[书圣故里翰墨香] 板桥故里翰墨香
发布时间:2020-03-11 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:
临沂书法传承教育红红火火,相继成立了羲之小学、羲之中学、羲之书画院、羲之学院、王羲之研究会,创办了《羲之书法报》,培养出众多优秀书法人才。目前,临沂市有中国书协会员50多人、省书协会员160余人、市书协会员600余人,从临沂走出的书法博士、硕士累计近40位。另据统计,10年间,临沂在中国书协举办的各类书法篆刻展览中有273件作品入展,21人次获奖。以书法为主题的一大批文化设施建设大大增加了城市文化底蕴,促进了书法文化及相关文化产业的繁荣和发展。2003年,中国第一座刻帖“书圣碑塔”在这里落成。投资近亿元扩建和重修了“王羲之故居”,进一步提升了王羲之故居文化内涵,发挥其在打造书法文化品牌中的龙头带动作用。第六届书圣节期间奠基的“中国书法城”, 总面积约20多万平方米,集书法艺术、雕刻艺术、园林景观、交易展示、文化教育于一体。另外,羲之文化园、书法博物馆、颜真卿书法公园正在筹划中,力争把临沂建成集书法创作、书法展览、书法交易、书法论坛等为一体的书法文化基地。
ALegacy from the Calligraphy Sage
In recent years, counting on its deep historical cultural reserves and through bringing its historic advantages in the art of calligraphy into full play, Linyi has been making efforts to turn itself into a city with a characteristic brand. Therefore, with respect to calligraphic creation, calligraphic education and calligraphy activities, Linyi has always led the way for the other cities of China. Consequently, Linyi has been granted the honorary title of one of China’s Famous Cities of Calligraphy.
Since 2003, Linyi has hosted the China Linyi Calligraphy Sage Culture Festival every year. Various themed activities concerning calligraphy have attracted people all over the world who admire Chinese calligraphy to visit Linyi, which has not only carried forward the calligraphic art, but also glamorized the city brand of “holy area of calligraphy and charming Linyi.”
A large number of cultural construction establishments with the theme of calligraphy have improved the city culture and have promoted the prosperity and development of the calligraphic culture and related cultural industries. In 2003, China’s first tablet featuring the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi―the Calligraphy Sate―was erected in Linyi. The former residence of Wang Xizhi, was renovated at the cost of nearly 100 million yuan, further promoting its cultural content. The China Calligraphy City, which integrates calligraphic art, carving art, landscape gardening, trading exhibition and cultural education, has also been constructed.
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