发布时间:2019-08-22 来源: 感恩亲情 点击:

摘 要:控释肥在农业生产中已广泛应用,但目前尚缺乏烟草控释专用肥品种。在田间条件下开展了2年烟草控释专用肥肥效试验。结果表明,与当地烟草推荐施肥相比,烟草控释专用肥能增强烟株抗病性;促进烟叶生长,产量提高1.8%~15.7%;增加养分吸收量,氮磷钾利用率分别提高6.7%~14.8%、3.4%~11.4%和4.3%~7.1%;改善烟叶外观等级质量,上等烟比例提高0.8~5.8个百分点。明显增加上、下部烟叶还原性糖和总糖含量,降低总氮和总植物碱含量,提高中部烟叶钾含量。显著增加烟叶产值,增加经济效益2048~10 489元/hm2。可见,烟草控释专用肥具有较好的综合效应,可在烟叶生产中推广应用。
中图分类号:S572.06 文章编号:1007-5119(2015)05-0033-05 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2015.05.006
Abstract: Controlled release fertilizers (CRF) have been widely applied in agricultural production, but there is a shortage in special CRFs for tobacco at present. Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of special CRFs for tobacco on yield, appearance quality, chemical composition, nutrient use efficiency and plant disease incident rate of tobacco in two years. The results showed that, compared with local recommended fertilization, the special CRFs enhanced the resistance of tobacco plants to diseases, increased yield by 1.8%-15.7%, and improved NPK use efficiency by 6.7%-14.8%, 3.4%-11.4% and 4.3%-7.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, the special CRFs promoted appearance quality of tobacco, increased the fine tobacco ratios by 0.8-5.8 percentage point, raised reducing sugar and total sugar contents, reduced total nitrogen and alkaloid contents in the upper and lower tobacco leaves, and increased K content in the middle tobacco leaves. Furthermore, application of the special CRFs significantly increased economic benefit. The results indicated that the special CRFs showed an excellent comprehensive effect and could be popularized and applied in tobacco production.
Keywords: tobacco; special controlled release fertilizer; yield; quality; nutrient use efficiency; plant disease incident rate
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
2013、2014年试验分别在福建邵武市拿口镇肖家坊村(N27.14°,E117.65°)和沿山镇茶场村(N 27.30°,117.36°)进行。烟稻轮作,两地土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量和pH分别为31.2 g/kg、2.0 g/kg、213.5 mg/kg、81.6 mg/kg、105.3 mg/kg、5.5和35.3 g/kg、1.8 g/kg、132.5 mg/kg、40.8 mg/kg、228.8 mg/kg、5.6。供试肥料品种:(1)腐熟牛粪和菜籽饼(NPK含量分别为1.04%、0.53%、0.49%和3.76%、2.41%、1.83%);(2)钙镁磷(12% P2O5);(3)硝酸钾(13.5% N,44.5% K2O);(4)硫酸钾(50% K2O);(5)烟草专用肥[m(N):m(P2O5):m(K2O)=12.5:8.0:22.5];(6)烟草控释专用肥1[m(N):m(P2O5):m(K2O)=