发布时间:2020-09-26 来源: 读后感 点击:
《城投公司总经理述职述廉报告.doc》 城投公司总经理述职述廉报告 2011 年 7 月 24 日进入**市城市建设投资有限公司担任总经理一职以来,主要负责总公司经营工作及各子公司经营管理工作。在市委、市政府及董事会的正确领导下,我结合公司实际情况,围绕市政府下达的具体目标,不断创新工作方法,强化落实,较好地完成下达的各项目标任务。
(一)项目建设工作 全年,我们共完成项目建设投资 19.212 亿元,承担建设项目 10 个,代建项目 5 个。
1、加快推进景区龙头项目建设。该项目位于**市老城区以南,总占地面积约 65 公顷,仿古建筑面积约 30 万元平方米,总投资 40 亿元。目前已完成了景区 900 多亩规划设计方案;完成对 14 家古建筑施工队伍考察比选。计划 12 月 30 日举行开工仪式,春节后破土动工,2012 年 9 月份核心景区开园。
2、加快推进百万平米保障性住房建设工作。目前,市城投公司在手危旧片区改造工程主要有 4 个:一是完成阅湖花园一期 6 万平方的保障性住房建设,建成房屋 308 套(其中 201套用于拆迁安置,107 套用于廉租房、公租房等);完成 20万平方阅湖花园二期主体建设,相关配套工程已进场施工,
计划明年 5 月份交付使用;完成三期 20 万平方桩基工程,土建单位已经进场,计划春节前完成基础工程。二是启动总投资 9 亿元,总建设面积 26 万㎡隆城香堤保障房项目,目前勘测单位已进场;三是启动总投资 7 亿元、总建筑面积 26万㎡的隆城盘谷保障性住房项目建 7 亿元、总建筑面积 25万㎡的隆城颐和保障性住房项目建设,目前已完成初步方案设计,正在办理前期相关手续;五是完成隆城府邸一期项目主体工程建设,完成二期工程桩基施工。
3、加快推进代建项目建设工作。目前商务写字楼 1、2、3、5 号楼内装已进场,外墙保温材料正在安装,计划明年 5 月份交付使用。劳动技校工程已基本完成,市委党校、海关国检综合楼、未成年人实践基地已交付使用。
1、公司及子公司增资情况:一是市城投公司完成注册资本增资至 22 亿元,景城建材公司注册资本增资至 8000 万元;二是出资 3 亿元与市国丰公司共同注册成立江苏西楚旅游文化发展有限公司。
2、完成融资情况:一是国开行 4.8 亿贷款已放款 3.4 亿元,实际提款 3.22 亿元;二是积极与市工行、中行、建行、江苏银行等联系,年度争取新增贷款 15350 万元;三是已使用阅湖花园门面房及“天之水”会所用房抵押,向工行办理贷款5000 万元;四是包装项里危旧片区及雄壮河湾改造项目,向国开行申请 5.8 亿元贷款,目前可研报告已完成并报国开行
3、土地收储情况:一是 9 月 16 日,公司完成了项里片区 163亩土地、雪峰公园南侧 50 亩及幸福新城商业用地 51.9 亩三块土地摘牌工作,收储土地合计 264 亩;二是 11 月 15 日,公司通过公开竞拍,取得项里景区等七宗地块土地使用权,收储面积 610 亩,全年完成土地收储 874 亩。
4、债券发行情况:债券发行工作按市领导要求进度顺利开展,已基本完成各项准备工作。已完成 10 宗地块的摘牌工作,3 亿元公房资产产权已划入我公司,公司净资产已达 32亿元,公司注册资本已增至 22 亿元。元旦前后可完成审计工作,近期可完成评级,所有资料确保春节前上报省发改委。
一是公司架构调整。根据项目建设需要,公司成立了项里片区项目部、幸福新城项目部、隆城府邸项目部、代建部,建立项目经理制;成立了公司总工办,专门负责工程技术,扎口管理项目设计、手续办理、工程建设等。二是做大做强子公司。完成对景城建材增资至 8000 万,进一步拓展了公司业务;完成了鼎城建设资质二级资质审办,充实了公司人员,促进公司实体运作;加强了隆城置业公司业务量,提高了公司水平。三是与市国丰公司共同出资,成立了江苏西楚旅游文化发展有限公司,拓宽了公司业务范围。
二、三项表现 (一)理论学习。全年,我深入学习邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观。不断学习企业管理知识、金融知识及工程管理相关知识,并把所学知识,用于日常工作中。
三、最不满意的一项工作和急需提高的一项能力 最不满意的一项工作是:公司建设项目多、时间紧、任务重,
述廉方面 (1)有无违反规定收送礼金礼券、支付凭证以及收受干股等行为; (2)有无违反规定经商办企业或在企事业单位兼职或兼职取酬,以及从事有偿中介活动; (3)有无利用职务便利为特定关系人在就业、投资入股、经商办企业或从事中介活动等方面提供便利,谋取不正当利益; (4)有无默许、纵容、授意配偶子女及其亲属以及身边工作人员以本人名义谋取私利; (5)有无利用婚丧嫁娶、子女上学等事宜大操大办、借机敛财。
(6)有无违反规定在工作日午间饮酒,用公款相互宴请或接受可能影响公正执行公务的宴请; (7)有无违反规定配备、购买、更换、装饰公车,公车私用、公车私驾,借(租)用其它单位或个人车辆等行为; (8)有无用公款旅游或者变相用公款旅游; (9)有无违反规定在本机关或下属单位设立“小金库”; (10)有无违反规定滥发津贴、补贴、奖金;
(11)有无违反规定用公款或者通过摊牌方式举办各类庆典、论坛等非组织活动; (12)有无在民主推荐、民主测评、组织考察和选举中搞拉票等非组织活动; (13)有无按规定向组织报告个人有关事项; (14)有无其他违反领导干部廉洁自律规定的情况。
strengthen the ideological and political education of youth(a) armed with youth science theory. Unremittingly with Deng
Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" armed members of youth education, to promote the study and implement to expand
the depth and breadth. To study and implement the important thought of "Three Represents" with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook
on Development combine with the implementation of the requirements of constructing socialist harmonious society with Scientific Outlook on Development, carry out education
as an important part of the theory of armed youth in the new period, strengthen the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook
on Development education, educate and guide the youth to fully understand the great significance of establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on
Development, in-depth understanding of the Scientific Outlook on Development era back The king, the practice foundation, basic connotation, historical status, spirit and
practice requirements, a profound understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, inheriting and developing relationship between Deng
Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", to help young people establish and consciously practice Scientific Outlook on Development. Persist
in learning, grasping the backbone, grasp the practice, grasp the opportunity. Catch club, effective way to grasp the network, with the group
of cadres, young students and young backbone fronts as the focus, to promote the work of the armed youth theory to develop
in depth, to help the youth continue to firm ideals and beliefs, to build a powerful spiritual pillar. To carry out the
study and implementation of the party"s sixteen session of the five Eight plenary session of the two plenary session of the Central
Committee and the party spirit, to the city"s Youth League members thinking into the spirit of the meeting, to achieve the goal
of national consciousness and XX economic and social development in 11th Five-Year "period. Contribute to help and guide the youth to a
profound understanding of the significance and main task of building a socialist harmonious society, actively join the construction of socialist harmonious society.(two)
to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of teenagers. Thoroughly implement the central spirit of the document No. 8, No. 16 and
"the program for Improving Civic Morality" to minors and students as focus groups, to strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction
of minors and the ideological and political education of college students. Make full use of the spirit and the spirit of the
Three Gorges migrants Hongyan XX unique the use of educational resources, school, into the team, the league, to join the party, adult
occasions, extensive "Hongyan spirit generation" theme education activities. Use of holidays and leisure time, youth organizations "three rural areas", "four communities", "four"
and moral practice, guide the
youth Youth to enhance national pride, self-esteem and self-confidence, to establish the trend of the
times and adapt to the trend of thinking, value orientation and behavior.(three) innovative ways and means of ideological education. Grasp the new
trend of the development of the times, the new hot new features and social ideological status of young people, to further explore
the methods of ideological education using modern technology and communication mode of education make lively and vivid, fully embodies the "close to
reality, close to life, close to the young" principle through the cultivation and selection. "Hongyan demonstration group", "good boy," Hongyan Hongyan "Youth"
and other forms of more scientific use of advanced typical influence and promote youth, and strive to create advocating advanced, learning advanced,
striving to advance a good atmosphere.Two, in order to "forge ahead with the motherland, and XX with the development" as its theme,
guide the youth to build a common ideological basis for the construction of a socialist harmonious society(a) grasp the theme of the
purpose of the activity. The "go ahead with the motherland in the youth, and XX with the development of theme educational activities.
Vigorously promote patriotism as the core of the national spirit and reform and innovation as the core spirit of the times, the
combination of youth with common ideals and beliefs, with great achievements in socialist modernization the motivation of youth, the youth to enhance
self-confidence, sense of mission and responsibility to educate and guide the youth to personal pursuit into the common pursuit of all people,
their personal struggle into the great practice of building socialism China characteristics, further firmly follow the party China characteristics The confidence and
determination of the socialist road, and build the common ideological foundation of the young people to build a socialist harmonious society.(two) rich
theme activities. By carrying out the "two generation" dialogue ", in my eyes, the charm of XX" situation and policy through activities
such as lectures, report, seminars, theatrical performances, mass cultural activities, to help young people understand China"s reform and opening up the extraordinary
journey and brilliant achievements achieved fruitful results, to understand the city"s economic and social development since the new XX, so that young
people understand, love the new XX, and then to the construction of the new XX, a firm with the party on the
road to socialism with China characteristics of faith; make full use of the "54", "61", "National Day" and the commemoration of the
85 anniversary of the founding of the red In the 70 anniversary of the victory of the long march and other major
activities, the favorable opportunity of major events and major festivals, to carry out educational activities, promote the theme education activities continue to
create momentum, the rise of high tide, popular. Further study, promotion of Scientific Outlook on Development, to carry out a wide range
of situation and policy education, the development prospect of the future of the motherland and XX, guiding the youth to continue enhance
the sense of mission and responsibility, in the implementation of the "11th Five-Year" planning and building a well-off society in the historical
process of contributions. Be enthusiastic and press on.Three, to lead the trend of youth service, cultural city youth culture is taking action,
and promote new progress in the construction of youth culture(a) to strengthen the guiding role of youth culture. Strengthening the socialist ideological
and moral construction, ushered in the era of culture, through in-depth implementation of youth culture, help young people to firmly establish a
correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and ideals and beliefs. The courage to innovation, guide the youth to carry forward the
fine tradition of pioneering "based on the actual reform, opening up and modernization construction, and constantly promote cultural innovation, according to the
demand and development of youth culture, advocating learning culture, to create cultural norms of network culture, moving, leading the fashion culture, promoting
the construction of youth culture flourish. Improve the Communist Youth League in full The cultural cohesion and attraction of the majority of
young people, and strive to provide healthy cultural orientation and innovative spirit of the harmonious society construction, and constantly create a new
situation in the construction of youth culture.(two) the integration of youth culture brand. Prominent people, participation and interaction, extensive mobilization of youth
participation in campus culture, enterprise culture, rural culture, community culture, organ culture, military culture, clean culture and network culture construction, to create
a "Red Tour", "Campus Spring", "youth advocate cheap", "Rural Culture Festival", "Community Cultural Festival", "Golden Spring", "youth Reading Festival" XX youth culture
brand, to further strengthen the youth culture in the majority of young people in the action of radiation and influence. Through the
combination of plane and TV, Internet and other media, to carry out the "XX youth humanistic spirit" discussion, XX promote youth humanities
spirit construction, and for the "XX service activities to create a humanistic spirit" construction. Through the implementation of the "youth culture square",
promote the development and prosperity of grassroots youth culture. By holding the "moved 2006" youth network message culture activities, focus on the
"moving" theme, continue to Internet and mobile phone text messaging platform. A story released by the discovery and exchange of experience, move,
move selection of characters, advocating truth and other activities, carry out juvenile popular Internet moral education, efforts in youth Festivals to create
moved culture.(three) to cultivate cultural products and cultural activities in the Communist Youth League. Typical "five projects" as a leader, has introduced
the characteristics of the times and features of youth books, songs, movies, Internet cultural products such as cultural products. Photography, painting, video
and other essays, art forms, and strive to mobilize the community to create a number of "youth theme, XX made cultural works.
The cultivation and selection of young launched a number of cultural celebrities, newcomers and demonstration groups, in recognition of advanced collectives have
sprung up in the youth culture in action and individual, to increase promotional efforts. To establish and perfect the cultural selection of
outstanding young talent training mechanism to promote outstanding youth Cultural talent stands out.(four) the whole publicity and advancing the field of youth
culture. With the convening of the meeting, organized by "social harmony, cultural prosperity, Youth Action" as the main line of the youth
culture series showcase activities.Four, highlight the "scientific, institutionalized and brand" construction, and vigorously promote the youth volunteer action(a) to create voluntary service
projects. Continue to deepen the volunteer service projects, play a leading role model, key projects to build brands, expand the influence of
college students in XX city. Deepen the volunteer service plan. Do a good job in 2004 for two years, 2005 year student
volunteers rise, employment and other work, do a good job in 2006 the college volunteer service in the western region the recruitment,
training, appointment, management, service and other work. According to "11th Five-Year" during the western development planning and XX economic and social development
plan, the implementation of the central "on the guide and encourage college graduates to grass-roots employment opinions spirit, earnestly. Education, medical support,
agriculture, science and education and other special operations mobilization of college graduates to the grassroots level, to the national key construction of
frontline service and entrepreneurship. Do graduate teaching mission. To further improve the poverty alleviation relay plan graduate teaching mission volunteer management, guidance
and services. The integration of social forces, the timely start of cultural propaganda, medical services and other projects, working to increase youth
participation in poverty alleviation efforts. Volunteers relay perfect youth volunteer City welfare plan. In March 5th Lei Feng memorial day, December 5th
International Volunteer Day, new year"s day, Spring Festival and other major festivals, anniversary as an opportunity to organize and mobilize the youth
volunteers Those who are willing to carry out centralized volunteer service activities, and for the disadvantaged groups especially difficult for young people,
poor students and migrant youth groups such as warmth, love and youth volunteers. The city civilization plan. The integration of resources, innovation,
highlight the highlights, in conjunction with the relevant departments to vigorously carry out the "mother river protection", "hematopoietic stem cell donation", "blood
donation", "drug", "AIDS prevention", "disabled", "respecting" volunteer activities and other public activities, so that more young people feel noble, noble identity, and
actively participate in the youth volunteer service plan. Do the bright city. To improve the volunteer service of large events, conferences ,
the mechanism of large-scale activities, to create a platform for XX city image and city spirit through volunteers.Plan: to promote the development
of voluntary service. The community to actively promote the "one for one" volunteer community service, volunteer students, post training, community youth volunteer
service station to create work, enrich service projects, innovation form, perfect service system, to improve and perfect the registration system as the
core, and consider volunteer registration, recruitment, management and service work, play the role of volunteer service in the building of a harmonious
community.(two) establish the mechanism and innovation of volunteer work. Adhere to the "government support, the contractor, project management, social operation, innovative work
methods and means of work, improve the mechanism in innovation, seek greater development in innovation. Expand the volunteer group fabric covering domain,
integration of social forces, the establishment of industry, specialization, diversification, characteristic of volunteer service team; specification of youth volunteer registration, recruitment, management
and service in all aspects, to establish a" volunteer pool "; the establishment of the city"s volunteer service station network, improve the
timeliness of volunteer service for the exchange of information, timely open society strengthen the ideological and political education of youth(a) armed with
youth science theory. Unremittingly with Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" armed members of youth education, to promote
the study and implement to expand the depth and breadth. To study and implement the important thought of "Three Represents" with the
establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine with the implementation of the requirements of constructing socialist harmonious society with Scientific
Outlook on Development, carry out education as an important part of the theory of armed youth in the new period, strengthen the
establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development education, educate and guide the youth to fully understand the great significance of establishment
and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development, in-depth understanding of the Scientific Outlook on Development era back The king, the practice foundation,
basic connotation, historical status, spirit and practice requirements, a profound understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development with Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought,
inheriting and developing relationship between Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", to help young people establish and consciously
practice Scientific Outlook on Development. Persist in learning, grasping the backbone, grasp the practice, grasp the opportunity. Catch club, effective way to
grasp the network, with the group of cadres, young students and young backbone fronts as the focus, to promote the work of
the armed youth theory to develop in depth, to help the youth continue to firm ideals and beliefs, to build a powerful
spiritual pillar. To carry out the study and implementation of the party"s sixteen session of the five Eight plenary session of the
two plenary session of the Central Committee and the party spirit, to the city"s Youth League members thinking into the spirit of
the meeting, to achieve the goal of national consciousness and XX economic and social development in 11th Five-Year "period. Contribute to help
and guide the youth to a profound understanding of the significance and main task of building a socialist harmonious society, actively join
the construction of socialist harmonious society.(two) to strengthen the ideological and moral construction of teenagers. Thoroughly implement the central spirit of the
document No. 8, No. 16 and "the program for Improving Civic Morality" to minors and students as focus groups, to strengthen and
improve the ideological and moral construction of minors and the ideological and political education of college students. Make full use of the
spirit and the spirit of the Three Gorges migrants Hongyan XX unique the use of educational resources, school, into the team, the
league, to join the party, adult occasions, extensive "Hongyan spirit generation" theme education activities. Use of holidays and leisure time, youth organizations
"three rural areas", "four communities", "four" and moral practice, guide the youth Youth to enhance national pride, self-esteem and self-confidence, to establish
the trend of the times and adapt to the trend of thinking, value orientation and behavior.(three) innovative ways and means of ideological
education. Grasp the new trend of the development of the times, the new hot new features and social ideological status of young
people, to further explore the methods of ideological education using modern technology and communication mode of education make lively and vivid, fully
embodies the "close to reality, close to life, close to the young" principle through the cultivation and selection. "Hongyan demonstration group", "good
boy," Hongyan Hongyan "Youth" and other forms of more scientific use of advanced typical influence and promote youth, and strive to create
advocating advanced, learning advanced, striving to advance a good atmosphere.Two, in order to "forge ahead with the motherland, and XX with the
development" as its theme, guide the youth to build a common ideological basis for the construction of a socialist harmonious society(a) grasp
the theme of the purpose of the activity. The "go ahead with the motherland in the youth, and XX with the development
of theme educational activities. Vigorously promote patriotism as the core of the national spirit and reform and innovation as the core spirit
of the times, the combination of youth with common ideals and beliefs, with great achievements in socialist modernization the motivation of youth,
the youth to enhance self-confidence, sense of mission and responsibility to educate and guide the youth to personal pursuit into the common
pursuit of all people, their personal struggle into the great practice of building socialism China characteristics, further firmly follow the party China
characteristics The confidence and determination of the socialist road, and build the common ideological foundation of the young people to build a
socialist harmonious society.(two) rich theme activities. By carrying out the "two generation" dialogue ", in my eyes, the charm of XX" situation
and policy through activities such as lectures, report, seminars, theatrical performances, mass cultural activities, to help young people understand China"s reform and
opening up the extraordinary journey and brilliant achievements achieved fruitful results, to understand the city"s economic and social development since the new
XX, so that young people understand, love the new XX, and then to the construction of the new XX, a firm with
the party on the road to socialism with China characteristics of faith; make full use of the "54", "61", "National Day" and
the commemoration of the 85 anniversary of the founding of the red In the 70 anniversary of the victory of the long
march and other major activities, the favorable opportunity of major events and major festivals, to carry out educational activities, promote the theme
education activities continue to create momentum, the rise of high tide, popular. Further study, promotion of Scientific Outlook on Development, to carry
out a wide range of situation and policy education, the development prospect of the future of the motherland and XX, guiding the
youth to continue enhance the sense of mission and responsibility, in the implementation of the "11th Five-Year" planning and building a well-off
society in the historical process of contributions. Be enthusiastic and press on.Three, to lead the trend of youth service, cultural city youth
culture is taking action, and promote new progress in the construction of youth culture(a) to strengthen the guiding role of youth culture.
Strengthening the socialist ideological and moral construction, ushered in the era of culture, through in-depth implementation of youth culture, help young people
to firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values and ideals and beliefs. The courage to innovation, guide the youth
to carry forward the fine tradition of pioneering "based on the actual reform, opening up and modernization construction, and constantly promote cultural
innovation, according to the demand and development of youth culture, advocating learning culture, to create cultural norms of network culture, moving, leading
the fashion culture, promoting the construction of youth culture flourish. Improve the Communist Youth League in full The cultural cohesion and attraction
of the majority of young people, and strive to provide healthy cultural orientation and innovative spirit of the harmonious society construction, and
constantly create a new situation in the construction of youth culture.(two) the integration of youth culture brand. Prominent people, participation and interaction,
extensive mobilization of youth participation in campus culture, enterprise culture, rural culture, community culture, organ culture, military culture, clean culture and network
culture construction, to create a "Red Tour", "Campus Spring", "youth advocate cheap", "Rural Culture Festival", "Community Cultural Festival", "Golden Spring", "youth Reading
Festival" XX youth culture brand, to further strengthen the youth culture in the majority of young people in the action of radiation
and influence. Through the combination of plane and TV, Internet and other media, to carry out the "XX youth humanistic spirit" discussion,
XX promote youth humanities spirit construction, and for the "XX service activities to create a humanistic spirit" construction. Through the implementation of
the "youth culture square", promote the development and prosperity of grassroots youth culture. By holding the "moved 2006" youth network message culture
activities, focus on the "moving" theme, continue to Internet and mobile phone text messaging platform. A story released by the discovery and
exchange of experience, move, move selection of characters, advocating truth and other activities, carry out juvenile popular Internet moral education, efforts in
youth Festivals to create moved culture.(three) to cultivate cultural products and cultural activities in the Communist Youth League. Typical "five projects" as
a leader, has introduced the characteristics of the times and features of youth books, songs, movies, Internet cultural products such as cultural
products. Photography, painting, video and other essays, art forms, and strive to mobilize the community to create a number of "youth theme,
XX made cultural works. The cultivation and selection of young launched a number of cultural celebrities, newcomers and demonstration groups, in recognition
of advanced collectives have sprung up in the youth culture in action and individual, to increase promotional efforts. To establish and perfect
the cultural selection of outstanding young talent training mechanism to promote outstanding youth Cultural talent stands out.(four) the whole publicity and advancing
the field of youth culture. With the convening of the meeting, organized by "social harmony, cultural prosperity, Youth Action" as the main
line of the youth culture series showcase activities.Four, highlight the "scientific, institutionalized and brand" construction, and vigorously promote the youth volunteer action(a)
to create voluntary service projects. Continue to deepen the volunteer service projects, play a leading role model, key projects to build brands,
expand the influence of college students in XX city. Deepen the volunteer service plan. Do a good job in 2004 for two
years, 2005 year student volunteers rise, employment and other work, do a good job in 2006 the college volunteer service in the
western region the recruitment, training, appointment, management, service and other work. According to "11th Five-Year" during the western development planning and XX
economic and social development plan, the implementation of the central "on the guide and encourage college graduates to grass-roots employment opinions spirit,
earnestly. Education, medical support, agriculture, science and education and other special operations mobilization of college graduates to the grassroots level, to the
national key construction of frontline service and entrepreneurship. Do graduate teaching mission. To further improve the poverty alleviation relay plan graduate teaching
mission volunteer management, guidance and services. The integration of social forces, the timely start of cultural propaganda, medical services and other projects,
working to increase youth participation in poverty alleviation efforts. Volunteers relay perfect youth volunteer City welfare plan. In March 5th Lei Feng
memorial day, December 5th International Volunteer Day, new year"s day, Spring Festival and other major festivals, anniversary as an opportunity to organize
and mobilize the youth volunteers Those who are willing to carry out centralized volunteer service activities, and for the disadvantaged groups especially
difficult for young people, poor students and migrant youth groups such as warmth, love and youth volunteers. The city civilization plan. The
integration of resources, innovation, highlight the highlights, in conjunction with the relevant departments to vigorously carry out the "mother river protection", "hematopoietic
stem cell donation", &q