发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

摘要[目的]明确仓库气氛调控剂对贵州省特定温湿度条件下片烟醇化效果的影响。[方法]选取2011年度黔西南地区的B2X、B2C、B3B和黔南地区B2X、C3F、B2B 6个等级的片烟,进行气调养护贮存2年,以常规密封贮存为对照进行比较;再将醇化2年后的片烟按前处理继续贮存1年,进行延展性试验,通过测定样品的内在理化指标和感官质量评价来分析其影响程度。[结果]6个等级片烟经密封降氧贮存后,片烟颜色转深得到一定程度上的抑制;烟叶评吸综合得分与对照相比基本一致,随时间增加综合得分均有所上升;理化指标测定结果显示,密封降氧处理对烟叶的影响与正常贮存效果基本相同,总糖、还原糖和总植物碱含量均有所下降,糖碱比更趋向于最适。[结论]气调剂的使用对片烟的醇化进程抑制影响较小。
关键词 烟叶质量;自然醇化;气氛调控剂;密封降氧
中图分类号 S509.2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)03-0086-04
Abstract[Objective] In order to identify the impact of airregulating agent on aging tobacco quality in Guizhou specific temperature and humidity conditions. [Method] The six grades of tobacco, B2X, B2C, B3B of southwest, and B2X, C3F, B2B of southern Guizhou Province in 2011 were selected to sealed deoxygenation aging for two years. After the pretreatment, the tobacco were continue to be stored for one year as extensibility experiment, and the normal aging group as controls. For analyzing the degree of influence, the physical and chemical analysis and artificial smoking value of the measured tobacco were tested. [Result] The results showed that composite score of artificial smoking value in six grades of tobacco with airregulating agent aging are consistent compared with the control group, and the tobacco color from overdarkening during aging were inhibited under said condition to a certain extent. The overall score is increasing with time. Physical and chemical analysis showed that the effect of sealed deoxygenation aging to tobacco as same as the control group. The total sugar, reducing sugar and total alkali of tobacco has declined, and the sugar/nicotine ratio tends to be more optimal. [Conclusion]There are no inhibition effect on putting airregulating agent to tobacco aging process.
Key words Quality of tobacco leaf;Nature aging;Airregulating agent;Sealed deoxygenation