发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

关键词 烟草特有N亚硝胺;造纸法再造烟叶;吸附材料;卷烟烟气
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2016)05-103-04
Abstract[Objective]The aim was to reduce TSNAs emissions in mixed papermaking process reconstituted tobacco.
[Method]Different adsorbent materials were applied to tobacco extract solution and reconstituted tobacco for removing TSNAs.[Result]The results showed that the adsorption performance of modified activated carbon was more excellent than molecular sieves in tobacco extract solution. Especially modified activated carbon S35 showed the best adsorption performance. The removal rate of TSNAs in tobacco extract solution was 84.84%. The adsorption performance of MCM41 was greater than ZSM5, and the removal rate were 48.92% and 6.67% in tobacco extract solution. Meanwhile, ZSM5 had excellent selective absorption on NNK in tobacco extract solution, and the removal rate was up to 91.60%. The amount of TSNAs in tobacco smoke was detected in the same time. Modified activated carbon S35 had the best adsorption performance, the removing rate of TSNAs in tobacco smoke was 70.20%. MCM41 showed more efficient adsorption performance than ZSM5. The removing rate were 46.74% and 5.57%, respectively. However, the removal rate of NNK in tobacco smoke was only 15.64% by ZSM5.[Conclusion]It’s a simple, efficient method to reduce the TSNAs in papermaking process reconstituted tobacco by adding adsorbents in tobacco extract solution.
Key words Tobacco specific nitrosamines(TSNAs); Papermaking process reconstituted tobacco; Adsorbent materials; Tobacco smoke
烟草中含有2 000多种化学物质,当烟支燃烧时所产生的烟气中的粒相和气相中存在5 200多种化合物。在这些物质中,烟草特有的N亚硝胺(TSNAs),主要包括N′亚硝基降烟碱(NNN)、N′亚硝基新烟碱(NAT)、N′亚硝基假木贼碱(NAB)和4(N甲基亚硝胺基)1(3吡啶基)1丁酮(NNK)被认为是主要的致癌物质。动物试验已经证实,即使是痕量的亚硝胺,也会导致多种癌症或肿瘤,对人类有潜在的致癌作用[1-2]。因此,研究降低烟草中的亚硝胺含量的方法具有重要的意义。
目前为止,对卷烟中TSNAs的降低方法主要从2个方面考虑。第一,直接降低烟支中的TSNAs。Zhou等通过卷烟滤嘴拦截方法去除了主流烟气中约30%的TSNAs[3];Meier和Lin等在烟支中加入催化剂,催化剂在卷烟燃烧过程中催化降解TSNAs,该方法可以去除主流烟气中40%~70%的TSNAs[4-5],该方法的不足之处在于这些被添加的催化剂价格昂贵并且无法重复利用,不仅增加了卷烟生产成本,而且还浪费稀有资源,污染环境。第二,降低烟草原料中的TSNAs。其中一种方法是通过农业种植和陈化过程的控制来降低烟草中的TSNAs[6];另一种则是通过液相吸附来降低烟草中TSNAs,而这种方法主要在造纸法再造烟叶的生产中应用[7]。Wei Feng等研究了介孔二氧化硅材料对白肋烟萃取液中TSNAs的吸附,探究了影响吸附剂吸附性能的因素[8]。Lin Weigang等利用多孔材料吸附中国烤烟烟叶萃取液中的TSNAs,结果发现,不管多孔材料的孔结构是否有序、是否进行改性都能对TSNAs产生不同程度的吸附作用[9]。但是,这些研究只是针对单一性的烟草原料提取液,而且其提取过程及条件较为繁琐。