发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

[摘要] 马兜铃酸广泛地存在于马兜铃科马兜铃属Aristolochia和细辛属Asarum等植物中,由于具有很强的肾脏毒性和对泌尿系统的致癌性而引起了广泛关注。我国于2003—2004年禁止关木通、广防己和青木香的使用,其他的含马兜铃酸中药均按照处方药管理使用。该文检索了近十年发表的有关马兜铃酸含量分析的文献,提示细辛属Asarum药材尤其是其根和根茎中的马兜铃酸含量较低,含细辛的中成药多数未检出马兜铃酸Ⅰ,个别中成药品种可检出微量马兜铃酸Ⅰ。而马兜铃属Aristolochia药材如马兜铃、朱砂莲、寻骨风等药材中的马兜铃酸含量相对较高,含这些药材的中成药马兜铃酸含量研究文献较少。影响中药材及中成药中马兜铃酸含量的因素较多,包括药材的使用部位、药材的产地、炮制方法、提取工艺等。建议重视含马兜铃酸中药尤其是马兜铃属Aristolochia中药的毒性,对相关的饮片和中成药的使用要慎重。加强含马兜铃酸中药的基础研究,选择合适的产地、炮制方法及提取工艺,同时加强相关中药材、饮片及中成药中马兜铃酸含量的监测,以降低用药风险,保证临床用药安全。
[关键词] 马兜铃酸; 含量; 影响因素
[Abstract] Aristolochic acids (AAs) widely exist in such plants as Aristolochia and Asarum The renal toxicity of AAs as well as its carcinogenicity to urinary system have been widely known In 2003 and 2004, China prohibited the use of Aristolochiae Radix, Aristolochiae Manshuriensis Caulis and Aristolochiae Fangchi Radix, and required administering other AAscontaining medicines in accordance with the regulations for prescription drugs In this paper, we retrieved literatures on the content determination of AAs in recent 10 years in China It suggested that the AAs content is lower in Asarum herb, especially in its roots and rhizomes, and most of which do not show detectable amount of AAI Some of traditional Chinese medicines show fairly small amount of detectable AAI The AAs content in Aristolochia herb (including Fructus Aristolochiae, kaempfer dutchmanspipe root) is relatively high; however, there are fewer literatures for studying the content determination of AAs in Chinese patent medicines There were many factors affecting AAs content, including the parts used, origins, processing methods, extraction process It suggested that we should pay attention to the toxicity of Chinese medicines containing AAs and use these decoction pieces and traditional Chinese medicines cautiously In addition, basic studies for the origins, processing methods and extraction process of Chinese patent medicines containing AAs, as well as supervision and detection of AAs content in traditional Chinese medicinal materials, decoction pieces and Chinese patent medicines shall be strengthened for reducing medication risk and guaranteeing clinical medication safety
[Key words] aristolochis acids; content; influencing factor
馬兜铃酸(aristolochic acid,AAs)及其衍生物为硝基菲类化合物,广泛存在于马兜铃科马兜铃属Aristolochia及细辛属Asarum等植物中。二十世纪八九十年代,发现马兜铃酸具有很强的肾脏毒性,尤其是欧洲1 800多名妇女在误用含马兜铃酸中药广防己的减肥药后发生的严重肾损害的事件,使得含马兜铃酸中草药的毒性受到全球广泛的关注[1]。我国药用的含马兜铃酸中草药(herbs containing aristolochis acids,HCAAs)主要是马兜铃科马兜铃属Aristolochia及细辛属Asarum。除了肾脏毒性以外,有部分患者在进入慢性肾功能衰竭期后,常常并发泌尿系统肿瘤,主要位于肾盂输尿管及膀胱等部位[2]。在给予马兜铃酸的动物中除了观察到泌尿系肿瘤之外,还可见前胃肿瘤[3],可能与啮齿类动物的胃结构与人类不同有关。最近《Science Translation Medicine》刊发的一篇论文,认为台湾和亚洲地区的肝癌的发生可能与马兜铃酸有关,该论文再次引发民众对含马兜铃酸中药安全性的担忧。目前欧美、东南亚的一些国家以及我国台湾地区已经禁止使用马兜铃科中药材及其相关制剂,我国禁止了关木通、广防己以及青木香等马兜铃酸含量较高的品种的使用。我国尚有一些马兜铃酸含量相对较低的马兜铃科中药材及其制剂未予禁用。本文对近十年发表的含马兜铃酸中药材以及相关制剂的马兜铃酸含量分析研究文献进行了总结,以了解现用的相关品种的马兜铃酸含量范围,并分析影响马兜铃酸含量的因素,旨在为相关药材及其制剂的生产以及临床安全用药提供参考。