏、临淮关路的龙柏、正阳关路的紫薇,再到函谷关路、武胜关路、山海关路的法国梧桐,这些极具观赏性和代表性的树木,与牡丹园、芍药园、玉兰园、樱花园等花卉园中园以及雪松、水杉、杜仲、麻栎等林地一起,妆点着八大关的春夏秋冬,于是这里风情万种、熠熠生辉。
  Badaguan (Eight Passes), which is densely covered by green trees, is like a piece of crystallized mint, which tastes so fresh and cool that it makes you wish to enjoy it forever. Then, a period of mint-like time is collected in the flower fragrance of the street corner...
  Many people assert that Badaguan is famous worldwide because it is honored as the "World Architecture Fair." In fact, what make Badaguan vigorous and enchanting are its roadside trees.
  In spring, here is a vast sea of flowers. Entering Badaguan, one will feel as if entering a world of flowers. Both the bright sunlight and the spring wind will make you feel intoxicated. In summer, the cool sea wind rushes towards you with the pine fragrance. In the afternoon, the sunlight, like the shattered gold and silver, jumps out of the tree shadows like lovely elves. The most favorable season in Badaguan is autumn when the cool wind blow the leaves to the ground, producing a beautiful painting. In winter, the leafless trees stand like brave soldiers in the wind and snow guarding Badaguan. Finally, the evergreen cedar trees meet the beautiful snow flakes they have awaited for a long time. The grass is also turned into a snowscape without any footprint on it...
  People like Badaguan because of the vigor it retains all the year round. The colorful spring, blue and green summer, golden autumn and white winter leave Badaguan in people"s memories. People like Badaguan because of the elegant courtyards, and beautiful foreign style houses. People like Badaguan, because of the flowers and trees which witness the oaths of the lovers. No matter whether they are in bloom or not, with their short lives, they extol the beauty of love.

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