发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:
摘要 [目的]研究烟叶分切过程的质量控制指标,为烟叶分切的质量控制提供参考。[方法]以河南南阳方城C3F烟叶为代表,以感官评吸质量鉴定为主要评价手段,辅助常规化学成分分析,研究了切距允差、切距合格率、切角允差、切角合格率4项关键质量指标对切后烟叶质量的影响。[结果]试验表明,切距允差为1 cm,切距合格率要求达到90%;切角允差为20°,切角合格率要求达到85%时,烟叶分切质量较为稳定,可作为烟叶分切关键指标的控制标准。[结论] 研究可为烟叶分切技术的推广应用提供必要的技术支撑。
关键词 烟叶分切;质量控制;切距允差;切距合格率;切角允差;切角合格率
中图分类号 TS44+3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)29-0074-03
Study on Key Indexes of Quality on Tobacco Leaf Cutting
LIU Jiangyu,YUAN Chao, LI Yanzhou,WEI Huiqin* et al
(Technology Center, Tianchang Tobacco Co.,Ltd., Xuchang ,Henan 461000)
Abstract [Objective] In order to control the quality of tobacco leaf cutting, the key indexes were studied during the cutting.[Method]The permissible deviation and qualified rate of both the cutting distance and the cutting angle were studied on C3F grade tobacco leaf of Fangcheng County Nanyang, Henan Province. Sensory taste was the main mean to evaluate the tobacco quality.The influences of
Permissible deviation of the cutting distance,Qualified rate of the cutting distance,permissible deviation of the cutting angle on the quality of cut tobacco leaf were observed by smoking evaluation together with conventional chemical analysis.[Result] Results show that while the permissible deviation of the cutting distance was within 1 cm, the qualified rate of the cutting distance was above 90%, the permissible deviation of the cutting angle was within 20°, the qualified rate of the cutting angle was above 85%, the quality of leaf cutting was stable. Therefore, the four indexes can be used as the key indexes of tobacco leaf cutting in quality control.[Conclusion] The research can provide necessary technical support for the popularization and application of tobacco cutting technology.
Key words Tobacco leaf cutting;Quality control;Permissible deviation of the cutting distance;Qualified rate of the cutting distance;Permissible deviation of the cutting angle;Qualified rate of the cutting angle
基金項目 浙江中烟工业公司科技项目(20111101);河南省烟草公司科技项目(HYKJ201115)。
作者简介 刘江豫(1970—),男,河南许昌人,技师,硕士,从事烟叶配方及打叶复烤工艺研究。
收稿日期 2017-07-26