
发布时间:2019-08-24 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

  摘要 [目的] 为了分析土壤有效硼、锌、钼含量和烟叶B、Zn、Mo含量。[方法] 2012年采用采样调查和分析测试的手段,分别采集平顶山叶县烟区土壤和烟叶样品。 [结果] 叶县烟区42.86%的植烟土壤缺硼,龚店、叶邑、水寨和仙台土壤缺硼较严重;叶县烟区土壤总体呈现极度缺锌状况,其中龚店、叶邑、夏李、仙台、龙泉和廉村土壤有效锌含量极度缺乏;叶县烟区28.57%的植烟土壤缺钼,洪庄杨和廉村土壤有效钼含量最低;叶县烟叶平均硼含量为27.51 mg/kg,邓李烟叶硼含量最低;叶县烟叶平均锌含量为19.11 mg/kg,洪庄杨、水寨和叶邑烟叶锌含量最低。叶县烟叶平均钼含量为0.27 mg/kg,其中,龙泉和夏李烟叶钼含量最低。[结论]该研究对于叶县浓香型烟叶生产中合理施用微量元素肥料、提高烟叶产量和品质具有一定的理论和实践意义。
  关键词 烟草;硼锌钼;农艺性状;产量;产值
  中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)25-08566-03
  Abstract [Objective]The research aimed to measure available boron, zinc, molybdenum contents in soil and B, Zn, Mo contents in leaf samples. [Method] In 2012, the sampling and analysistesting means were adopted, and tobaccogrowing soil and tobacco leaf samples in Pingdingshan City, Yexian County, were collected. [Result] The areas of tobaccoplanting soil boron deficiency in Yexian County was 42.86%.In Gong Dian, Ye Yi, Shui Zhai and Xian Tai, leaf boron deficiency was more serious. Tobaccogrowing soil in Yexian County showed the extreme zinc deficiency condition, wherein, soil available Zn contents of Gong Dian, Ye Yi, Xia Li, Xian Tai, Long Quan, and Lian Cun were very little. Mo deficiency of Yexian County tobaccoplanting soil was 28.57%, and soil available molybdenum content in Hong Zhuang Yang and Lian Cun was the lowest. The average boron content in Yexian County tobacco was 27.51 mg/kg, and the lowest boron content of tobacco leaves was in Deng Li. The average zinc content in Yexian County tobacco was 19.11 mg/kg, and the lowest zinc content of tobacco leaves was in Hong Zhuang Yang, Shui Zhai and Ye Yi. The average molybdenum content in Yexian County tobacco was 0.27 mg/kg. Among them, tobacco molybdenum content of Long Quan and Xia Li was the lowest. [Conclusion] The study had certain theoretical and practical significance for the reasonable application of trace element fertilizer to increase yield and quality of tobacco leaves in Yexian County fluecured tobacco production.
  Key words Tobacco; B; Zn; Mo; Agronomic properties; Yield; Output value

相关热词搜索:平顶山市 烟土 叶县 烟叶 含量

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