发布时间:2019-08-26 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

摘 要:为推动智慧烟草农业和智慧烟草政务发展,以烟叶生产大数据为基础,构建烟叶生产大数据管理信息系统,建立烟草农业数据中心。基于地理信息系统(GIS)方法,建立南平烟区烟叶生产大数据管理信息系统,系统结构采用C/S模式,由基础设施层、技术支持层、数据支撑层、业务应用层和用户层5个层次组成,实现对南平烟区烟叶生产过程中产生的多源、多格式数据的存储、管理及分析,能够为南平烟区现代烟草农业发展提供精准化的数据支持和平台基础。尤其是系统提供了大数据与烟叶生产实际需求结合的烟田精准养分管理模型框架,2016年预测产量与实际产量偏差为15.64 kg/hm2,模型模拟效果较好。系统实现了GIS基础功能、空间数据管理、数据处理与分析等功能,是南平烟草农业数据中心的基础数据管理平台,为南平烟区烟叶生产的现代化发展以及未来面向“互联网+”的应用服务扩展提供了基础平台支持。
中图分类号:S572 文章编号:1007-5119(2019)02-0092-07 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2019.02.014
Abstract: Big data management information system for tobacco production can provide crucial foundation in the processes of intelligent tobacco agriculture and smart tobacco management. In this study, a big data management information system was designed and used in the Nanping tobacco planting area by using the geographic information system (GIS). The system was built under a scheme of C/S mode containing 5 layers of basic device layer, technical support layer, data support layer, implementation layer and user layer. Multi-source and multi-format big data generated in the process of tobacco production were managed, stored and analyzed with one unified data standard. The system achieved a standardized and integrated flow (including data storing, management and analysis) of big data derived from the process of tobacco production, and thereby can provide accurate decision support and basic platform to modern tobacco agriculture of the Nanping tobacco planting area. In particular, the system provided a nutrient management model to optimize the process of tobacco production. The simulation of the model was good with a deviation of 15.64 kg/ha between the predicted and the actual yield in 2016. Based on the scheme and datasets mentioned above, the system integrated GIS basic functions, spatial data management, data process and analysis functions, and consequently achieved a foundation platform for further service extension of internet + agriculture and modern tobacco agriculture specifically.