发布时间:2019-08-23 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:
摘要:通过采集和分析1 496个巴东县野三关基地单元基本烟田土壤样品,综合评价其主要养分丰缺状况,并提出合理的施肥建议。结果表明,野三关基地单元土壤pH适宜优质烟叶生产的样品比例为54.88%,92.45%样品有机质含量在优质烟叶生产适宜标准或以上;该烟区土壤全氮、全磷和全钾含量均较适宜于优质烟叶生产,而且8.14%样品的土壤全氮、4.65%样品的全钾和近44.00%样品的土壤全磷含量高于标准;该基地单元69.85%的土壤样品碱解氮较适宜,57.95%的土壤样品速效磷含量适宜,但仍有近36.00%的土壤样品速效磷含量偏低或缺乏,59.23%土壤样品速效钾较适宜,但仍有近21.00%土壤速效钾含量偏低。针对野三关烟区植烟土壤养分状况,提出“控氮、增磷、补钾”的施肥策略,同时可以通过翻压绿肥等措施来降低土壤对磷的吸附固定作用,提高磷肥的利用率,并施用生石灰等可以调节土壤的pH至适宜范围。
中图分类号:S572.061 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2014)17-4036-04
The Status of Soil Fertility and Fertilization Strategy in Ye Sanguang Tobacco-growing Areas of Badong County
FENG Fan-wen1, SU Hua-yi2,ZOU Yong3,HE Peng3,TUO Sheng-hui1, HUANG Xue-jie1,XU Ding-sheng1
LI Wei1,HUANG Jing1,ZHOU Jian-qian4
(1.Enshi Tobacco Corporation,Enshi 445000, Hubei, China
2.Soil Fertilizer Workstation of Badong,Badong 444300, Hubei, China;
3.Shenzhen Tobacco Industrial Co., Ltd.,Shenzhen 518109, Guangdong, China;
4.Bijie Flue-Cured Tobacco Factory of Guizhou Tobacco Redrying Industrial Co., Ltd., Bijie 551700, Guizhou, China)
Abstract: The 1 496 soil samples from Ye sanguang base unit of Badong county were analysed. The main nutrient status was evaluated synthetically. Advices on reasonable fertilization were were put forward. The results showed that the pH value of 54.88% soil samples in Ye sanguan base unit was suitable for high quality tobacco. The organic matter content of 92.45% soil samples was suitable or at the high level. The contents of total N, total P and total K in the tobacco area were suitable for high quality tobacco. Total N of 4.65% samples, total K of 8.14% samples and total P of nearly 44% samples were high. The soil available N of 69.85% samples was more appropriate. The soil available P content of 57.95% samples was suitable, but available P content 36% samples was low or deficient. The soil available K content of 59.23% samples was suitable, but still available K content of 21% samples were low. According to the soil nutrient status, it is recommended to control N, supply P, increase K, reduce the adsorption and immobilize phosphorus by green manure and other measures, improve the utilization efficiency of P, and rugulate pH to the proper range by using quicklime etc.
Key words: tobacco-growing areas; nutrient status; fertilization strategy; Badong county
土壤是影响烟叶品质的重要生态条件之一。优质烟叶生产需要养分适宜的土壤环境,而且烟叶内在品质和烤后原烟外观质量与土壤养分组成和含量高低有着密切的关系[1,2]。有研究表明,植烟土壤pH最适范围为5.5~6.5[3];有机质低于25 g/kg[4,5];全氮含量低于2.0 g/kg,碱解氮低于150 mg/kg[6];全钾含量大于20 g/kg,土壤速效钾大于120 mg/kg[7];全磷含量大于1.0 g/kg,速效磷大于10 mg/kg[6]。任四海等[8]、毕庆文等[9]研究表明,植烟土壤的养分状况直接影响烟草生长发育水平,进而影响烟叶的产量和品质。因此,对植烟土壤肥力适宜性评价是十分重要的,适宜性评价是通过对烟田各土壤肥力因素的综合评价来确定其对烤烟种植的适宜性程度和丰缺状况[10],进而提出科学的施肥策略,达到烟叶优质、高产,产业可持续发展的目的。